IEric's father had greasy hair. I know, that's not what I ought to have noticed right off the bat, but I did, and then I couldn't STOP focusing on it!
Me too! LOL
I liked the episode and I agree with everything that's been said. Just a couple more things:
- The E/C: I'm not a shipper but I like them together, they're sweet. But please writers, pretty please, don't screw this up! I was a fan of the GSR (but not a shipper, meaning that I preferred to explore the ship in fanfic, not in the show) and I think they didn't know how to handle the relationship and the whole thing became a mess. I don't care about the E/C ship as long as it's subtle and not too angsty (or too cheesy). I hope they can find the right balance
- Yelina: Oh how I've missed thee! :lol: But seriously, is she the female James Bond or what? That was a little ridiculous and the fact that the russian mob hires someone out of the blue, without a little background checking is plain stupid. I was hoping to see some Russian spying on Yelina while she was givin H the info about Eric. Come on, she stole a notepad in plain sight and the editing of the scene made us believe that the mobster had noticed it, so what's the point? Is Yelina in danger? I hope so, but I also hoped it was at least hinted in the episode.
- Eric's father: Is he or isn't he a bad man? Did Eric's mother lied? Why would she told him otherwise? Was she trying to protect Eric's father? I hope we see more of him this season.