Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

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:brickwall: My stupid cable went out (just CBS mind you) and I missed 15 minutes before heading to a friends house to catch the rest. My thoughts though on what I did see....

Jealous Eric is cute. My friend thinks so too. That's about the only significant E/C scene that I saw tonight. Can't wait to see the results of the "let talk about it tonight....morning bathroom sharing scene next week though.
Eric is trying to get a print off a long knife when Calleigh comes in with some mineral spirits in a can. She sets it on the table and tells Eric she stole it from the maintenance guy so if he comes looking for it, they can "throw Wolfe under the bus". Eric smiles and says its "for a good cause" as Calleigh laughs. Eric proceeds to show her how he uses the solvent to lift off a layer of oil or something else (something knife collectors use on their knives) to get at the print below, placing it into a plexiglass container and throwing some magnetic material into it, then tilting it back and forth so the magnetic material brings out the print.

Calleigh went to the victim's home to look for some money hidden in the drawer the victim told Horatio about. When she got there, Eric was calling her cell phone. She told him she knows the victim says she shot the guy but that it was only her blood they found. Then she smiles and says "Yes, I'm going to look for the hidden money", then said she'd see him in 5 minutes. She figures out the bad guy twisted the lightbulb in an overhead lamp so that it wouldn't turn on, so she went to get the lightbulb, and as she held it in her hand the bad guy put the bag over her head. It was after he took her gun that he left. At the same time, Eric was arriving. When Calleigh was able to get free of the plastic bag she ran after him, he fled and she turned around as Eric was coming in the front door. She told him the attacker came back then ran back to the kitchen trying to find some gauze. Eric is on her heels asking her "what do you mean the attacker came back, are you okay?" She's frantically looking for some gauze, he follows her telling her to "talk to me", she tells him the attacker held a bag over her head, made her drop the evidence and he took her weapon. Finally Eric grabbed Calleigh's arms and asked again if she was okay. She said she needed gauze and fast. Apparently whatever scent was on the plastic bag would filter down to the gauze in an airtight container - and she put it in a glass bowl with a tight plastic lid.

Ryan was going through the pictures the paparazzi guy took and Eric came in the room. There were other pictures and then the picture of Calleigh, and a picture of Calleigh and the horse trainer riding horses came up. Ryan asked who the guy was and Eric told him it was the horse trainer from the case at the horse tracks. They discuss the pictures and what they mean, then he asked Ryan what date the picture was taken (almost as if he wanted to be sure it was before them, I thought he looked as if he wasn't liking what he saw) and Ryan told him "two months ago". They continued to look at other pictures and Ryan told Eric that he now has competition. Eric asked what he meant and Ryan responded by saying something like "Come on, I see how you and Calleigh ignore each other at crime scenes", and Eric tells him he doesn't know what he's talking about. Ryan says "Whatever man". Then more pictures of the team show up and they realize someone is targeting them.

Eric is in a glass walled cold storage in the morgue and Calleigh walks in saying "You wanted to see me?". Eric tells her they're being watched and she says "Someone knows about us" and Eric says "not us", someone is taking pictures of the team, they are in danger. At first the pictures he shows her are of the rest of the team, then he shows her the one of her and the trainer And she says "That's Terrence". He acknowledges its her "trainer friend". Eric says he may be in danger too. Calleigh says she needs to call him and he says yeah she should. At the look on his face she smiles and tells him "It was one afternoon, you know that, right?" Eric asks why she has his number in her phone and she says "I don't know, it was before you and me". She asks if they can talk about that later tonight and he pauses and says they'll talk about it later.

Later when Calleigh is trying to extract the scent from the plastic bag, Eric comes in and they learn what it was. They discuss the case, then he goes to leave, Calleigh smiles at him and he says they'll get the guy.

That's it, no more scenes together and nothing of them in the promo for next week.
Wow so many moments; I'm officially in hiphugger heaven!!!!! :cool:

First scene: so cute with her bringing him the oil whatever thing. The way they smiled and joked on blaming it on Ryan was adorable. I love the way they were looking at each other and smiling :).

