Episode 7x16 - 'Sink or Swim' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

What do I have to say? The episode was great overall, but not awesome because it was rushed. That one thing annoyed me, but it was jam packed with action, love scenes and the whole lot! Don't let me get started on that kissing scene. It was very sweet. Today my friend told me that she was upset about it cause the look on Eric's face was not surprized. And no matter how long I explain to her that they've been together for a while, and he's probably used to the pecks she shuts him up with and that the most improtant part was that he was serious about putting her in danger. THAT was the reason, but we could see he was happy.

-luv Diddy reaction to his wife dying, it was real.
-luv Eric's punch and that guy's acting
-luv the jail scene between E and C, so sweet. He needed to remember that she was there for him
-Natalia reaction! I was surprised and was grateful for a little bit of caring. And it also showed a bit when, at the ending, Ryan stepped into the lab when Cal and H were getting into Eric's dad's tooth.
-Diving of coarse I loved!
- the two last scenes: EandC and Diddy and H :thumbsup:
-Cal was sweet to begin with, but to see her romantic and sweet side is very awesome.
What do I have to say? The episode was great overall, but not awesome because it was rushed. That one thing annoyed me, but it was jam packed with action, love scenes and the whole lot! Don't let me get started on that kissing scene. It was very sweet. Today my friend told me that she was upset about it cause the look on Eric's face was not surprized. And no matter how long I explain to her that they've been together for a while, and he's probably used to the pecks she shuts him up with and that the most improtant part was that he was serious about putting her in danger. THAT was the reason, but we could see he was happy.

-luv Diddy reaction to his wife dying, it was real.
-luv Eric's punch and that guy's acting
-luv the jail scene between E and C, so sweet. He needed to remember that she was there for him
-Natalia reaction! I was surprised and was grateful for a little bit of caring. And it also showed a bit when, at the ending, Ryan stepped into the lab when Cal and H were getting into Eric's dad's tooth.
-Diving of coarse I loved!
- the two last scenes: EandC and Diddy and H :thumbsup:
-Cal was sweet to begin with, but to see her romantic and sweet side is very awesome.

I have to agree, although I loved this episode, especially the E/C scenes, it did seem a bit rushed. It seemed to be flowing until the second half. As soon as Eric was taken to the detention center they rushed to get him out. IMO this would have been a good two part episode. Last night should have ended with Eric going into the center and next weeks he gets released. I thought that I was the only one who thought everything was crammed into an hour until my sister said the same thing.
When was the last time we had a really good two-partner? Man Down? That was forever ago.

"Ambush" and "All In" were two parters last season.

Oh, I meant to ask (I haven't watched the episode yet), how much do we have to see Paris Hilton during the ep? I mean during the commericals. :lol: Wasn't she supposed to be hosting the night or something?
When was the last time we had a really good two-partner? Man Down? That was forever ago.

"Ambush" and "All In" were two parters last season.

Oh, I meant to ask (I haven't watched the episode yet), how much do we have to see Paris Hilton during the ep? I mean during the commericals. Wasn't she supposed to be hosting the night or something?

That's what I thought too. I just flipped over to CBS and saw her talking with...someone, I don't remember who it was, and I was like, ooo! They're going to be hosting! I totally forgot about that! I figured they would make comments on the show or something but I guess not. It was just that little blip before Miami and that was it.

But I'm not crying over it or anything. :)
I just watched the episode and I must say I liked it. Of course, I loved EC scenes, but that's for shipper central.

One thing that I really, really liked is Natalia's reaction. She was always "blah" character to be, so to see her a bit aggressive, really made me like her. I hope the writers give her more of scenes like that in the future.
It was a fantastic episode, i loved it!!!
Im so glad Eric & Calleigh are finally together, yey!!!!! I actually had tears in my eyes :lol:
I suppose I'm gonna end up saying the same thing as everyone else, but I too liked the episode. Not the best of the series but certainly one of the better ones.

I wasn't really dazzled by Mr. Combs but he held his own, so I can't say I'm disappointed either. I was actually kind of disappointed in Tripp for being so aggressive with Derek Powell. They were trying to solve a crime, I get that, but a little tact and patience was in order since the man had just lost his fiancee. Powell may have been a *bleep* in the previous episode, but he can suffer just like the rest of us. Then again, I know Tripp isn't notorious for being gentle, so I understand the behavior.

