Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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I am sad about is Eric. I know that for awhile you could tell he wouldn't be the same Eric anymore(Damn that show!) but now that it has been confirmed by a writer it makes me even sadder. Poor Eric, it makes me feel as if the show will never get its humor back.
Not really. A character needs to grow. How sad would it be for Eric to turn into a 40 year old fratboy manwhore? Yes, there are 40 year old fratboy manwhores, but they're very immature and crass and just plain disgusting, and Eric is not like that.

Some characters shouldn't change (House, Grissom) because the essence of their shows depend on that. But others need to, and I think Eric falls into that category. Calleigh, not so much, she just needs to let go of some of her inhibitions, but I think from the get go Eric was set up as the journey man. Losing your best friend then sister, then getting shot, is a big deal, so I don't expect him to ever be the same guy he was. No one would. I think it's realistic and luckily they've handled it somewhat well so far.
I'm not saying that Eric should not change, I just find it a little sad that in one season *cough* 4 *cough* that we had to see such a dramatic change. And they had to make the worst things possible happen to him. I think his relationship with you know who, his sister dying(that didn't have to happen), Gloria chick stalking him and everything else didn't have to be so dramatic. They could have been written much more normal. Marisol dying actually had a reason to be dramatic but everything else didn't. It all made him pissed and harsh. I just hope that even though he turns into a more mature man that his humor won't go to waste.
I don't think it will. He's still very playful, but now he knows when he needs to be serious. I think it's been a good thing for him. Obviously, not the angst, but Eric could be a tad inappropriate sometimes and I was getting tired of seeing the other characters lecture him. He's grown a lot.

That's why it surprises me when people say he's too immature for Calleigh. Huh? Season 1 Eric, maybe (though Calleigh was more immature back then, too), but he's changed a lot. Some people cover their eyes to that fact, though.
Let me tell you something. Those people think he's a whore and usually Eric is not their favorite character(they may like him but he is just not their favorite). So to them he will just go around playing on Calleigh and break her heart. I think the show is obviously putting in these storylines to make his character more mature and realize how important relationships should be now. He needs to settle down and obviously Calleigh would make sense. She's been there the longest with him, she knows him too well and she is finding out her feelings for him.
The feelings that these to have have been there for a long time; they just didn't know what is was at the time.

Harmless flirsting and be close friends can easily, over time become something more and this past season proved that. While Cal might be unsure of her romantic feelings for Eric she does know that she can't picture her life without him. Eric on the other hand, has matured to realize that women are not play things and he realizes that the life he used to lead will only make him empty and he doesn't want that so he has re-evaluated that the one person who has always been for him through thick and thin is Cal.

They both know how they feel but Cal is scared to admit it and as much as he wants to confront her about it, Eric knows it might push her away. He knows her better than anyone and vice versa. So Eric maturing has been interesing and very necessary. Characters in every show mature and change and he has come far and so has she for that matter.

This season will be interesting. It will interesting to see how Cal comes to terms with her emotions and feelings for Eric. While with Eric it will be interesting how he deals with Cal's obstinence.
Wait a second I am a little lost.
So all we now, according to Corey,
is that there will be complications for next season. Did he say anything else, b/c I am a little lost?
That's why I think they'll put them together. From a writer's standpoint, Eric and Calleigh are a goldmine. When two characters like that come together, the possibilities are endless. Say, for example, Horatio and Calleigh hook up. Okay, what happens after that? Nothing. The two characters are too near perfection to see any sort of conflict, and that's not good for a story.

Whereas Eric and Calleigh's opposing personalities make for great story-telling. When you write for television, you have to look for the conflict, which these two have in heaps and Corey has admitted it in numerous occasions. The journey is to take these two characters from point a (chaos) to point b (as harmonious as they can get). Nothing interesting at all if the two characters are perfectly functional. The beauty of E/C is that their faults blended together make for an interesting puzzle that's fun to put together. Considering their backgrounds, they have the most creative potential.


Carolina (heh), Corey said:

Basically that it won't be easy for Eric and Calleigh and there'll be complications. He didn't say what the complications would be. That's pretty much it. Nothing we didn't already know.
That's why I love this ship. Other ships to me seem so boring but this ship has so much to offer. It won't be so cutsie, because that can get plain annoying and the storyline would spell B-O-R-I-N-G.

Carolinam, so far that is all we got.
Thanks guys, and I agree. I also think that they are trying to get them together later, not to long in the future, so they can hopefully stay together until the last episode. Like Adam said, maybe in the future there could be a "CSI wedding".
Like Adam said, "CSI wedding"
Okay is that just a speculation on what Adam thinks the last eppy of Miami should be about/called...or did I just miss a major spoiler? :eek: :lol: *Mo looks around and notices the thread is not on fire...* Okay I'm guessing a wedding isn't official...yet! ;) Otherwise I think I'd hear the shrieks of joy and "I told you so's!" from around the world! :lol:

Yeah as much as I hate angst and waiting :p I can definitely see the PTB drawing things out between E/C and really making it stretch...on the good side of that, whenever writers do that with a ship, it usually means they do get together permanently in the end! :D And that's always good and definitely fitting for our hot pair! I just don't know that I'll be able to stand them not ripping eachother's clothes off...asap! :devil:

Carolinam I love your avie...very pretty! :D
OMG what is this about a CSI wedding???? I had heard runmors but nothing on who or even which CSI!!! ***jumps up and down*** PLEAAAAAAASSSE, someone tell me!!! I have been away from this thread for a while and I appoligize!:(
It's not a spoiler. Adam was interviewed by ET or something or other about Eric and Calleigh and he said that there might be a wedding. But I think he was joking, though he told CSI Files he hopes the writers take it there.

Adam wishful thinking. Ours, too.
calleighsthebest said:
After hearing you talk about that scene in burned i went and watched it again, all cal says is 'Eric' and it conveys so much him, she wants him it is so awesome! I'm sorry i just had to post the link...

And they colour coordinate, it's so cool!

i've noticed that in season 5 they corrdinate in most episodes. they did it again last night in Bloodline. CSI: Miami wardrobe department are defintaly hip huggers!!

also in the burned clip if you notice when Eric & Calleigh walk up the steps to search the debree, right before the glass cuts Calleigh's finger, Eric is totally checking her out!!

OMG!! how adorable would Eric and Calleigh's wedding be!! It would be like some gorgeous love fest!!
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