Lab Technician
Wouldn't intentionally post anything falsified; this was strictly meant for informational purposes. This spoiler did strike me as odd, but wanted to see eveyone's views on it. :shifty: I am glad to see we are some die-hard Calleigh and Eric fans and will continue to support this ship, even if they throw a fork in the road :thumbsup:
. I do, however, feel that Ryan will be the first to see this intimate moment between them.
As far as Calleigh being pregnant, it would definitely be too soon. I think they need to get over this hump first and that would be too excessive. It would be great to see this down the line, but as for right now, they need to mend the wounds and have some make-up time. Their bond is special and strong, but IMO needs to be a little bit more developed to go down that road. Danny and Lindsay were an odd case - character wise and situation wise, extremely far from Calleigh and Eric's relationship.
I agree, I hope we do get this too. I think their sweet moments, where they've come up to this point makes us believe that they are unbreakable. I really would like someone like Valera or even Travers to walk in on a moment. :guffaw:I could only imagine the look on Valera's facetexmex327
I really do hope that we get more sweet moments between them next season. The one in Dead on Arrival is one of my favorites. When she brought him his coffee it was so cute. The look he gave her spoke volumes about how crazy in love he is with her. I look forward to seeing stolen glances and maybe even stolen kisses between them at the lab. I am still hoping that someone *cough* Valera *cough* walks in on them sharing a moment.
As much as I would love to see a pregnant Calleigh, it would have to wait until they are further into their relationship. IMO, its too soon for them to have kids. We know that Eric can see himself marrying Calleigh and hopefully she can see herself marrying him too. I don't want them to go the route that CSI: NY did with Danny & Lindsay. Although Eric & Calleigh are a much more stable relationship than D/L, I want them to enjoy their relationship before they have children, even though those would be some adorable kids.
As far as Calleigh being pregnant, it would definitely be too soon. I think they need to get over this hump first and that would be too excessive. It would be great to see this down the line, but as for right now, they need to mend the wounds and have some make-up time. Their bond is special and strong, but IMO needs to be a little bit more developed to go down that road. Danny and Lindsay were an odd case - character wise and situation wise, extremely far from Calleigh and Eric's relationship.