Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

No, I meant if they had the words "Hip Huggers" printed on them. Like those pants that say Juicy or Sexy or Crack Whore on their behind.

Still, Calleigh should surprise Eric by wearing one of those little numbers.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

:lol: Ohhhhhh, how I love this ship and this thread! Y'all rock in here! :lol: I come in and what do I see...discussion on underwear with our ship name on them and E/C ripping them off eachother! Oh the just makes me grin! :devil:

I have several pairs of Hip Huggers little things they are, that's for sure! :devil: ;)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

All my jeans are Hip Huggers. Like my siggy says, they make my ass look good.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

That they do Sky...that they do! All my pants are hip huggers as well...combine that with the hip hugger underwear and it is all good baby! :lol: I bet that's all Calleigh wonder Eric can't take his eyes off her ass! :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

^Would you be able to if you knew what she was wearing under her jeans? :lol: I'm amazed his restraint has lasted this long. Although both of their restraints seem to be weakening as time goes on. Hopefully their need to wear clothes when they are alone together will weaken too :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

As a quite straight female...I can easily say...uh heck no! :lol: Can't blame Eric...she's HOT!! :devil: Hip huggers and all baby! ;)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

HipHugger Pic of The Day
(from Bunk)


Now that's a focus look!!! Perfect opportunity to have pulled him down for kiss I know I would have :devil:!!!

Love Story by Katherine McPhee

I think it was the summertime
When I laid eyes on you
I didn't even know your name
Somehow we'd end up in the same room
It never crossed my mind
I never saw you like that
I should've listened to my best friend
She knew it would be a perfect match

It's a typical love story
Started out as friends
We met way back when
This is just a typical love story
The boy you never wanted just steals your heart
I never saw it comin' 'til I fell so hard

I always made up some excuse
Saying you that weren't my type
Didn't want to face the truth
Didn't want to cross that line
'til one day I saw you
Out of the corner of my eye
You were flirting with some girl
And inside I thought I would die

It's a typical love story
Started out as friends
We met way back when
This is just a typical love story
The boy you never wanted just steals your heart
I never saw it comin' 'til I fell so hard

Can't believe its happening
When I least expect it
My prince under disguise
How you fooled me with those eyes
When I feel like letting go
In your arms is where I know
I am wrong
From the beginning we always belong

Love Love Story
Love Love Story
Love Love Story
Love Love Story
(Love Story)
Love Love Story
(This is my)
Love Love Story
(This is my love story)
Love Love Story

This is my love story

It's a typical love story
Started out as friends
This is how it ends
This is just a typical love story
The boy you never wanted just steals your heart
I never saw it comin' 'til I fell so hard

It's a typical love story
Started out as friends
This is how it ends
This is just a typical love story
The boy you never wanted just steals your heart
I never saw it comin' 'til I fell so hard

Heard this song on the radio and liked it for Eric and Calleigh!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

^That song is just...I can't describe it. It's like she made it especially for E/C/

I keep hearing that song 'Undeniable' and it makes me think of Eric saying that to Calleigh.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Hip hugga lovah , I know that song and I love it! I thought that was perfect for E/C when I've heard it for the first time... :D
And I love the Hip hugger pic of the day! :)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Hip hugga great pic of the day...that was totally a focused on eachother look, very nice! Yeah again how she resists kissing him like ALL the time, I do not know! :devil:

I never saw it comin' 'til I fell so hard
That is SOOO Calleigh with Eric! Love it! I haven't heard the song...but the words fit E/C, totally! :D

Xane you banner rocks! That is freakin' awesome! ;)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I can agree with that! ;)

Okay so I just watched Season 2's "Dead Zone" and it made me realize something...there's hardly any E/C in there (although Calleigh TOTALLY checks him out and flirts with him after he comes out of the water that first time..."Dream on diver man!") Anyway...I LOVED how she acted with Hagen ( :p ) after she shot the spear gun...(now before you blast me, I have a point...and for the record...I really DISLIKE Hagen!) That scene though...showed me how totally cute Calleigh can be in a relationship, I kept picturing that being Eric instead of Hagen and it totally fit...that and this may sound dumb and like DUH...but I think I get a little more why Calleigh is scared to date Eric...the other guy she "worked" with and dated killed himself in her lab...and he wasn't even someone she really loved and look at how much it affected her...she's gotta be afraid that something like that could happen if she dates within the office again...especially if it's with someone who really is head over heels for! I'm not saying I like it...or even agree...but I think I at least get it now! (Just thought I'd share! :D )

we get at least one confirmed E/C scene in the newest revealed eppy the "Cyber-lebrity" yay for that...I think they work together every eppy so far right? YAY!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

delkolover said:
Every now and then the southern in Cal comes out. Like in Burned she had that twang going when she was talking to Natalia about the lighter.

But yeah, you are right we don't see that funny southern girl we saw in seasons 1 & 2. Esepcially Forced Entry when she joked in her southern twang with Eric and Alexx about microwaving a hand!

haha i loved that scene!!!!!!!! it was soooooo cute!!! i defintaly love Calleigh's southern accent and i love it when she says ya'll! its so cute!

having our own shipper underwear is awsome!!!! im gona defintaly have to go out and get me some of those!!

anyway i thought that this pic was too adorable not to post

i just love the way that these two look at each other!!!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I know I’m kinda late, but I was MIA for a few days and I couldn’t not comment on this.

I miss seasons 1/2 Calleigh too. She was still strong but definitely a lot more human. Not to mention beyond adorable, what with the twang and her 'way to perky' personality. But as Mo brought out in part, it's understandable why she's retreated into herself little by little over the years. She's been through a hell of a lot of crap--Speed dying, Hagen killing himself practically in front of her, her father falling off the wagon, Eric getting shot and almost dying, not to mention the daily stress of her job--but she won't let any of it out, she has no outlet. It's easy to see why she’s the Therapists of America poster child. If she doesn't start resolving those issues of hers soon, she's going to explode. And it will not be pretty.

Confirmed E/C scene? Oooh. Details. I need details.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I loved Calleigh in 'Extreme' when she asked Eric if its about a girl! That was so cute! And then the glare that Eric gave her was so mean. But that was a cute E/C episode.
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