The call: loved the way she smiled here when she said something to the effect of "yeah I'll look for the money under the drawer" and then "see you in five. My shipper heart skipped a few beats :adore::).

Worried Eric: oh be still my heart. "Calleigh talk to me, are you alright?" "What do you need me to do?". Not pushy, yet concerned. He was there for her and just did what needed to be done. Loved it!:adore:

Ryan and Eric: "yeah whatever man" Ryan just cracked me up :lol:. Eric was trying to be all discreet about his "what's the date on that picture?" question and it was so transparent.

Morgue scene: Cal just saw right through him. He was jealous but not possive, crazy boyfriend jealous. I took her anwser to the "why do you have his number" as maybe she hadn't even remembered she had that number until that moment. It's like, I do have the number, I don't know why I kept it all this time. Loved the way she reasurred him and the little smile he had in the end. He knew it was nothing and he was looking forward to "tonight".

Last scene they shared: loved when he said they were going to get the guy.

Scene with the photographer: loved how angry he got when he was asking why he had pics of the team and then raised his voice when Calleigh's picture came up.

Ok I said "loved" a lot, sorry. There were just so many great moments!:drool:!!
This might be a strange question but i have been trying to read the post on this thread where the spoiler are but when i click on it nothing happens how do i read it
Overall I thought it was a great hiphugger ep. I loved how he was over protective of her and how she kept rambling on how she needed gauze and he was trying to ask if she was fine or not. Of course, she was. Eric jealous...who couldn't love that?

Hallie: My spoiler bars don't come up when I click them either, I just log in and hit the "Quote" button on the bottom right of everyones post and read what they said but I never submit anything.
That episode was so great I don't even know where to start!

I didn't know Eric was the one who was coming to find Calleigh after the attack? I don't know but her eyes looked a litte accuatory towards Eric when he walked in after her attacker left, I thought I was going go get another Hagen putting the gun to head ep where she asked Eric if he was the one who held the gun to her head. Or maybe she was just still scared and just wanted to run into his arms but had to react quickly...but then Calleigh being herself, when Eric was yet again trying to be her Knight, she wanted to save the evidence. Could have went many ways...

My favorite scene was his with Ryan. He was so obviously jealous it showed right thru him and in turn got Ryan prying, being the gossiper he is. I could not stop laughing when he casually tried to ask Ryan what date was on that picture. Haha, when Ryan said he had competition, I thought Eric played it cool.

Other fave was the morgue scene. I guess they cut the Kyle part out. When Calleigh saw the pic that Eric saved for last, I knew he wanted an explanation. I thought for sure it was going down when he asked why she still had his nunber, but happy Calleigh reasured him it was in the past. Hey, I even have numbers stored in my phone of people I haven't seen in years! He looked ok with her answer and seemed like he forgot all about it when she said they'd talk about it that night. My guess he wanted to do more than talk, lol.

Their relationship is so special they were able to get over yet another little mole hill. Their scenes were great, and so fulfilling to me. That whole episode was great! I can't wait to see next weeks episode.
Loved all of the E/C moments in tonight's. Overall a good eppy, bit slow at times in the first half...Arrgh, I only watched the show once so I didn't have a chance to review the E/C moments since somebody wanted to watch another program after Miami aired.......poo!

I can't add much to what has already been said by you guys about the E/C bits.

Jealous Eric in the morgue was predictable but I love jealous Eric! He wasn't overbearing about it, however, you can tell he was hurt that Cal was out with the horse guy and that she had his number in her cell but she reassured him it was all "before them". Damn, why can't the writers show us "their talk later that night". Sometimes I think it's best when the viewers are left to use their imagination about what happens, but in this case, it's E/C and I want to see the "makeup" or "how things are smoothed over" part, if you know what i mean :devil:

But the scene I loved most was the when Eric tried to comfort Cal after she had the plastic bag over her head, which was a scary moment on its own. Did anyone else think how perfect Cal's hair was after the whole ordeal was over? I must find out where she buys the SuperCSI hairspray. I love concerned/caring Eric :adore: :adore: Once he quickly realized was how bad it could have been, he wanted her to just stop what she was doing so he can take a look at her and for her to talk to him but he knew she was determined to push on and 'do her job'.

