Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Eric and Calleigh have both been with other people in the past; it's not been a clear and straight path right to each other. I just see it as, you look at all their failed relationships, and it proves either that they just can't be with anyone else but each other, even though they've tried, unfortunately. Or that they've never been able to find what they've wanted until they get the chance to find it in each other.

I don't see it as either of them being used or anything; I just think they needed the time to figure out where they stand with each other, and really realize that each other is what they want, and not something else.
I think the first time around, Jake and Calleigh were more serious about each other. This time, not so much, at least from Calleigh's side. She's too involved with Eric to make Jake her world, and is probably with him because she wants to get over Eric. In that sense, it's Jake who's being used, not Calleigh.

As for Eric and Natalia, I'm sure they didn't even call out the right person's name in bed most of the time.

But both have gone into those relationships with eyes open, so I don't see it as them being used. Unless, of course, you think Natalia slept with Eric because she was the mole, but considering he was seeing other women on the side I couldn't say he was particularly heartbroken.
Welcome Jodie! E/C shippers are always invited to join us! By the way, I enjoy reading your fanfics at, and I do encourage you to keep writing! :)

Do you guys remember that whole "we were on a break" saga between Ross and Rachel on Friends??? They were in love with each other, but had major excuses of not being together. They went through strings of failed relationships, but in the end, they ended up with each other, after more than 10 years in the making. If you remember the final episodes, Rachel was offered a job in Paris. She could have a job she likes or be with the man she loves.

Let's say, in this case, that Jake is the job offer in Paris and Calleigh had to choose. I know it's not exactly the same situations, but it's quite similar, and I think Calleigh and Eric are on that same path.

Whatever happens, whoever comes along, nothing will be in it's right place until they're with each other? Y'all get what I mean? (If you don't, that's fine cause I'm confusing myself, too!)


Luv yall...
I just want to get this out of my head but I hate it how some people say that they have a brother/sister realtionship which I think is so not true. I dunno how some people see it in that point of view.
It's just something other shippers say cause they're pissed their ship isn't sailing. Every time a ship goes canon, the characters are accused of having a brother/sister relationship by the people who don't support them. I wouldn't pay attention to it. It means nothing.

Even so, how many people fall in love with their best friends? How many people suddenly realize that the one person they thought of 'as a sister' or 'brother' is the one person they're meant to be with? All too often. In fact, every friendship-turned-to-romance story is essentially people who had that seemingly familial bond with that one person who suddenly turned their world upside down. Unless Calleigh and Eric were biologically related, the brother/sister argument is pretty much just poppycock.
Yeah I totally agree with you. The thing is though that I kind of pity the other ships because they've got nothing and we're getting it all. I imagine if the situation was reversed we would probably be trying to find excuses as well.

Hey jodie! *waves to Jodie* Long time no see! lol

and for whoever it was who said they needed a fic fix i just posted a birthday fic on
In fact, every friendship-turned-to-romance story is essentially people who had that seemingly familial bond with that one person who suddenly turned their world upside down.

Beautifully said, Skylar :D *claps*
that_girl1, try not to let it bother you. I know it's easier said than done, but what matters is that you like E/C. Believe me, I know what this is like. In the end, though, you like them. Doesn't matter if someone else doesn' long as you like a ship, that's all that should matter :) People will dislike a ship, but ignore them and stay in your bubble. The bubble is a good place to be. Isn't that right little miss Mo wubs? ;)
It doesn't bother me, either. Well, sometimes it does, but those people are such a minority that really, it doesn't matter. Live and let die, is what I say.

Hip Huggers are cool. And I gotta say, I'm so glad we're not into lovey dovey fluffy wuv. That can get really annoying, too. Hip Huggers appreciate the complexity these two characters bring to the show and into their relationship, and I really like that. You can always find a great discussion here.
Skylar that is definitely, definitely true! So many people have fallen deeply in love with their best friends and you just can't argue with's a fact.

The whole "brother/sister" argument is just said for the sake of argument. I actually think it's sort of funny and flattering. They're jealous of our ship...yay!!! It may be annoying to some of us sometimes, but they're the ones suffering cause we are getting everything.

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. ~William Penn.

In my opinion, if you don't see a romantic relationship developing between Eric and Calleigh, you must be watching a different show. I mean even the trailers for the episodes highlight their ever-growing bond.

So, in other words...they can shove it up their ass and you just enjoy yourself! That's simple enough for me!

shopping_luva91 I read your fic and it was great. I absolutely loved it! I haven't had a chance to review it, yet, but I promise you I will.


Luv yall...
Yay! shoppingluva's back!
that_girl1 said:
I just want to get this out of my head but I hate it how some people say that they have a brother/sister realtionship which I think is so not true. I dunno how some people see it in that point of view.
Honey, I am right there with you. We all are. It really is something that other ships say because, hello, our ship is in full sail. If Eric and Calleigh were like bro and sis then why did they ever flirt? I mean they really flirted. Not cutsie sibling flirting, they would actually hit on each other, look at each others body parts and how many brothers and sisters do that?

Listen to what everyone else said. They know what they are talking about.
xanessa said:
Yay! shoppingluva's back!
that_girl1 said:
I just want to get this out of my head but I hate it how some people say that they have a brother/sister realtionship which I think is so not true. I dunno how some people see it in that point of view.
Honey, I am right there with you. We all are. It really is something that other ships say because, hello, our ship is in full sail. If Eric and Calleigh were like bro and sis then why did they ever flirt? I mean they really flirted. Not cutsie sibling flirting, they would actually hit on each other, look at each others body parts and how many brothers and sisters do that?

Listen to what everyone else said. They know what they are talking about.

I am big CSI Vegas GSR shipper, and people used to say that Sara and Grissom had a father/daughter relationship. Now that ship is canon.

I think that E/C have a very close, and trusting relationship - some might interpret as familial. However, they are too hot and flirty together for that to be the case! It's an intimate trust.

Anyway, I am a recent fan of Miami and a recent HipHugger. Any suggestions on shippy eps for me to see? I have seen all of seasons 1 and 2, some of 3, and other seasons off and one (ahh, DVR).

Welcome to the thread zupa_fly! The seasons you have seen are the best with E/C but I would stay away from season 4. You might want to watch it though because we go a Jealous Calleigh. Season 5 was much much better for E/C. So that means the only season that really sucked was 4.
I don't see a sister/brother vibe between them. It seems to go from friend to more than friends and then they go back again. They just never seem to get that they could be more if they would just go with it. However, I think they will at some point. The sister/brother vibe... I just don't see that one.
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