I was so impressed with Natalia in this episode. God, was she amazing or what? She fought like a freakin' hero against those INS tools when they came for Eric, and it was awesome. I wanted to stand up and applaud for her, but I was watching the episode at midnight and didn't want to wake up my son or my housemates... so I cheered on the inside. :D

Eric's father had greasy hair. I know, that's not what I ought to have noticed right off the bat, but I did, and then I couldn't STOP focusing on it! By the way, it's very weird to call that guy Eric's father. They look nothing, and I mean NOTHING, alike. I appreciate that he showed up at the end to validate Eric's citizenship, though. Does that mean the hit is off? I mean, it wouldn't make sense to go through the trouble of making sure that Eric could stay in the USA just to have him whacked the next day.

Loved the way that Ryan sat across from the criminal couple, all smooth and suave, and then was like "oh, by the way, I'm a cop and I'm here to bust you, suckers". Ryan/Jon needs more screen time like this. Frankly, I'm sick of the writers dumping on him all the time. He's basically a good guy, albeit a little uptight and grumpy, and he should have more shining moments.

Of course I adored the Eric/Calleigh moments, but then again, I'm a fan of that particular ship, so... heh... my adoration really could've gone without saying. I won't gush too much about it. Actually, I won't gush about it at all. That's what the Hiphuggers shipper thread is for.

Hey, who else was thrilled to see H in a lab coat? Raise your hand! *raises hand* And I know a lot of people were wondering how he got into Eric's father's car without setting of the alarm. I was trying to figure it out too, but then I realized that perhaps the car doesn't have an alarm at all. My car doesn't have one! Hey, it's possible. Then again, we're talking about Super H here (for whom we could compile a list of amazing facts, just like others have done for Chuck Norris), so I don't really have to dwell on it for long because... well... H can do pretty much anything he likes!

I was happy to see Yelina (didn't she look fantastic in that dress?). I was happy to see British lab tech (I actually had to Google "frog walk" to find out what he meant... that IS what he said, right?). I was disappointed with the lack of Valera. MORE VALERA! I demand this.

And that's all folks. I suck at conclusions, so I'm really not gonna wrap this up properly. Apologies!

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I was actually kind of disappointed in Tripp for being so aggressive with Derek Powell. They were trying to solve a crime, I get that, but a little tact and patience was in order since the man had just lost his fiance. Powell may have been a *bleep* in the previous episode, but he can suffer just like the rest of us. Then again, I know Tripp isn't notorious for being gentle, so I understand the behavior.

Yeah he was kind of agressive with Derek. Tripp has always been kind of rough but in the last two episodes it's been a little bit more than usual. In 7.15 Natalia pratically told him with her eyes to leave the hospital room after he was so brusque with the girl. Maybe something is happening to good ol' Frank and we'll see something more on him in upcoming episodes??? That would be cool :).
Guys I just realised something! In season 5 the two parter was about Eric, in season 6 the two parter was about Calleigh and now in season 7 the episode was about E and C! And guess what it was at the same time in the seasons too! Episodes 514 and 515 and 615 and 616 and 716. Cool, this is like EC time of the year, lets look out for next season's EC time. It's kinda like mating season? Get it?:lol:
I wasn't really dazzled by Mr. Combs but he held his own, so I can't say I'm disappointed either. I was actually kind of disappointed in Tripp for being so aggressive with Derek Powell. They were trying to solve a crime, I get that, but a little tact and patience was in order since the man had just lost his fiancee. Powell may have been a *bleep* in the previous episode, but he can suffer just like the rest of us. Then again, I know Tripp isn't notorious for being gentle, so I understand the behavior.

Me too!! I didn't like the way Tripp treated Derek. He didn't show any compassion, Calleigh did.
That's what I like about Tripp, his a cop's cop. He doesn't seem to show much compassion for anyone except the TEAM, which is what a real cop does.....
Maybe something is happening to good ol' Frank and we'll see something more on him in upcoming episodes??? That would be cool :).

this is kind of off-topic here...so,sorry...

ya, that would be something...everybody has or had something going on in their off-work lives...maybe Frank has something disturbing him home so he can not concentrate properly...when did he last had a story of his own?...did he actually had one?