Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

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  • We're In This Together Now

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theres just a little bit more in that promo that we couldnt see in the original or extended previews.. im still reallyyy unsure of what is going to happen though.. you can see a bit more of calleigh and eric i think in this video but if it goes in the right sequence of the show then it doesnt say what happens with them in the end..

as someone else said i wish this was a two hour finale like lots of other shows are getting.. i really dont get how they are going to fit SO much into a single one hour episode :confused:

theres just a little bit more in that promo that we couldnt see in the original or extended previews.. im still reallyyy unsure of what is going to happen though.. you can see a bit more of calleigh and eric i think in this video but if it goes in the right sequence of the show then it doesnt say what happens with them in the end..

as someone else said i wish this was a two hour finale like lots of other shows are getting.. i really dont get how they are going to fit SO much into a single one hour episode :confused:

Oh great! Another video for me to stress over :guffaw: Thanks for posting csimiamilove :thumbsup:

This looks so crazy!! Calleigh looks really upset when shes walking outside the lab. It looks like she's walking towards Eric and I guess that's the scene she pleads with him. Also, the scene when Ryan is looking for evidence while kneeling on the ground may have to do with Eric... Everyone looks so full of desperation, anger, and maybe fear in this promo. This is making me nervous :(

Thanks, texmex327! Don't they look so happy in these?? The signature pic is my favorite because its a playful side of Calleigh that I haven't seen in a long time. She's definitely hooked. :adore:
Thanks, texmex327! Don't they look so happy in these?? The signature pic is my favorite because its a playful side of Calleigh that I haven't seen in a long time. She's definitely hooked. :adore:

I can stare at him all day too! :lol: How could she not be hooked, he is just :drool::drool:

I've watched the shout promo a couple of times already and have come to this conclusion...Calleigh is really, really going to be mad at Eric but she loves him so she will forgive him, but probably not before she threatens him with bodily harm if he ever does that to her again. :lol: I really hope that the scene where Calleigh is walking is at the end of the episode and she is walking towards Eric after talking to H or Frank or Ryan or Natalia. I don't want the season to end with Calleigh and Eric being on bad terms. They have been through way too much for it to end like that. They are destined for each other, what to these people not understand about that :scream::lol:
Man, this finale looks like it is going to be awesome!! :D Like, someone else said, I wish this finale was 2 hours long like many other shows are doing....but what can ya do right?

Those promos, all of them, were intense but I have a question:

Ok I have watched both promos and come to some conclusions with some questions.

After watching the CTV promo and seeing the part where Cal asks Sharova if the blood is Eric's or if she hit him...I am left wondering;

wouldn't Cal know if she hit Eric when they pull Sharova out of the car that he and Eric were in?? I mean he would be right there right?

Unless, Eric is NOT in the car and the cliffhanger of the season is us not knowing where Eric is or if he is indeed hurt. That could be why Cal is walking away from the scene upset. No one knows where he is. Maybe the other Russians involved have him? Because if Eric were hurt she would be all over him, not walking away. If you watch the CTV promo closely where she is walking away you will see two cops in the background with someone in a suit walking between them....but after looking as closely as I can, that third person looks like Frank. Someone else take a look and give an opinion.

I wouldn't say she is crying b/c imo she cried more in Wrecking Crew. No doubt she is upset, but she is obviously trying to hold back the tears, is what I am trying to say. She is on the verge of crying and doing a piss poor job of avoiding it imo. ;) Then again, who wouldn't if the man you love is either injured, missing or both?

Another possibility is that at the end of the ep, Eric gets arrested for helping his dad!! But that is not very cliffhangery!

But in all honesty I think if we are going to have a cliffhanger where we are wondering if someone is going to die or not, I think it going to be Eric off somewhere hurt and the team has to find him in time. Possibly before the credits role we will see Eric lying injured somewhere waiting for someone to find him. And of course the premiere is the team on the hunt to find him.
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Thank you for these cute pictures hiphugger17, it helped to chear me up a bit.:thumbsup:

Thanks hiphugger17 for the pics and the compliment:thumbsup:

You're welcome gals :). Since we've been getting kind of anxious and in my case downright depressed as how this is turning out I thought we could use a little pick me up :).

With the new info we've been getting I'm jumping right in the wagon with those who believe Eric will go missing. Something happens between Cal shooting at the car and H and her finding Sharova which makes him MIA. This is why I think she is crying in that promo we have from CTV.

Is it too much to wish for that Eric is actually found in this episode and that he and Cal patch things up before the credits roll? Yeah I thought so :shifty:.

Welcome MomentarySetbac :)!!!
delkolover said:
Man, this finale looks like it is going to be awesome!! :D Like, someone else said, I wish this finale was 2 hours long like many other shows are doing....but what can ya do right?
My thought exactly. Why can't we have 2 hours season finale:confused:? Maybe the producers should consider it and surprise us with next season finale;).
Because 2 hours means more possible E/C scene:).

Anyway though I rather don't like the idea with Eric being missing I guess it's better then Eric getting hurt once again, especially if Calleigh would be the one who hurt him. Still it will be a sheer torture if they are going to leave us wondering the whole summer where he is and if he's ok:(.
And I have to say it again that I'm a bit disappointed with the finale, because I was truly hoping this time it won't involve Calleigh and Eric since their relationship is so fresh and happy. I just thought they will give some screen time for the other team members. But maybe I'm wrong and it only looks that way in the promos and it actually won't be so bad in the episode.
All I want to say is that I really, REALLY don't want a cliffhanger for the end of this season. Sure, I love the action scenes, but I want to know my Calleigh and Eric stay together, even if they've hit a rough patch. I don't want anybody to go missing. Well...actually, I wouldn't mind if the OTHER characters went missing, but not gone forever, since that would give them a good plot. And then E/C can go back to being happy together. That's all I want. They've both been through enough already, let's give them a break. ;)
Hey guys here's the link to the behind the scenes for Mondays episode courtesy of Adam's yahoo group :

I unfortunately can't watch it now because I'm on my blackberry that doesn't allow me to access CBS youtube videos. You guys watch and comment and i'll comment later.

