Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

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I have watched the shower and the ending like 100 times and I think the girl spoke russian specifically for Eric ( I mean I think the message was to him)...I know there is probably going to be more Russian storylines in the future so I was wondering if we'll get to see Eric speak more Russian in the future because he makes it sound so sexy....anyways I can not wait for the new episode or any news about the 7.21 ...

P.S. I know, I am pretty new to this board but I had lost my mom and my heart goes out to you delkolover I will keep you in my prayers.
I'm not sure she new he spoke Russian, but maybe. I thought that she thought she was able to give herself away by using the language but he caught onto it. I loved the part. Did you see when Cal kinda rolled her eyes when she couldnt understand? hehe, funny.
I'm not sure she new he spoke Russian, but maybe. I thought that she thought she was able to give herself away by using the language but he caught onto it. I loved the part. Did you see when Cal kinda rolled her eyes when she couldnt understand? hehe, funny.

Yeah I saw Calleigh's reaction..but she knows Eric got it...but I think the girl knew he was Russian when he said "kiss the ring" that's when she knew...I mean she might have known prior but if she did not ...she knew then...look the way she looks at him when he said that Eric and girl had an understanding with that phrase.....and she address him lot after he said that and when she speaks Russian she is staring dead at I really think the message was intended for him....but I could be wrong:)
I think I am the only one but I liked the ending scene in "Born to kill".I hated to see Eric hurt but at the same time I was convinced that E/C would be together... eventually.

The uneasy moments for me are those like when she asked about Speed credit card and he shut up.Moments like that ,I felt their bond was let loose.

I think one thread is enough .Honestly we are a happy group that have tons fo fun together.I prefer to stick here and not let anyone rain on my parade.

Delkolover,you are also on my prayers.I love reading your spoilers but take all the time you need.
Hey everyone...I am just stopping in real quick to say hey b/c some of you have pm'ed me asking and wondering where I have been and I thought it was only right, so everyone wouldn't worry about me, to let you all know that on Saturday morning my mother passed away after being ill for some time.

I will be around as often as possible and there will be spoilers coming out for the finale any day now and even during my grief I need an escape and this show and this board has been it so those will be posted when I get the chance.

I did see the ep on Monday and I was like :eek::eek:. They seem to like to show Eric taking a shower alot!! :lol:

Also, in those pics posted above of him getting out of bed...did anyone else think that maybe he didn't have any clothes on at all? :devil: Cuz it sure looked that way to me ;)

When they were showing him in the shower, I just kept waiting and hoping that Cal would open the door and join him, but hey can't have it all right? :lol:

And they were sooo at Cal's place b/c there is no way I can picture Eric to have white sheets and that girlly of an alarm clock!! Also, Cal has a HUGE shower and a really nice bathroom....I wouldn't mind a bathroom that big!

And yeah if 15 seconds in the opening promo is them taking over the show, then it rains cats and dogs, pigs fly and cows don't give milk, they give orange juice!! ;)

, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, my deepest condolences to you and your family. I know this is a real difficult and painful time right now, I can sympathize with what you're going thru, I lost my mom over 2 years ago to terminal illness (I was her caregiver). I hope time will help you heal. Glad you can find a distraction here, you've got the E/C community support for sure.

So I don't get in trouble with the mods for not posting mininum on-topic E/C lines....

Marija_Magdalena, love those pics of Eric getting out of bed, seems more yummy in a capture b/c i can just stare at it! :drool:....I too notice his clothes sitting by the bed, love it when they pay attention to the details. I think someone else mentioned Cal's white kitty bedside lamp, it's actually a Chinese Lion, I have a pair of statues (female and male) but it's a larger and coloured (emerald green with golden highlights), not a lamp though.

Thoughout the years, Calleigh and Eric built a friendship and now a relationship on based trust, respect, and understanding. Some experiences that led to this were good..and some were not so good. From season 1, onward, what was your your most memorable "tense or uneasy" E/C moment? What was your opinion on how they handled the scenario in able to move past it?
ooooohhh good question!!

A few moments pop to mind:

1) Like you mentioned the Born to Kill final scene. That was just heartwrenching :(. There was so much hurt in the way he looked at her and so much guilt in Cal's eyes. The song was great, I actually bought it on iTunes later. There was really not much either could do at the moment. Eric was not going to go after her to beg or to demand an explanation and Calleigh had not much she could say either since he had never really expressed his feelings to her. It was done, he was hurt, they both knew it, and they had to go on.

2) The scene in Deep Freeze after Eric told Stetler about Jake and Cal. Cal was pretty pissed and I felt so sorry for Eric. I like that he was really honest when he said that he didn't like the situation with Jake but that he would never rat her out. The scene was really tense and they didn't really resolve the issue right then which made it even more tense. I loved that even though Cal was mad she didn't snap at him like she has done on other occasions with other people.

