The intro was the best ever -- I was incredibly pumped & grinning ear to ear, loved it! From that point on, it fell a little flat. I still enjoyed the episode & liked what Rob Zombie brought to it -- other than that, there was no team seen in this one, nor enough science.
I agree with you here,
MJ. I thought the opening was great. But after the first 15 minutes or so it seemed to settle into a more normal episode and there was a glaring lack of "team."
Walter was too cute defending Jesse to Rebecca -- he had that "yeah, you get her, H" attitude :lol:
Yes he did! I found Walter's loyalty very endearing. Heaven knows this team could use a whole lot more of that. As someone previously commented (I apologize, I don't remember who...) Jesse's reaction at the end of the episode to Horatio saying Jesse would have done the same for him was less than satisfying. If they are trying to plant the seeds of doubt about Jesse, they're about as subtle as a rock. Show a little more respect for the intelligence of the audience, please.
I found it interesting that he reacted the way he did, yet Calleigh treated Jesse as a potential criminal.....didn't like that at all. "Step away from the car" was a bit too much from a colleague & not necessary.
I thought Calleigh's demeanor was a bit over-the-top as well. But then again, maybe not considering it's Calleigh. It's not like her rush to judgment and cold dismissal hasn't been part of her make-up in the past couple of years. I found that scene highly reminicent of Calleigh and Eric's harsh judgment and dismissal of Ryan in "WISC." The only difference is that Jesse HAD explained to Calleigh why he feared for Anna.
And so I find it interesting that Calleigh is the only team member that Jesse took into his confidence about what was going on and she still didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. Her demeanor also brought back images of her cold response to Natalia's question about her shooting Eric - supposedly the love of her life - and her position that he was breaking the law and she had no regrets for shooting him. Whatever!
Oh how I love it whenever I hear Horatio tell someone to shut up. :devil:
Yeah. I don't think I'd keep going if Horatio told me to shut it! :lol:
That said I was surprised at how far Jesse was allowed to go when he was confronting Enright. I felt he should have been escorted out immediately and then Horatio should have admonished soundly that his actions were inappropriate. Simply telling him this wasn't the way to get it wasn't sufficient corrective action in my book. I'm sure the scene was intended to portray how emotional the whole issue is for Jesse but I felt it reflected badly on Jesse's professionalism.
Eric: Hair. Fix it. Please. Looks like someone drew a line across his forehead & then colored the rest in with a Sharpie. :wtf:
Yeah. It does look pretty bad, doesn't it? :lol: Tracy Morgan's hair looks a little like that right now. Maybe that's the "style." To each his own!
Of course loved the Natalia/abuse/Anna situation. Thoughts on that one are going in her thread.
She was amazing! Again Natalia's warmth, compassion and concern for the victim just radiates.
I found the dynamics of Natalia's compassion for Anna (a victim that Natalia identified with, but still a stranger) was in stark contrast to Calleigh's cold, detached method of dealing with Jesse - a member of her team who had actually taken her into his confidence about his fears for Anna.
I alway love Horatio but I really loved him in this episode. He was everything I like about the man: unflappable, tough, determined and loyal to those who work under him. I would shut up if he told me too.
I loved him, too. This is the Horatio I've been waiting so long so see again. I'm thrilled when we do get to see him. Still not often enough for me, but I'll take what I can get.
Ryan and Natalia didn't have many scenes (more than I thought they would) but made the best of the ones they did have.
I thought Natalia did a good job with Anna using her experience with Nick to empathize with her. Glad to see a little continuation.
Agreed. I thought Natalia was outstanding in this episode. It is proof positive that she needs to be seen much more than she has been.
Not nearly enough Ryan, though. And I, like many, really didn't find the height comment very funny and I do think that Ryan's reaction was more one of "what a jerk." Although Coop's screw up and Ryan's "genius" comment was pretty funny.
This eppie raised a couple of questions. Maybe they were addressed before I don't know. Why and when did Tony Enright kill Jesse's wife? Sutter and Jesse were both sure Enright did it. Do they have a lot of evidence and if they did would they have enough to take it to trial? Will this happen later this season?
Well, they have said that Jesse's storyline will be part of the last couple of episodes (the basis for the rumors that Cibrian is getting fired to make way for AR's to return). Hopefully a lot of those questions will be answered before the end of the season.