My fav bit was the moment when he grabbed her by both the arms when she spinned around to face him in her frazzled state. Just then my E/C heart just skipped! I realize this scene is just a brief second but I couldn't help but go 'Awww, he's so concerned that all he want's to do is hold her'. I just know he was aching to just hug her till she was ok. It's obvious she's shaken by what just happened (who wouldn't be) but the CSI in her won out as usual. Don't mess with Cal when she's on a mission. Despite this, not once did she get upset with him being so concerned for her well being nor he did pursue it, he just did what she needed him to do to help preserve the evidence. I love that mutual respect and understanding they both have for each other.

Sorry to ramble on on this one short moment but I can't help it! I need help! I need therapy! :lol:

Can anyone shed light on any E/C moments in the US promo? B/C....

the CTV promo had no E/C at all, it's all about Ryan, which I'm glad they're giving him a storyline. Though I"m glad they didn't show the e/c bathroom scene in the promo b/c it's unrelated to Ryan's storyline, I secretely wish I can see it now b/c I can't wait till next Monday [insert a smiley icon for agony, is there one???]
That episode was so great I don't even know where to start!

I didn't know Eric was the one who was coming to find Calleigh after the attack? I don't know but her eyes looked a litte accuatory towards Eric when he walked in after her attacker left, I thought I was going go get another Hagen putting the gun to head ep where she asked Eric if he was the one who held the gun to her head. Or maybe she was just still scared and just wanted to run into his arms but had to react quickly...but then Calleigh being herself, when Eric was yet again trying to be her Knight, she wanted to save the evidence. Could have went many ways...

My favorite scene was his with Ryan. He was so obviously jealous it showed right thru him and in turn got Ryan prying, being the gossiper he is. I could not stop laughing when he casually tried to ask Ryan what date was on that picture. Haha, when Ryan said he had competition, I thought Eric played it cool.

Other fave was the morgue scene. I guess they cut the Kyle part out. When Calleigh saw the pic that Eric saved for last, I knew he wanted an explanation. I thought for sure it was going down when he asked why she still had his nunber, but happy Calleigh reasured him it was in the past. Hey, I even have numbers stored in my phone of people I haven't seen in years! He looked ok with her answer and seemed like he forgot all about it when she said they'd talk about it that night. My guess he wanted to do more than talk, lol.

Their relationship is so special they were able to get over yet another little mole hill. Their scenes were great, and so fulfilling to me. That whole episode was great! I can't wait to see next weeks episode.

Sooooo, overall I really liked it. Case-wise/Action-wise I think I'll like next week's more but it was really good.
And OMG, can Emily and Adam pull off "looks" or what? The one she gave him when he finally got the fingerprint was pretty much "I want to do you right here, right now!"
My absolute favorite scene however was the one in the morgue. I think it displayed just enough jealousy from Eric (and considering what she put him through with Jake, can ya blame him?) and her look before her explanation to calm the jealousy was bascially one that read "Oh you silly silly boy."
PS- Did the victim look like Natalia to anyone else during the whole opening sequence?? Or was it just me? LOL
Thanks for the tip about reading the spoilers it doesn't work for me nor can i figure out how to put one on so i appaligize if this is spoilish.
I am going to play devil's advocate i thought tonights episode was great especially the e/c scene. This what i think i think it has been obvious how eric feels about calleigh and the photo's with the horsetrainer i don't think it was about the trainer it was for two reason the first one is that a lot of the e/c stuff is being done off screen so the only info is going to be quick scene between then the horse trainer picture was mostly to push them forward to show the audience they are together and mostly to show erics insecurities about the relationship which is normal this is all new, He finally got the girl he has been obsessing over for the last couple years but there is also the insecurities in his head. It also showed calleigh reassuring him and pointing out to him it was before them that she is just as committed we did see he was worried it seemed because she is still in contact with him but from her pov it seems she was saying that just because she still talks to him doesn't mean anything she is obviously still friends with him but is committed to them i think it was a good scene and moved them along it also allowed for future scene to be put in with them together that didn't make the audience wonder how they got there long story short i think the trainer was only a there just further e/c but mostly to show how truly in love eric is with her and how afraid he is of losing her
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Hey Hallie,to use spoilers code, which you'd need to do b/c the episode has not aired on the West coast yet, you simply highlight your spoilers you've just typed with your mouse then move to the top far right in your tool bar of your message, click on the smiley face with the 'x' on it's face and enter the title for your spoiler, like eg. 'tonight's episode' or something. HOpe that helps

