Question: How much Eric/Calleigh romance do you want to see on the show in the future? Do you want to see them doing something cute, like holding hands or kissing, etc, every episode, every other episode, every few episodes, or even less? Do you want glimpses into their life as a couple after work, on dates, and so on?
Hmm, let's see. I want moments between them every few episodes BUT in the episodes where there is not a significant moment between them I don't want them to act like there's nothing going on between them like in 7.15. A single smile or look would sufice cause in 7.15 they were just so serious and like 7.14 had not happened.
I do want to see them outside of work but I wouldn't mind if it were connected to a case. Like for example, an opening sequence with them going out dancing or something (I know Emily dances and it's not a stretch to think that Adam might too
We will see them outside of work in 7.20 so we have that wish granted 
As for them holding hands, kissing again, etc. yes I want it, I want it all!:lol:!! Not all in one episode, not even one after the other, but well spread out and with all the cuteness and hotness these two posess!