Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Awww yay we're talking E/C babies! I love talking about them with kids! :D Eric with kids is SO adorable...I think it was Caro who said it, but I swear when that man picked up the adorable little curly haired girl (who for the life of me I can't remember what episode he saved her in! :p )....he picked her up and held her up and I swear at the sight my uterus literally exploded! :devil: The man needs a little girl with blonde ringlets and soft brown eyes! :D

They would be GREAT parents I totally agree...their kids would have Eric wrapped around their cute little fingers (especially if they had a daughter!) and Calleigh would be strict but still head over heels for her children! Oh how I love the thought of them having kids...yay! And the thought of them making those kids....ohhhhh now that's a FUN thought! :devil: VERY fun! ;)
Nothing would be more adorable than E/C babies. :D

Poor Calleigh though; she would think she was being such a wonderful mother by never letting her daughter have cookies before dinner. :lol: Of course, as soon as Calleigh says no, that little girl would run off to Eric, and all she'd have to do is pout, and he'd let her have anything she wanted, aww. :D

I totally agree - with Cal and Emma, and Eric and that adorable little girl, last season was definitely one big "Eric and Calleigh need babies NOW!" sign, heh.
OMG I loved when Eric did that!!! Wasnt it in the season finale or one of the last episodes??? When he picked her up, all I could think of was, Calleigh where are you!! And if she saw that she could help but :)!!

The idea of Hip Hugger babies is AWESOME!! First, however, Jake needs to go BYE BYE!!
Yay! Eric and Calleigh would be parents soooo perfect!!! :D And I agree with Jessica, Calleigh would be more severe than Eric, that would let her do everything.
And in the scene with Eric and the little girl I totally melted! :D She’s the perfect E/C baby and she’s so cute. In any case, all their children would be cute, I’m sure. With parents like these the babies must be beautiful! ;)
That little girl was adorable.


What was her name? Holly? If it weren't for the curly hair she'd be the perfect EC kid. She's totally mixed raced.

I think it's pretty cool that they both interacted with kids last season. Miller said they started thinking about EC after Eric was shot, but I think it was way before that. Calleigh was so all about Eric in Throwing Heat. I don't know, there were too many great moments before Eric got shot that definitely hinted towards something.
Didn't Adam himself say that the writers had thought about the idea of E/C way back in season two?

Aww, look at her! :D She's so happy, so smiley. She adores Eric. He would so be the perfect dad. Can you imagine if Calleigh had seen him with her? She would've definitely melted. And at that point, I don't see how she would be able to keep from demanding that he take her home and help her make a little cutie of their own. :D :devil:
Jessica, I'm gonna kill you for your last story. JUST SO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS! Dear God, woman, that was too cruel.

Both Adam and Emily said so. Corey was the only one who said they only started working on it after Man Down. I think it's always been the plan, but the timing wasn't right until season 5.

Hopefully Adam and Emily plan to stay on the show for a long time, cause at this rate it'll be season 10 before we see something Jesus Christ just do it already.
Don't hurt me!! :eek: :lol: It's not like Eric and Calleigh can live a happy, fluffy life all of the time, right? Right?

I don't know how they can drag this out for four or five more seasons. That would be torture, for us and for Eric and Calleigh - especially if Eric has to spend all that time watching Calleigh with Jake or whoever else they decide to put her with between now and when E/C finally happens. This has already been going on for five years, despite whatever the writers say. There's only so much sexual tension that can build up before it bursts. And really, it's gotta be past bursting time.
Dude, there's a really fucking thick line between fluffy and sadism!

I don't think they'll make us wait much longer. Well, first we had to wait for them to make the choice to put the wheels in motion. Now we have to wait and sit through all the pre-relationship stuff, which could take, sadly, a season or two. And then after that we'll probably have to watch them deal with the relationship stuff. There's always relationship stuff. Always. And with Calleigh's issues? Man, this could go on for 30 seasons.
Eric and Calleigh would so make the best parents ever! :D (Hopefully, my parents don't read this!) Anyways, if Calleigh had seen how Eric lit up when he held that little girl, there was so no way that she would've been able to resist him! I mean come on, the man's a GOD! :devil: :D

Calleigh will definitely be the strict one, but once her baby looks at her with the little puppy dog eyes and a pout, she can't say no! :) And Eric, well all I can say is that child will be spoiled for life, especially a little daugther. Just look at the way he picked up and looked at that little girl... Holly, I believe,... on the season finale and she wasn't even his! :)

I totally see Eric as a family man...can you just imagine the wreck that Jake's children would be... they'll look good cause he's pretty hot, but gosh? :lol:

As far as how long this'll take to play out, well I'm hoping it happens sometime during midseason. Right before the hiatus during winter. If they drag this out for a few more seasons, I'm kicking some serious ass.

Caro, you're definitely right! Calleigh's issues might take another 30 seasons to work out. :lol: We'll all probably be dead by the time she gets things straight. But, as long as those 30 seasons are spent with Eric, she can take all the time she wants. :devil:

OMG!!! Jess, what the hell?!? :mad: I'm so gonna kill you! :mad: I can't believe that you did that, even if it's just a fic. :mad: Did someone drop you on your head when you were a kid and now you're getting revenge on the parents??? Sorry! Anyways, you may be a bit sadistic, but I'll forgive you on some level for being totally brilliant! :)

And you're right, Eric and Calleigh can't live a happy, fluffy life all the time... but what about the other 50 fics you wrote that had Calleigh dead??? That wasn't enough?!? :mad: You better keep writng, or else...


Luv yall...

fadingintherain said:
Calleigh will definitely be the strict one, but once her baby looks at her with the little puppy dog eyes and a pout, she can't say no! :)

You are so right! Eric would do everything for his kids, though Calleigh , at first, would reject but then it'd be like "What the hell!" Can you imagine how cute that baby would be?
midnight_tiptoes said:
That little girl was adorable.


What was her name? Holly? If it weren't for the curly hair she'd be the perfect EC kid. She's totally mixed raced.

I think it's pretty cool that they both interacted with kids last season. Miller said they started thinking about EC after Eric was shot, but I think it was way before that. Calleigh was so all about Eric in Throwing Heat. I don't know, there were too many great moments before Eric got shot that definitely hinted towards something.

Ok seeing this totally made me smile! :D It be interesting if Calleigh/Emily saw this part taped and what her reaction was??? I think her name was Holly. Such a lucky girl to be picked up by Eric! :)
If we go by Calleigh's issues alone it will take til Hell freezes over for these two to get together!

They have put the wheels in motion, thank God! Hopefully, at least by the end of the season, they will be on the brink of being together; if it doesn't happen *in* the finale. I still think by Feb sweeps we will see something substantial for them. Whether it be Cal realizing that she could date someone she works with, another admission from them about their feelings...something along those lines to take this to the next level.

Right now we are at level 1 which is the angst and her issues and Jake; Level 2 is another admission or something happening to one of them to cause another admission; Level 3 is them kissing or getting it on and then the final level will be them together in a relationship.

Let's face it when they get together it isn't going to be "let's go out on a date and see how things work out" With all the tension the writers are bulding up to it is going to be 'we're talking seriously one minute or fighitng and then we're ripping eachother's clothes off the next.' :devil:

That is how I see it anyhow ;)

Jess, your story just ripped my heart out but me being an angst whore, I totally want more :lol:
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