Further thought about Eric....

I just thought of something, while I adore jealous Eric, and I think Adam played it just right tonight without being over the top, I hope the writers really do not go down that road where they turn our Eric into a mopey, insecured love sick teenager every time he feels Cal's love for him is in jeopardy or threatened. I would really loathe that! Please go soapy on us!

I agree with with JackieG0630, I love how great both Emily and Adam can just act with subtle looks where a single glance of the eye, twist of the lips or raise of an eyebrow alone conveys all that needs to be said without even saying one syllable. Love it! OK, I"m guilty of overusing the word "love" when describing E/C moments!
What a great news, just in time to start my day.:thumbsup:
Jennifer thank you so much for detailed and comprehensive description of the episode. You're the best lika always.:)
Anyway I haven't seen the episode yet, just glimpses, but I completly agree with you guys, Adam and Emily are masters of the world when it comes to those subtle looks and smiles. I love how they do it. It says everything, even without kisses or hugs. Though I wouldn't mind few kisses here or there.;)
And the next episode looks even better, well March is a good month.:)
Soooooo happy with this episode. Can't properly describe the happiness I experienced while watching. In fact, one of my housemates frequently shot curious glances my way as I gasped and laughed and shouted at the TV. I'm definitely guilty of being a chatterer, at least if I'm alone or with people who don't mind.

[[edit]] No more spoiler tags! [[/edit]]

Alright, I like lists, and I like bullet points, and they're available to me through the text editor on this message board, soooo......

  • Eric and Calleigh conspiring against Ryan. :lol: Adorable! :adore: Not necessarily their shippiest moment, but certainly indicative of their playful side. This is just what I want to see. No need for googly-eyed mush every 5 minutes; this kind of friendly banter with a romantic subtext is precisely what we ought to be shown for a while. Well, alright, a little mush can be thrown in every now and then, and of course I'll love the hell out of it, but we don't want the "dislike E/C" crowd to have a coronary! Let's have a balance, hmm?
  • At the crime scene, Calleigh's private smile whilst talking to Eric on the phone. Awwwwwww! Though of course it was hard to appreciate it because I knew that the plastic bag was coming in a few seconds and was yelling at the TV "Why are you there alone? Why is she there alone? No going to crime scenes alone! Bad things happennnnn!!!" And then... damnit... bad things happened. :( When she was clawing at the bag, and it was being sucked into her mouth as she gasped for air, I shuddered. It was terrifying.
  • Eric's palpable concern as Calleigh made a valiant effort to remain calm and uneffected was fantastic. Obviously anyone would be worried for her, but Eric was "boyfriend worried". I loved the "talk to me" and the grabbing of her arms. Though, of course, Calleigh's coping mechanism (to focus with tunnel vision on the job) kicked in and he quickly switched into CSI-mode to get her the gauze. Probably a good idea, right? If he'd done any more "are you OK, are you OK"ing, she may have become a little snippy, but he didn't... because, like Hounds of Love said, they have a mutual respect and understanding, and besides, you don't deter Calleigh on a mission!
  • Like hiphugger17 said, Eric was sooooooo transparent with the "hey... what's the date on that one?" WOW, he might as well have slapped Ryan on the back and announced "by the way, I'm JEALOUS!" :guffaw: Hey Eric, Ryan isn't stupid. He knows. And now Natalia knows. Super H has always known. Y'all aren't as sneaky as you'd hoped. Can't hide love like yours, no sir! Can't agree that he played it "cool" though. I thought his response, "you don't know what you're talking about", was delivered with a bit more aggression than was absolutely necessary. Cool it, man. You're giving yourself away... AGAIN.
  • Oh, the morgue scene. I had to pause the episode for a second, I was laughing so hard when Eric said "someone's photographing us", after which Calleigh's eyes darted to the side and then back to Eric, asking "Someone knows about us?" It was so CUTE, her looking around like that, worried that they haven't been conspiratorial enough. I think Adam played the jealousy perfectly. The insecure downward glance, the tone of his voice, the fidgeting. And I love how Emily pulled the smile that she did. It said so much! "Oh goodness, you sweet man, you honestly don't have to get antsy... but isn't it all sorts of silly that you have!" That was her "cheating on you is laughable" smile. Anyway, I was proud of how she handled it, and loved the reference to "tonight". Ooooooh, the fanfics I would write (if I had the time and the talent).
  • Eric's reassurance that they'd catch the guy, and Calleigh's smile. *sighs* *swoons* *melts into a puddle* That's right, Eric, you'll catch the guy and punch his teeth down his throat for hurting your Cal!
Did everyone else catch on to the way the writers have told us, over the past 2 episodes, that Eric and Calleigh will never cheat on each other? First, Eric chastises the cheating pilot, and then Calleigh's smile when Eric gets jealous of her and "the dude on the horse". A big "thank you" to the writers for giving us these subtle assurances.