3) The scene in BBYD when they were in the lab and the guy brought the pics Cal had asked him to take. Cal asked Eric what was going on with him cause he looked like he had seen a ghost in those pics and he said it was nothing. Then she said "c'mon Eric it's me" and he still didn't say anything. I really thought he would tell her and I felt so bad for Cal cause she looked really hurt that he didn't. At the same time I always thought that the reason he didn't tell her was because he was still pissed and hurt that she had decided to be with Jake. Still it was kind of an angsty moment.

4) Another scene in BBYD that was kind of tense was the one in the Hummer when they found Speed's credit card. She told him he had been acting weird all day and he wouldn't response as to why. She asked if it had to do with her and Jake and I was so glad that the big elephant in the room was finally acknowledged. I reall like that scene. It started really breezy and lighthearted and then turned so tense. Really cool :).

EDIT: delkolover I'm so sorry about your mom. Just know that you'll be in my prayers and that I know you'll find the strentgh to go throught this tough time. Again, I'm so sorry :(.

Yes, good question VirGodess1923!

  • I have to agree with hiphugger17, the ending in Born to Kill was tense for E/C. It was tough to watch Eric witness Cal kiss and go off with Jake, that was out of the blue and shocking for him (and the viewers - I'm guessing that tidbit was omitted in the spoilers for you fans at that time?). He was so wounded, he just couldn't hide his hurt and confusion as the J/C kiss happened (can you blame him?) and the look of guilt and "Oh my God, what have i done?" on Cal's face after as she boarded the elevator and made eye contact with Eric said it all. Eric never directly asked her why she went back to Jake and respected her decision (maybe too much?) and never challenged Jake for Cal's love, which is preferable b/c that would be too soap operish if he did do that. Cal seemed happy with Jake but always in the back of her mind, she prolly thought "I don't think I made the right decision but will make do with it and ride it out and see where it goes". Like you said, they couldn't change what had happened and both moved on but both knew they were meant for each other!
  • Pro Per: Protective Eric (which I love, that and jealous Eric) steps up to the plate here. This is an "uneasy" E/C moment for sure. How can you fault Eric for protecting her, he looks sexy when he's in that mode! When the 'defendant' leaves, Cal resented Eric's "help", quickly turns around to face a satisfied, smiling Delko and says "You undermined me". Poor Eric is like 'What??? I was trying to help you woman!'. Of course, Cal being the ever strong, independent woman didn't appreciate Eric interfering as she would have single-handedly taken care of that guy without any problems. He was just doing what he thought was the right thing. When he said "I'm sorry I tried to help" and walked away, and she mumbled "So am I", I was like "Nooooooooo, don't fight! You need to make up!". :lol: The best part I love about this episode was later on when they made up. Sooo sweeeet! Cal came back from court and started to pepper Eric with questions about his thoroughness on process. He says "I think you're undermining me" but he says it in a bit of a light-hearted manner that Cal is quickly hit with the realization that she treated him unfairly earlier and she responds with an adorable "Oooh, I'm soooary" :hugegrin: In turn, he says "It's ok, we're cool" with cute, little half smirk/smile on his face. I love Eric here b/c he took the high road and was never sarcastic or snippy in his response to her. It's my favourite kiss & make-up scene (sadly sans an actual kiss) because these two just can't stay mad at each (not for too long anyway), they have waaay too much respect for each and of course, b/c they love each other (but didn't realize yet at that time).
I can't fully capture this scene in my above babble so here's a clip of it:

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Good morning all and Happy 34th Birthday to our favorite Adam Rodriguez!

I also see all the great Eric avatars - Yummy!

Thank you all fir the great responses to my question. I kinda figured that everyone felt the same gut-wrenching feeling in Born to Kill at the ending. I just couldn't get that look off my mind. That moment was so intense, I wanted to jump through the screen and grab Jake by the ear and tell him "back off!" The moment in Sunblock was also hard to swallow because it wasn't his fault Stetler is a weasel. The others are great too, but this just stuck out because that was a hurtful thing to watch for Eric and for myself because I wanted them together so bad. Like I said, he knew shed come around and now its all good.

On a solemn note, I'd like to express my condolences to you and your family, delkolover.
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I can't believe I forgot Pro Per! That's such a classic tense, EC moment. You gotta love it when Eric used her same words and she realized that she had been harsh. Like Hounds of Love mentioned, Eric took the high road and wasn't snappy and immature about it. I love the little smile he gave her then. And it's true, they can't stay mad at each other for long. Just like when Eric asked her in Sunblock is she was still mad at him because of the Stetler thing and she was already ok with him (and we got the "I would've transferred to the night shift" comment :drool:). Or in Whacked when he was pissed about the questioning of Speedle's findings and as soon as Cal told him she trusted him with every fiber of her being and that he knew that he calmed down. I love these two :).
Hi i loved and hated pro per they were still all a bit off by speeds death and dealing and i loved when eric stepped forwards and tried to protect calleigh was sweet but then...

