CSI Level Three
I can imagine the scene with Cal/H/Alexx, Alexx coming up to Horatio and Calleigh and telling them both at the same time that Eric has left his medical decisions up to Calleigh. I want so bad to see Horatio's face when she tells them. FOR ONCE how about a suprised H?? Then Calleigh freaking out a little then going into Eric's room and talking to him and holding his hand....![]()
Oh and definitely a wake up scene....
And Alexx saying something indicating she KNOWS...)
I need pictures of this episode. A little more hints of the episode.... It'd be nice. Anyone have any idea where I can get those????
You won't be getting pics for a while. This ep doesn't begin filming until the 20th and even then it takes quite a while before the promo pics are put up. They usually show up about, considering this is the premiere, maybe 3 to 4 weeks before the ep is set to air. Don't hold me to that though....I am only guessing based on the release of past promo pics.
As for Cal being the one to have to make the decision regarding Eric and his surgery.....H and Alexx, imo, are sooo going to put 2 and 2 together. From reading the spoilers, Cal's reaction to the situation is pretty strong. She isn't sure what to do b/c, as she pretty much says to Alexx "you are talking about brain surgery." Alexx tells her that it isn't w/o risks but a decision needs to be made. H tells Alexx to give her time to make the decision and Alexx says there isn't any b/c the fragment is contributing to the swelling and they may not get another chance to remove it. So obviously it has shifted in whatever trauma he gets to his head. Which lends to the notion that some had after the finale that he hits and head and simply stumbles away b/c the fragment has shifted and he is disoriented.
Cal is hesitant to do the surgery and even asks H what she should do and he tells her what Eric would want her to do. His answer doesn't help her much and she seems to become disconnected from the moment and then we flashback to 1997.
Based H's statement about her knowing what Eric would want her to do, her emotional reactions in the scene, and just the fact that she has medical proxy tell me that H and Alexx would have to be blind NOT to at least suspect something. I have had the feeling that H has always known...he just always seems to know everything so I wou;dn't be surprised if he did know.
I just hope that this aspect of the ep remains unchanged. Ya know that they don't rewrite it and decide to give H medical proxy.....I think it would totaly lose someting if the decision were left up to him. Giving Cal the medical proxy shows the depth of Eric's feelings for her and his trust in her.
Cal is hesitant to do the surgery and even asks H what she should do and he tells her what Eric would want her to do. His answer doesn't help her much and she seems to become disconnected from the moment and then we flashback to 1997.
Based H's statement about her knowing what Eric would want her to do, her emotional reactions in the scene, and just the fact that she has medical proxy tell me that H and Alexx would have to be blind NOT to at least suspect something. I have had the feeling that H has always known...he just always seems to know everything so I wou;dn't be surprised if he did know.
I just hope that this aspect of the ep remains unchanged. Ya know that they don't rewrite it and decide to give H medical proxy.....I think it would totaly lose someting if the decision were left up to him. Giving Cal the medical proxy shows the depth of Eric's feelings for her and his trust in her.
I just really hope that b/c of the fragment shifting and subsequently being removed that Eric doesn't wake up wondering who everyone around him, especially Cal is!! Not only would amnesia piss me off to no would be the biggest f*ck'n cliche of any and every cliche known to man. I mean c'mon, really? It would be such a cop out and totally retarded imo. How many times can they go around in this particular circle?
It would, even though I am a huge E/C shipper, be even worse of Cal is pregnant (as Emily wants to be) and Eric has no recollection of them being together....Now THAT would be the icing and cherry on top of a huge cliche cake imo. I personally think the writers can do better and should do better. They purposelly waited this long to get E/C together, they should definately take the time and effort to treat it right. Not run it over with a cliche train!
It would, even though I am a huge E/C shipper, be even worse of Cal is pregnant (as Emily wants to be) and Eric has no recollection of them being together....Now THAT would be the icing and cherry on top of a huge cliche cake imo. I personally think the writers can do better and should do better. They purposelly waited this long to get E/C together, they should definately take the time and effort to treat it right. Not run it over with a cliche train!
Side Note: Remember that spoilers are ALWAYS subject to change and they often do.
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