Hope there's lots of Calleigh and Eric goodness to make us feel a little secure about where their relationship is going. I hope things work out for the two because all this worry is turning my insides to jello. They NEED to stay together!!
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Hey guys here's the link to the behind the scenes for Mondays episode courtesy of Adam's yahoo group : com/watch? v=4uhrmNvKb04
I unfortunately can't watch it now because I'm on my blackberry that doesn't allow me to access CBS youtube videos. You guys watch and comment and i'll comment later.

Hope there's lots of Calleigh and Eric goodness to make us feel a little secure about where their relationship is going. I hope things work out for the two because all this worry is turning my insides to jello. They NEED to stay together!!

Your not going to want to hear this:

Adam said that he (Eric) is badly injured! :scream::scream: No not again. :scream::scream: Please, please, please tell me that Calleigh doesn't shoot him by mistake. I can't handle that again. First Angell on CSI: NY and now Eric....grrrrrrrr...this is going to be a very, very long summer.

Why do they have to do this to us. Eric and Calleigh belong together. Calleigh won't be able to live with herself if she thinks that she hurt Eric. Is it Monday yet?
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I didn't hear Adam saying he got injured, but I did hear him say he gets on the scene to rescue his father..and the stunt coordinator slipped and said there's a "near miss". I guess Eric is going to rescue his father because the mob is now against him for helping Eric and learning he was an agent, like someone here said before. The near miss could mean that Calleigh didn't shoot him?? (Yays for Calleigh if that's true!) I don't know, but if she didn't shoot him, I wonder if he does go missing??
Its Friday so just two more days...:rolleyes:
Your not going to want to hear this:

Adam said that he (Eric) is badly injured! :scream::scream: No not again. :scream::scream: Please, please, please tell me that Calleigh doesn't shoot him by mistake. I can't handle that again. First Angell on CSI: NY and now Eric....grrrrrrrr...this is going to be a very, very long summer.

Why do they have to do this to us. Eric and Calleigh belong together. Calleigh won't be able to live with herself if she thinks that she hurt Eric. Is it Monday yet?
Whoa, hey, I didn't hear anything like that in the video!!

Don't scare me like that!

I heard that there's a "near miss" so that actually gives me hope, hope that Calleigh shoots at Eric but DOESN'T hit him. If she hit him, even if she had every reason to assume that the person fleeing in the car was a criminal, she would never forgive herself.
The link to that video definitely isn't working for me..

Okay, so after the Bones and CSI: NY season finales.. I seriously do not think I can handle another cliffhanger. The promos that we have are pretty damn intense.. and Eric focused. So if there is a cliffhanger, I think it'll be focused on him. Because from the looks of the first promo that was released, it seems as though Horatio kills Ivan Sarnoff.. so problem solved with that Russian mob stuff, right? Maybe, I don't know.

I still think that Eric will be injured even if it's not by Calleigh. We still don't know who's blood it is on Sharova. I don't want Eric to get hurt and I most definitely do not want it to be by Calleigh. They have both been through so much and I really don't think Calleigh would ever be able to get over it if she hurt Eric like that.

I'm just hoping the finale will end with some sort of closure, even if it does end badly for Eric and Calleigh (which is the last thing that I want) at least we know what will happen. But at this point a cliffhanger seems inevitable, doesn't it?

Thank goodness it's the weekend.. Monday is only a couple days away.:)
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The link to that video definitely isn't working for me..

Okay, so after the Bones and CSI: NY season finales.. I seriously do not think I can handle another cliffhanger. The promos that we have are pretty damn intense.. and Eric focused. So if there is a cliffhanger, I think it'll be focused on him. Because from the looks of the first promo that was released, it seems as though Horatio kills Ivan Sarnoff.. so problem solved with that Russian mob stuff, right? Maybe, I don't know.

I still think that Eric will be injured even if it's not by Calleigh. We still don't know who's blood it is Sharova. I don't want him to get hurt and I definitely don't want it to be by Calleigh. They've both been through so much and I don't think Calleigh would ever be able to get over it if she hurt Eric like that.

I'm just hoping the finale will end with some sort of closure, even if it does end badly for Eric and Calleigh (which is the last thing that I want) at least we know what will happen. But at this point a cliffhanger seems inevitable, doesn't it?

Thank goodness it's the weekend.. Monday is only a couple days away.:)

OMG i am so with you on the cliffhanger thing. i was watching Bones, CSI NY, and Grey's Anatomy, and they all ended with cliffhanger. I will be really upset if this season's finale will be a cliffhanger, cause we got one last year and i will totally be freaking out the entire summer again.
I've watched the Behind the Scenes video three times now and he definitely says, "I get badly injured." It's at the :30 mark or so.

So I think the episode will definitely end up as a cliffhanger with him injured and/or missing. Calleigh must know he's in danger or she wouldn't be so upset in the previews.

I can tell this episode is going to be simultaneously awesome and annoying. But that's usually the case with CSI: Miami. And that's why I love it so. :guffaw:
Okie dokie, I finally got that video to work for me..
Yeah.. Adam Rodriguez definitely said he, Eric, gets injured badly. I'm not liking the way this finale seems to be going. But it does give me comfort that it was said there's a near miss involved. So I don't think it'll be Calleigh that he's badly injured by, thank goodness. Shooting your boyfriend just isn't good for a relationship.. whether she thought it was a criminal, and not Eric, at the time or not.
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