Hit and Run
Aw, I'm sorry! ;oRyan's behavior was a little strange, though it's not uncommon for him to do things like call suspects 'morons' and such, the raving was a little peculiar and definitly attention-grabbing.
And let us not forget his hot black jacket.In my opinion, these actions are unaffiliated with future episodes. Ryan does seem more anxious than anything else, but at the same time, future episodes appear to be isolated within themselves. (ryan's whole kidnapping thing takes place between episodes: Target specific and Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing.)
Well thanks for shooting down my genius!*humphs*
Ok now that I got that out, seriously, thank you for pointing that out.
What you said makes sense*rubs chin* I will think on it.
Don't worry, it's just an opinion of mine. Lol Yours are just as valuable. ;D