Episode 7x11 - 'Tipping Point' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Exactly, they do in that in LV. But just b/c these shows are all part of a franchise, doesn't mean they will do the same things. They HAVE to be different or they would simply be carbon copies. I'm not saying that them sitting at table discussing the case would make them a carbon copy of LV but the fact that they DON'T sit around a table is what makes Miami, Miami!

Miami has always been more about the action, so sitting around a table just isn't their style.

Well they did gather around in 'Golden Parachute', 'Losing Face', 'Slaughterhouse', and 4 of them in 'Breathless' so they probably wanted that to be their style at one point, even though they were so eager to separate Miami from LV. Obviously that isn't their style anymore - as they seem to have really found their niche - but it was nice to see in the earlier seasons and I don't think it would be too much to ask every once in a while now. :p Perhaps the 'walking down the beach' every few seasons is more of something they'd rather do which I don't mind--as long as we see a team dynamic consisting of more than 2 people.

But yeah, I feel the ending would have been 10x more perfect if the entire team had been there but I'll take what we had. :) It was cool.
Funny. I watched my first ever episode of CSI last night. Didn't like it as much as Miami but when I saw them together in a room talking about the case I thought that it was a nice, but somewhat boring scene.
I really don't see it fitting in with the Miami group. I'd rather see more of the investigation and processing of evidence. I like the in the lab discussions they have. But that's just me.
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Funny. I watched my first ever episode of CSI last night. Didn't like it as much as Miami but when I saw them together in a room talking about the case I thought that it was a nice, but somewhat boring scene.
I really don't see it fitting in with the Miami group. I'd rather see more of the investigation and processing of evidence. I like the in the lab discussions they have. But that's just me.
CSI is starting it's 9th season,if you are just seeing your 1st episode,you would probably find some scenes boring.I love both shows,but they are very different.I actually think you see more processing of evidence on CSI,more action on Miami.Miami has showcased new technology,for intance the monitor that Delko threw last night.The lab discussions are good,but on a whole,the teams doesn't have a team feeling.
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I was slightly disappointed when Erica didn't show up, but after watching all of the names at the bottom of the screen and not seeing Amy Laughlin come up, I knew she wouldn't be there.

Other than that one little disappointment, oh my God, I loved it! :lol:

I loved that Natalia had a big part in this episode. I loved how she pretended to cry when she was talking to the funeral director. :lol: I really liked how she felt really bad for the mother, Frank was trying to tell her they couldn't help, but when the boy came out she said "Can't we work both?"

Even though I love Ryan, I didn't mind that he didn't have a lot of time in this episode. They're doing a good job of dividing up the time on screen this season, and I think he's had plenty in the last few episodes compared to Natalia or Frank. So I liked that he had less and they had more tonight. I suppose I'm getting used to Ryan's really bad shirts, because it was easier to ignore tonight. :p

Horatio really must be tired of people dying on him. The poor guy. I almost cried for him when Hector died.

I cringed when the drill thing went into the guy at the beginning. >.< I actually thought they were going to stop before it hit him.

Best. Ending. Ever. The only other endings I remember that I liked as much as this one were from Rock and a Hard Place, and Death Pool 100. I just love the heartfelt endings, with the team. And even though it wasn't the whole team, it was H and Natalia, a weird combination but I think having her with him at the end shows they're all still close, even if it's not shown a lot.
I'd say all that plus I loved the song in the beginning and Akon's son in the end. The episode was great.
I really liked this episode. It was nice to see Natalia have more screentime compared to other episodes. I liked that she helped that lady out, that funeral director was a jerk!

I hated that Hector died in the episode. I was hoping he wouldn't but figured he would. It was nice though to see what he wanted to happen, happen.
CSI is starting it's 9th season,if you are just seeing your 1st episode,you would probably find some scenes boring.I love both shows,but they are very different.I actually think you see more processing of evidence on CSI,more action on Miami.Miami has showcased new technology,for intance the monitor that Delko threw last night.The lab discussions are good,but on a whole,the teams doesn't have a team feeling.
And CSI: NY has the relationship part down perfectly. :rolleyes: I agree though, I never watched CSI until after I'd become a fan of Miami, and I did find it boring at first. Plus, they need to turn some lights on or something. :lol:
I thought it was a pretty good episode. Good storyline, but I was sad that the one guy who was trying to change for the better, was the one who ended up dying. Seemed to be such a waste. And of course, true to form Super H survived without a scratch. Of course, he's going to rescue the girl, but I would like one time to see a teensy scratch, or maybe a little bit of a scorched suit. :)

And even though I don't really like Erica, and wasn't looking forward to seeing her, I'm now curious about scenes that might be cut. That could account for the lack of a lot of Ryan in this episode too because if she was in any scenes, it would most likely be with him.

Talking about the the dynamics, I do enjoy the way the other shows do get together, and wish that would happen more often in Miami. Sometimes, things feel scattered in Miami, like everyone is going in their own direction instead of being a team. It wouldn't be practical for the way Miami works, but I would like to see it from time to time. I'd settle for Super H treating everyone to a nice dinner after a particularly bad day.
one of the biggest things that bug me is that they don't put scratches or bruises on the characters if they are around an explosion or hit or you know what i mean. on more realistic terms they would be hurt.
I'd settle for Super H treating everyone to a nice dinner after a particularly bad day.
At this rate they're going, Super H would be flat broke.

Sometimes, things feel scattered in Miami, like everyone is going in their own direction instead of being a team

That's how I feel when I watch as well.
The gathering around a table isn't how Miami works, however, back in the day they did manage to have at least 3 people in a scene ALOT of times. They throw it in now every so often, but it's very rare, & when I say I'd like to see more team interaction that's what I (personally) am referring to.
There's no reason why 3 or all 4 CSIs (sorry, I don't include H cause he's not very CSIish anymore) can't be at the crime scene together doing different things - they've done it before so it isn't that far away from being "Miami-ish".

An epi like '3-way' would be great to see, but with 4 instead of 3 :p
Does anyone know the name and who sings the song that played at the end of the episode last night?

It is bothering me.
I really liked this episode. The opening scene made me cringe. I thought for a second that maybe someone was going to stop the drill. That looked VERY painful.

Hector's death made me very sad. He was trying to bring down the gang and then he ended up dying. Hector dying with H right there reminded me of Speed.

Natalia's storyline was really good. I loved watching her with the funeral director, especially the part where she pulled out her badge. I also where she was helping to restore the house after the bomb.

I thought the kid playing with the gun was going to shoot himself. When the gun did go off, I was expecting him to be dead or dying.

I liked seeing Ryan and Valera together. Though wtf was up with Ryan's shirt? Bright orange with that blue tie. Yikes! I don't care for that look.

Besides Ryan's shirt, I didn't much care to see super H. He went into the house seconds before the bomb went off and didn't get hurt at all. That's ridiculous. Eric was knocked to the ground but H just carried the girl out like it was no big deal. again wtf?

Like many people, I would love to see more team interaction. The bit with H and Natalia in the end was nice, but I would like to see a scene more of the team in it. A