Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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You know I remember going to Wikipedia to look at Eric Delko and it had all of these tings about him and Calleigh. It talked about how they had the closest relationship and how their chemistry started to explode in the recent eps, but then I went back there a little while later and everything was gone! It was like someone had deleted all of the E/C stuff.

And about how Calleigh hens the lab, that's what I mean by any ship can have that be said. No offense to any multi shippers and I hope I won't get in trouble but Calleigh and Ryan have more of a chance to being related. So I think that what people say mostly comes from the fact that E/C are finally realizing their feelings(and I'm not pinpointing certain people).
Meh, shipper wars are petty. At the end of the day it's a freaking tv show, for god's sake.

Anyway. Who thinks Adam and Emily need their own photoshoot? TV Guide should do a feature on them. Or EW, their photoshoots are always really good. I guess if you squint your eyes, Scotty and Lilly (Sundays' Eric and Calleigh) could hold you over


But it needs to be Adam and Emily. And 100% hotter. And with 100% less clothing. Also, since Danny Pino did CSI: NY, they should send him to Miami next. Scotty and Eric in the same room? Good Lord, I would stop breathing. Calleigh would collapse. So much hotness.
Adam and Emily are definately 5 million times hotter!!

Call me crazy but I just emailed Ausiello asking him to see if he can campaign to get Adam and Emily on the cover of TV Guide!! He's done it before with Luke and Loreli of Gilmore Girls so there is hope...that is of course if he is a fan of E/C!! :lol:
Ausiello is a fan of whatever gets him attention and admiration. So is Kristen. They're both whores. Persuading Kristen might be easier. She's really pathetic.
Okay Jackie, you are crazy, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have sent it. That dude seems a little bit like an E/C fan but I think he just wants some attention. But you know what? I never knew he existed.
I've decided that no news is good news. It means there's something they want to hide, and if they wanted to drop the storyline we would've known by now. I know it's Donahue and all, but for some reason I trust her when it comes to E/C. I mean, she gave us the two trust lines and she gave us the finale - in which Eric and Calleigh admitted they have feelings for each other. I have hope. They can't take that back.

Anyway, how's everyone doing re the porn challenge? Am I going to have to extend the deadline again? :lol:
What's up guys!!!!

HipHugger Pic of The Day
(another Throwing Heat)


I just love how she's looking at him like she's fixated on his gorgeous features!!!! :D
Aw thanks Gena or is it Gina? LOL I am ridiculous.

I am positive that they did not cancel the storyline. Why should they? It was the only thing that really got you hanging in the finale. So I hope we get some sexy tension in season 6. ;)
Thank you! I love that scene! Calleigh's so happy to see him all dressed up and then she checks him out like 5 times. Man, I love it. In her defense, he really did look absolutely lickable. Yum. Now if we could only get Eric in a tux...

I love how her voice goes up. Heh. Calleigh can't hide it sometimes.
You're welcome! I love that scene too! The episode hasn't been on in the UK yet but i have watched that scene like 50 times, it's awesome! Eric is gorgeous! her voice definately goes up, calleigh just can't resist the hotness no matter how much she tries!
If you just stare at Calleigh's eyes for the whole clip you can see her eyes moving up and down. She was probably wondering what's under that suit. :devil:
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