You know, I've really been liking the last few episodes - nice team-oriented stuff. Just haven't had time to comment b/c of RL and all....
Anyhow I too REALY loved this show up until the last three minutes (more on that later...)
Ryan - He's hilarious! I love him! :drool: He's so different from the rookie he was back in Season 3 - you can really see the character development and I really love seeing him with Walter - they have a great repore (spelling?)
Natalia - Oh yea, she's AWESOME! To be honest, I didn't like her that much in Season 4, but she too has really come into her own. :thumbsup: Unlike Horatio, she can see clearly when it comes to separating the case and her own personal issues (you could see the pain on her face when she realized domestic violence may've been involved, but she didn't go off the deep end, which I was refreshed to see - we don't always need a direct reference to Nick b/c Eva LaRue is so good at conveying those emotions through her acting. To me, Natalia is what Calleigh was in Seasons 1-4, the Calleigh I really miss. It kind of bothers me that she's being referred to as H's "right hand woman" b/c Cal outranks her and to me used to be a fantastic character like Nat, but TPTB screwed up along the way and I just don't see Cal having any interaction w/H anymore.
Calleigh: Does anyone know if EP had her baby yet?

I actually do miss Calleigh

- I think that it was the bad storylines she was given that ruined her character.

The storyarches for her in Seasons 1-4 made her endearing and if they get back to that I think there's a chance to save her character. However, with such limited screen time, Cal is pretty much out of the team loop, which I personally don't like. In some ways, I wish they would've just had Cal take a leave of absense b/c of a family issue - at least that would give some character depth, show some concern for Calleigh and explain her limited screen time. I still like Cal, unlike many here, and hope they do her more justice when EP can return.
Delko: I liked him in this episode - it's nice to see him w/out too much drama. :bolian: I still don't really like the H/Eric dynamic that much (especially w/the way H is going), but I'm glad Eric wasn't involved in that last scene.
Tom: I ADORE Tom! He's so quirky - it's really good "comic relief" at times :lol: At first I wasn't so sure about him, but he really brings a quirky twist that Miami needs!
Frank: I love it when he says "dumbass"! :guffaw:
Walter: His character is just very enjoyable - a great "buddy" for Ryan, too.
In general, I've really loved the team interaction this season. :thumbsup: That scene w/ (most) of the team at the end was great - good job by TPTB on that one!

I even enjoyed Delko and Natalia w/the elbow pads - the conversations feel very "real" and not forced/scripted or stilted

, which is also refreshing.
Now to the dreaded HORATIO: :shifty:
To sum up my opinon: :wtf: :brickwall:
Does anyone remember in Season 3, when Rick Stetler was trying to pin Horatio for police brutality when he restrained that guy on the roof? (I think the episode was "After the Fall). I hated Stetler b/c it seemed like he was on a witch hunt and we as an audience knew H wasn't showing brutal force (he was restraining a guy going for his weapon.) (Now I actually miss Stetler and I hated the way his exit was "explained" :shifty
Does anyone remember how Calleigh FOUGHT to EXHONORATE Horatio - she spoke to him privately, called him out on what was going on, but never questioned his integrity. She knew that Horatio would NEVER do something to hurt the team or his badge.
Now flash forward seven years - Horatio has, WITH INTENT, beaten up at least two people this season, not to mention some of the people he's beaten or killed in "self defense" in recent seasons.

:wtf: This is NOT Horatio - not the one with integrity and caring about his team more than himself. :shifty:
Granted, H has "developed, changed and been through a lot" since Season 3. But the show still seems to peg him as a "HERO" - HE'S NOT ANYMORE. They don't want consequences for him. To be honest, if H was acting like this and there were major ramifications, I wouldn't care. Every person has to go through a "dark period" I suppose, some more than others. But to make H's actions seem "justified" or "heroic" is ASSANINE! :scream:
THe last scene actually horrified me b/c there was a chance this guy was telling the TRUTH!! She may've fallen off his bike - she was a tough chick and it's possible. Now, I'm not saying it's likely, I'm just saying the ACTOR did a nice job of convincing me that it POSSIBLY may not have been abuse. (Which I usually don't get on Miami - usually I can smell an abuser right away on this show - this one actually wasn't as clear cut.)
Again, I think unless there are consequences for Horatio, or he has a mental breakdown, this is all STUPID, POINTLESS AND plain PROMOTING POLICE BRUTALITY. It's happened more than once, and the fans are TIRED OF IT. :brickwall: This doesn't show H's heroism, it shows his SELFISHNESS - he doesn't care about anyone but himself b/c he's doing this to act out on his own feelings. He tells victims they can't inflict justice, but he's become a HYPOCRITE

. He doesn't think of consequences, and him beating up that guy won't necessarily stop him from doing it again, and it may stop H from stopping more bad guys b/c he could lose his badge!! :scream:
I like what someone else said about Natalia calling him out on all this - I could see that.
No way Eric would say anything b/c he's becoming the next "Horatio" - he's following in H's footsteps and being brutal himself. I think if Speed were still here he'd have a better perspective and call both of them out. Eric is too emotionally involved w/H to see clearly about his actions.
I used to think Calleigh would be the one to call Horatio out on his crazy behavior (since she was always comfortable talking to him in Seasons 1-4. See my previous reference to "After the Fall"). But that's highly unlikely. It's also unfortunate b/c she is the ONLY CHARACTER LEFT that knew H wayyy before he became like this and WITNESSED his transformation. Even Nat didn't know what he was really like prior to Marisol. Cal isn't emotionally involved w/H, so she would logically be the one to see things a bit more clearly/rationally - I'd love to see an angry/emotionally charged scene between her and H about all this (and how he's risking the team and his own job) as opposed to the (very rare) cold encounters they've had over the past three years.
Let's step it up! At the end of the day, Cal has seniority and is the "second in command" - no matter what other characters are "doing" on the show - and it really should be her responsibility to call H out on this.
This season has been so great - it's really ashame that TPTB are ruining it w/little scenes like this one w/Horatio. Again, it's more the fact that there are no consequences that irks me. I really think it all goes wayyy beyond Marisol. It goes back to the murder of Horatio's mother, which has never been spoken of since Season 4. That's why he always helps "damsels in distress" - even Marisol. He just can't handle everything that's compounded his mother's death, and his helplessness to stop his abusive dad from killing her. Bring that storyline back, and maybe I'll buy all this "badass Horatio" crap.
So, in nutshell, AWESOME episode minus the last three minutes. (And AWESOME season so far, aside from this Horatio bad-ass crap.
