I am 'ok' with Eric being injured. I personally think they do it a little too much. It makes it look like the only way they can get Adam a storyline or in the forefront is to injure him. And for the fact that now it is getting a little old. I hate to say it, but it is. It is also very cliched on some levels.
I honestly don't know if Cal is going to be the one to injure him. I wouldn't be surprised b/c something like that is right up this shows alley. I think Cal's torment throughout the ep will be the not knowing whether she did hit him or not. Again, her shooting him, even accidentally, imo is also cliched...but that is what this show is known for

Also it seems a little predictable that they show us her aksing if she hit him in promo and it coming it true. They went out of their way to tell and show us that ALL the evidence leads to her shooting him....anyone else feel like they are pushing that just a little too much??
I just keep going back to why does she ask Sharova if it is Eric's blood or if she hit him if he supposed to be with his father? The way she asks him the question is the way someone asks a follow up question to a "where is he or why isn't he here?" type of question. Which would then make her line of questioning make sense imo....he answers it is not his blood and she asks if it is Eric's and H wants to know where he is. Now, if the "near miss" is her missing him with the bullets, Sharova would answer in this situation that it IS Eric's blood...to which she asks did I hit him? Then of course you again get H asking where Eric is. Cal asking someone as she comes running up if she hit Eric wouldn't, imo come out in quite the same tone as it does in the promo...it definately says to me that is asking some specfically if she hit him not just running up on the scene and asking the nearest person who is near him if she hit him....get what I mean?
I could totally be wrong and am the first to admit that nothing with this show can be figured out logically half the time but it just seems that if you watch the promo, logically it seems to work that way. Also, in the promo where H is pulling Sharova out of the car, the driver's side door is open but there is no one there....we don't see Eric at all. and if Eric were there Cal would be running to him and not Sharova
I also don't think they will be outed. I DO think Ryan will get confirmation the "feeling" he has about them...he may not outright ask but Cal's demeanor will soo confirm his suspcions. As for someone saying it outloud...I think that will be reserved for early next season. If Eric is missing, then possibly in the premiere or one of the eps that quickly follow b/c of the emotional strain the finale will put on them, it might be said outloud and their secret will be out. There is too much going on in the finale for it to happen. Whether it be matter of factly or thought out...imo there is just too much happening...we would get dizzy just trying to keep up with everything!! :lol: