Ok I have watched both promos and come to some conclusions with some questions.
After watching the CTV promo and seeing the part where Cal asks Sharova if the blood is Eric's or if she hit him...I am left wondering;
wouldn't Cal know if she hit Eric when they pull Sharova out of the car that he and Eric were in?? I mean he would be right there right?
Unless, Eric is NOT in the car and the cliffhanger of the season is us not knowing where Eric is or if he is indeed hurt. That could be why Cal is walking away from the scene upset. No one knows where he is. Maybe the other Russians involved have him? Because if Eric were hurt she would be all over him, not walking away. If you watch the CTV promo closely where she is walking away you will see two cops in the background with someone in a suit walking between them....but after looking as closely as I can, that third person looks like Frank. Someone else take a look and give an opinion.
I wouldn't say she is crying b/c imo she cried more in Wrecking Crew. No doubt she is upset, but she is obviously trying to hold back the tears, is what I am trying to say. She is on the verge of crying and doing a piss poor job of avoiding it imo.

Then again, who wouldn't if the man you love is either injured, missing or both?
Another possibility is that at the end of the ep, Eric gets arrested for helping his dad!! But that is not very cliffhangery!
But in all honesty I think if we are going to have a cliffhanger where we are wondering if someone is going to die or not, I think it going to be Eric off somewhere hurt and the team has to find him in time. Possibly before the credits role we will see Eric lying injured somewhere waiting for someone to find him. And of course the premiere is the team on the hunt to find him.