Hot damn, I had a lot to say. My apologies to anyone who doesn't want to trudge through all of my ramblings. You don't really have to. I just needed to get all of it out, and after I told my mom "OH MY GOD I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!... but... you don't care, do you?" and she said "sorry, nope, not at all!", I had to get it out! Of course everyone else has said the same things, but, eh, I still had to ramble. :rolleyes: Forgive me?

P.S. I think I used "love" 4 times (or, at least, used it 4 times to describe my feelings for this episode). We just can't seem to get away from that word!
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  • Eric and Calleigh conspiring against Ryan. :lol: Adorable! :adore: Not necessarily their shippiest moment, but certainly indicative of their playful side. This is just what I want to see. No need for googly-eyed mush every 5 minutes; this kind of friendly banter with a romantic subtext is precisely what we ought to be shown for a while. Well, alright, a little mush can be thrown in every now and then, and of course I'll love the hell out of it, but we don't want the "dislike E/C" crowd to have a coronary! Let's have a balance, hmm?
  • At the crime scene, Calleigh's private smile whilst talking to Eric on the phone. Awwwwwww! Though of course it was hard to appreciate it because I knew that the plastic bag was coming in a few seconds and was yelling at the TV "Why are you there alone? Why is she there alone? No going to crime scenes alone! Bad things happennnnn!!!" And then... damnit... bad things happened. :( When she was clawing at the bag, and it was being sucked into her mouth as she gasped for air, I shuddered. It was terrifying.
  • Eric's palpable concern as Calleigh made a valiant effort to remain calm and uneffected was fantastic. Obviously anyone would be worried for her, but Eric was "boyfriend worried". I loved the "talk to me" and the grabbing of her arms. Though, of course, Calleigh's coping mechanism (to focus with tunnel vision on the job) kicked in and he quickly switched into CSI-mode to get her the gauze. Probably a good idea, right? If he'd done any more "are you OK, are you OK"ing, she may have become a little snippy, but he didn't... because, like Hounds of Love said, they have a mutual respect and understanding, and besides, you don't deter Calleigh on a mission!
  • Like hiphugger17 said, Eric was sooooooo transparent with the "hey... what's the date on that one?" WOW, he might as well have slapped Ryan on the back and announced "by the way, I'm JEALOUS!" :guffaw: Hey Eric, Ryan isn't stupid. He knows. And now Natalia knows. Super H has always known. Y'all aren't as sneaky as you'd hoped. Can't hide love like yours, no sir! Can't agree that he played it "cool" though. I thought his response, "you don't know what you're talking about", was delivered with a bit more aggression than was absolutely necessary. Cool it, man. You're giving yourself away... AGAIN.
  • Oh, the morgue scene. I had to pause the episode for a second, I was laughing so hard when Eric said "someone's photographing us", after which Calleigh's eyes darted to the side and then back to Eric, asking "Someone knows about us?" It was so CUTE, her looking around like that, worried that they haven't been conspiratorial enough. I think Adam played the jealousy perfectly. The insecure downward glance, the tone of his voice, the fidgeting. And I love how Emily pulled the smile that she did. It said so much! "Oh goodness, you sweet man, you honestly don't have to get antsy... but isn't it all sorts of silly that you have!" That was her "cheating on you is laughable" smile. Anyway, I was proud of how she handled it, and loved the reference to "tonight". Ooooooh, the fanfics I would write (if I had the time and the talent).
  • Eric's reassurance that they'd catch the guy, and Calleigh's smile. *sighs* *swoons* *melts into a puddle* That's right, Eric, you'll catch the guy and punch his teeth down his throat for hurting your Cal!
Did everyone else catch on to the way the writers have told us, over the past 2 episodes, that Eric and Calleigh will never cheat on each other? First, Eric chastises the cheating pilot, and then Calleigh's smile when Eric gets jealous of her and "the dude on the horse". A big "thank you" to the writers for giving us these subtle assurances.

