1 day to go! 1 and a half for me!
I think that Stetler on 7.21 will probably be for Ryan but no rush I'm sure Eric & Calleigh will get there fair share of him but hopefully H will sort all of that out like usual, there not gonna make it easy for them there's got to be some drama, it's CSI:Miami :lol:. Lets just enjoy it now that our favourite couple are together!. Ryan and Natalia will definitely find out about them being together well Ryan already mentioned it to Calleigh before 'Smoke gets in your CSIs' !! and Natalia when the kiss, and of course they are friends, right? Also the fact that they are all CSIs helps and if they are going to work with them and socialise with them they have to know, and H, well H knows everithing! I think he might see the kiss on 7.16, I hope he does
He would just smile and put his glasses on
like he does. I think if Ryan mentions it to Eric or talks about it with him would be an awesome scene
About people that don't like E/C saying that there is to much of them, well I love all the E/C stuff I would like more!I didn't like Cake or Eden but I watched it and I didn't over react about it! I just thought about Eric and Calleigh and enjoyed there scenes together! Anyways we deserve it we have been waiting for 7 years!
And now we get a kiss !:drool: C'mon Hiphuggers!!:drool:
for me too
H seeing them would be so Miami....and off course he would have the sun-glasses with him and a one-liner...
I don't know why i'm only thinking at this only now but H and Eric should have a discussion...they are related, ok they were but still...and H will resolve te Stetler issue just like always.... je is still the super hero of this show:devil: or at least we like to leave him belive that
Stetler on the other hand is another thing completly.... i really wait for the scene when he will (he has to...) try to grill Cal about the rule thing.... preferably in the ballistic lab:guffaw:
I don't know why i'm only thinking at this only now but H and Eric should have a discussion...they are related, ok they were but still...and H will resolve te Stetler issue just like always.... je is still the super hero of this show:devil: or at least we like to leave him belive that
Stetler on the other hand is another thing completly.... i really wait for the scene when he will (he has to...) try to grill Cal about the rule thing.... preferably in the ballistic lab:guffaw: