Episode 8x11 - 'Delko For the Defense' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

BTW, even better...very FEW scenes with Eddie Cibrian! Finally, we can focus on other CSI's not him! I wonder if it was because Adam was on?

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: I felt the same way, but I don't want to start a fight.

I do wish they would have said something about Natalia's hearing though

I missed Valera, but her bangs are a little too long :wtf:

Dave oh how I love thee...please show him more :)

Poor Frank...I think he's gonna be traumatized :guffaw:
This one definitely had some creepy twists in it.

I think there was more of a balance in characters. Jesse and Walter are starting to blend more in with the rest of the team.

Nothing like a bloodsucking ambulance chaser.

It was good to have the old smart-alecky Frank back. Natalia seems to have bounced back nicely from last week. Hope they didn't forget that storyline.

As a female, I wanted to reach out and hug Jesse for pulling the plug on that pervert's videotapes. Jesse's kind of growing on me.

Glad they brought Dave Benton out into the field and that they're giving him more to work with. It's my hope that tptb will give Dave his own storyline somewhere down the road.

It was great to see Maxine Valera again, but she needs to trim her bangs.

Delko looks good with hair.

Which brings me to a MAJOR GRIPE:

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY Calleigh should have been involved in this case, since she and Eric have a history together (and just might be still seeing each other. Are they?) The CSI's went to such great lengths to play it clean and record their every move, but they let Calleigh work on that case, which presents a credibility problem. :scream: That would've given them a reason to bring Rick Stetler in :drool::adore:, but I guess we can't have everything. I'm sure somebody in there knows about their history together now. I mean heck, didn't Rick pull her off the case in "Down to the Wire" simply because her credibility could have been called into question?

I'd say they had plenty of evidence against those perverts. My heart goes out to whoever has to review those videotaped rapes.

(taking off legal hat)

I kind of hope Eric gets that job. Those boys are gonna make lots of new and exciting friends in prison.
CSI Miami this year sure is getting such a good handle on character balance and emotional stories and connections between characters! I'm SO PROUD!!!!

Nice to see Delko back, familiar faces are always welcomed!!!

Ryan and Calleigh running around at the beginning was fun! H being H as usual was sweet to watch......I'm becoming more and more intrigued by David Caruso!!

Jesse's got in a few great scenes, hope to see more Musketeer-ness in the future! At least this time people can't say he's overtaking the show since it was all about Delko's glory this time around.

One thing bugging me though is I don't remember Jesse and Delko having any scenes....I know those two are suppose to be like replacement from each other and all, but it's not like they're suppose to be enemies or something, they can be friendly.....it would have been nice....if there was a scene like that, I certainly didn't see it.....

Oh well, kinda weird story, rather strange but interesting, overall it was the character interactions that were the best. I'll give it an A!!

Oh and just another thought, I finally figured out why the girl who played Anna (who's being followed by Jesse) looked so familiar!!! She played DEA Agent Carina on Chuck!!!!:lol:
One thing bugging me though is I don't remember Jesse and Delko having any scenes....I know those two are suppose to be like replacement from each other and all, but it's not like they're suppose to be enemies or something, they can be friendly.....it would have been nice....if there was a scene like that, I certainly didn't see it.....

I think they had a scene together in Bad Seed when there was a team meeting
One thing bugging me though is I don't remember Jesse and Delko having any scenes....I know those two are suppose to be like replacement from each other and all, but it's not like they're suppose to be enemies or something, they can be friendly.....it would have been nice....if there was a scene like that, I certainly didn't see it.....

I think they had a scene together in Bad Seed when there was a team meeting

I thought that team meeting only consisted of the original team and that Jesse and Walter were not with the group when they had that meeting?
They had a scene together in "Delko For The Defense" as well. Eric was recording jesse doing something(I forgot what)and jesse spoke to eric letting him know what it was.
They had a scene together in "Delko For The Defense" as well. Eric was recording jesse doing something(I forgot what)and jesse spoke to eric letting him know what it was.

There we go! I knew I missed something when I was watching it the first time, must have been the bathroom break...LOL! I just had to go and miss a Jesse/Eric moment......

I saw it again on the second viewing.....hmmmm it was a rather textbook scene, just two investigators talking.....I guess I was expecting a bit more since they've got the Speed connection......
I thought that team meeting only consisted of the original team and that Jesse and Walter were not with the group when they had that meeting?

While I don't have the ep on me, I do recall seeing them in the same room. They didn't speak to each other but they were there
In response to BauerAlmeida:

As far as Stetler knows Eric and Cal aren't together, thanks to the phrasing Eric used during the IAB investigation into the shooting. And in any case, the fact that Eric recorded everything should protect both sides from credibility doubts. Almost everyone on the team has "history" with Eric, and that lawyer lady undoubtedly knows that. If she feared there would be any questioning into the validity of Eric being in the lab, I doubt she would've hired him; she has too much to lose.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the way the season is turning out. During the break before the premiere I constantly found myself rewatching the old seasons, so I'm grateful they've "gotten back to basics" so to speak. As for Jesse and Walter, I do like them, but I agree with everyone in that the old favorites like Frank and Nat have sat on the back burner too long.

but the season's not over yet so guess we'll just have to wait and see :thumbsup: (First time posting so go easy on me)
In response to BauerAlmeida:

As far as Stetler knows Eric and Cal aren't together, thanks to the phrasing Eric used during the IAB investigation into the shooting. And in any case, the fact that Eric recorded everything should protect both sides from credibility doubts. Almost everyone on the team has "history" with Eric, and that lawyer lady undoubtedly knows that. If she feared there would be any questioning into the validity of Eric being in the lab, I doubt she would've hired him; she has too much to lose.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the way the season is turning out. During the break before the premiere I constantly found myself rewatching the old seasons, so I'm grateful they've "gotten back to basics" so to speak. As for Jesse and Walter, I do like them, but I agree with everyone in that the old favorites like Frank and Nat have sat on the back burner too long.

but the season's not over yet so guess we'll just have to wait and see :thumbsup: (First time posting so go easy on me)

Welcome :D
Great episode!

I do believe Frank was traumatized after the "equipment" moment. :lol:
I loved the whole team in this episode, I felt that after Frank's "working for the other side" comment would mean that the whole team would be picking on Eric. But it turned entirely different!

H was so warm to him, Cal was welcoming & Ryan, being Ryan was teasing him! The best part was that Eric is still Eric after quiting CSI, you know cop at heart! I actually thought Eric was going to beat up his own client!

Dave & Valera looked great! I really missed both Valera & Eric, it was so refreshing to see them. But atleast we know they aren't going anywhere for now!

About H, what can I say?! He was everywhere & was great everywhere he was. I loved the last 10 seconds of the entire show when he simply holds the victim close to him. It was such a comforting scene, you could actually feel he really cared for what happened to her & helped bring justice.

Good job Caruso! :bolian:
In response to BauerAlmeida:

As far as Stetler knows Eric and Cal aren't together, thanks to the phrasing Eric used during the IAB investigation into the shooting. And in any case, the fact that Eric recorded everything should protect both sides from credibility doubts. Almost everyone on the team has "history" with Eric, and that lawyer lady undoubtedly knows that. If she feared there would be any questioning into the validity of Eric being in the lab, I doubt she would've hired him; she has too much to lose.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the way the season is turning out. During the break before the premiere I constantly found myself rewatching the old seasons, so I'm grateful they've "gotten back to basics" so to speak. As for Jesse and Walter, I do like them, but I agree with everyone in that the old favorites like Frank and Nat have sat on the back burner too long.

but the season's not over yet so guess we'll just have to wait and see :thumbsup: (First time posting so go easy on me)

Nice to meet ya, redanemone!

It probably wouldn't take much for Stetler to find out there is/was much more to Eric and Calleigh's relationship. If he wanted to, however, I think he would have done it when they were both going through Stetler's investigation.

I don't think their relationship necessarily disqualified Calleigh. But I do agree with Jag Lady that some of her observations were stated badly in court.

I totally and completely loved Horatio in this episode. As I said in the Horatio thread, the Horatio that I so loved is coming back and I'm thrilled! :thumbsup:

Like you, I'm very pleased with the way this season is progressing. We're seeing a great deal of improvement in time sharing for individual characters and in team interaction. I really enjoy the new additions and the way they are fitting in.

I'm crossing my fingers that Natalia's hearing loss is not something that is left to fade and that she is finally given the storyline that she deserves. I'd also like to see characters like Valera and Dave a little more often, but Frank is my priority. I really want to see much more of him. ;)

CSI Miami won it's timeslot again, which is a good thing. The numbers were up with this episode, but I'm not sure if that was because Eric returned or because it was up against a Castle rerun (Castle's numbers were half what they were last week with an original run episode. That show is really gaining in popularity.). I guess it all depends on your perspective! ;)
It's scenes like at the very end where Horatio is gently embracing the victim in his arms that has always endeared Horatio Caine to me, his incredibly open loving heart is the sole reason that despite all my last 5 years of teasing and mocking his character, that I could never hate him and will come to his character's defense. Horatio's innate ability to connect to the victim and their families has always been his shining achievement, and it's something that I can't see from the other CSI leaders.

Mac Taylor is a good honorable man, and yes he does have a soft side considering he is baby Lucy's godfather, but Mac isn't something you see embracing victims or their families or even have that soft gentle connection. Mac is about his work and getting justice, he's not the touchy-feely kind of guy. Neither is Gil Grissom, sure the man cares deeply about his CSIs and he cares about the people whose lives are effected by death and murder, but I have never seen Grissom opening his heart up to the point where he would just naturally embrace the people who suffered because the crimes.

This personal connection and gentle assurance is something that's unique to Horatio Caine and is an intricate part of who he is. He is a natural around people who need a shoulder to lean on and most especially, little kids. He's got the magic touch.

The ending scene in this episode with Horatio and the surviving victim is something that I cannot see Mac or Grissom would do.
You're right, BauerAlmeida. I'm so glad they dispensed with the dark, distant "Super H."

There were a couple of things I missed the first time around.

In the storage unit:

If the CSI's had to break the lock from the outside, how was the guy in there? Secret passage?

From where did he get all the electricity to run all that stuff? (Unless you can now get storage units with electrical hookups) And considering the storage unit is probably all metal and probably bad reception for wireless, from where was he getting internet access? Do storage units come with modems now?

Concerning Eric/Calleigh's history, it's a card that either attorney could pull out and play anytime they pleased. The key is to win, even if it means putting doubt in the jury's mind about either one's credibility. I still maintain that she shouldn't have been on that case.