I hated it cos she got mad at him so wanted to slap her for that but then for them to make up and have a little giggle about it afterwards was just perfect for them on thign that also had me thinking that was a sweet thignfrom calleigh side was when eric was processing evidence for a case her father was doing and hagen tried to divert erics attention shame on hagen.... anyways

When eric said to calleigh that her father doesnt know she and hagen are dating and she said does everyoone know calleigh wasnt upset or angry that eric said that seemed as if to me in my opinion that..oh how do i word this correctly?.....she was open with eric like she didnt deny that she was if he knew already then she was okay and trusted him with the info sorry for the ramble but too cute i thought when her dad called him son i know its just the nature of the character but duke you have no idea lol
Hey guys Im back.:thumbsup:
For me the ep was great , very well done:) the shots of E/C were awesome, they were great.:devil: it just makes you think what went on that night.Poor Ryan I'm glad everything worked out:)Except at the end Eric was disappointed with him as Calleigh was as well.
But all for all that was a great ep cant wait till next one:thumbsup:

Delkolover I'm very sorry for your loss, you can count on us for anything because when you come in here at first you meet fans and then you just end up having the best of friends. My condolenses.Your in family is in my prayers and you can PM if you want:(
About the "I love E/C because...", I think all of you are right, it would seem like we were in competition with the "E/C dislike" thread and that was not my point and that’s not what we’re doing, this thread is absolutely enough for us, thought we devour a thread in a sec :lol: ;)

I just can’t get tired of watching this super YUMMY scene/pics :drool::devil:
I also notice one thing, I don't know if you did too, but when Eric is getting up, we can see perfectly his clothes in that kind of sofa or something like that :)

EDIT: Happy Bday to Adam :D
What do you think the "sweet moment" will be between them in 7.22? I think that's the episode that delkolover said we would get a good scene between them.

What do you think that moment will be like?

I was thinking about how Eric still obviously doesn't even have his own drawer in Calleigh's bedroom yet, given that he wore the same outfit two days in a row.

I think it would be sweet to see Calleigh giving Eric a key to her house so he can make himself at home. Maybe bring an extra change of clothes or two.:guffaw:It's a big step but it would show Eric that Calleigh trusts him enough to let him into her home whenever he wants.

What about you guys? What kind of sweet surprise(s) would you all like to see in E/C's future?
What about you guys? What kind of sweet surprise(s) would you all like to see in E/C's future?

Hmm... I've no idea :lol: but I'd love to see something big to their relationship's development, but you know, like already was discussed in here, we are having so many sweet moments [warning: I'm not complaining about it :D] and I'm a little bit affraid that in the next season they just break up and it's done :( Of course, I want to see many sweets moments, I waited too long for it, but I also want to see their relationship to go on. Ok, I'm a little of topic... sorry :p

I've no idea for the "sweet moment", I'd love to see other kiss, but i've doubt that will happen, or maybe a "I love you" or maybe a romantic dinner or maybe a scene in Calleigh or Eric's house or maybe... Ok, I know it's enough *:lol:* but a girl can dream, right? ;)

Sorry but my imagination is not good at all today :rolleyes:
What do you think the "sweet moment" will be between them in 7.22? I think that's the episode that delkolover said we would get a good scene between them.

What do you think that moment will be like?

I was thinking about how Eric still obviously doesn't even have his own drawer in Calleigh's bedroom yet, given that he wore the same outfit two days in a row.

I think it would be sweet to see Calleigh giving Eric a key to her house so he can make himself at home. Maybe bring an extra change of clothes or two.:guffaw:It's a big step but it would show Eric that Calleigh trusts him enough to let him into her home whenever he wants.

What about you guys? What kind of sweet surprise(s) would you all like to see in E/C's future?

I think that key idea is wonderful. They wouldn't have to make a big deal out of it, and it wouldn't have to happen during any case. Maybe at the end of an episode we could see her giving him a key. And she could make some sort of sly reference about bringing some clothes over so that he won't have to once again show up at work wearing the same thing he wore the previous day. It could be cute! She'd wink at him and he'd dip his head, grin, and say something along the lines of "hey, you were the one who persuaded me to stay". :lol:

I think he should buy her some sort of hard-to-procure antique gun. I read a fic about that once and it seemed like such an appropriate gift for Calleigh. I think she'd appreciate it more than a tennis bracelet, to be honest. I'm not sure what might prompt him to buy such a thing... maybe the occasion could be their "6 month anniversary". Oh, oh, maybe he gets her this present and she doesn't get him anything at all, and then she feels guilty because he's so thoughtful, and then he says "all I want is to hear that you love me" or something incredibly corny like that. :adore:

DAMNIT, I just can't help but venture into fanfic territory! I know this wouldn't actually happen on the show... *sigh*... but it's fun to imagine!

I'd also like to see that beach scene we've talked about. Get Cal in a bikini! Get Eric in swim trunks! Get them in the water!! :eek:

I'd also like to see them butt heads about a case or a suspect or the method by which they ought to process a certain piece of evidence. Let's see if/how they handle disagreements differently now that they're an item.
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