Lol.. I agree with everything you just said.
My favorite part when Calleigh was like 'That's Terrence' and Eric was just like, 'Your horse trainer friend' (or something along those lines).... he did not sound veryt happy at all.

I kind of love jealous Eric. Scratch that, I love jealous Eric when Calleigh is his and he has nothing to worry about. Jealous Eric in 'Born to Kill' when she was practicially making out with Jake in the lab was sad for me to watch. Poor guy. ANYWAY.. I loved the look on Calleighs face when she relaized Eric was jealous, she jst smiled at him. I like how he asked why she still had his number in her phone. She was like 'I don't know, it was before you and me'. Aw. I liked the whole 'it was before you and me' and 'people know about us?' stuff from Calleigh.

Partly because she's speaking about it at work and just admitting that they are together. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, like whatsoever. But what I mean is that if it weren't for the rule, I don't think she'd have any problem letting people know that her and Eric are a couple.

On the brightside, at least Calleigh's attack wasn't like this HUGE deal.. like her being hospitalized. For me, it was nice that Eric was the one who showed up at the scene. I really thought that they'd put some nothing scene of them at lab with him asking her if she was okay and that'd be it. But I loved Eric's worry from the moment she told him that the attacker had come back. She was really in a rush and trying to focus on the evidence and Eric's only concern was her. It was really sweet.

I'm really not sure if this episode tops 7.16 for me or not when it comes to EC. Sure, they kissed in 7.16... but this episode was amazing.:) I loved it.
Jennifer, thank you very much. I enjoyed your recap as always.

I haven't watched the episode yet. However, I watched the scene in the morgue. It was adorable. I love jealous, sexy men, especially if those jealous, sexy men are as sexy as Adam/Eric. The jealousy thing was done wonderfully IMO because it wasn't creepy, but it was there, and Cal picked up on it and reassured him. I loved the look she gave him when he made a comment about horse guy's phone number. I agree with all of you guys who said that it meant something in the line of: "You silly man, I love you, you have nothing to worry about!" I wish we could see how they "talk about it tonight"... *wink, wink to fanfiction writers*
hey guys!! As I was watching the C/E scene repeatedly..I found out something very wrong with 7.19.. can you guys please read the spoiler!!
Just after the part when Calleigh was attacked and then Eric comes in. Watch it very closely. right after she says "I NEED SOME GAUZE" PLEASE and her back is showing, YOU COULD SEE HER GUN :eek:
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