Exactly, they do in that in LV. But just b/c these shows are all part of a franchise, doesn't mean they will do the same things. They HAVE to be different or they would simply be carbon copies. I'm not saying that them sitting at table discussing the case would make them a carbon copy of LV but the fact that they DON'T sit around a table is what makes Miami, Miami!
Miami has always been more about the action, so sitting around a table just isn't their style.
Well they did gather around in 'Golden Parachute', 'Losing Face', 'Slaughterhouse', and 4 of them in 'Breathless' so they probably wanted that to be their style at one point, even though they were so eager to separate Miami from LV. Obviously that isn't their style anymore - as they seem to have really found their niche - but it was nice to see in the earlier seasons and I don't think it would be too much to ask every once in a while now. Perhaps the 'walking down the beach' every few seasons is more of something they'd rather do which I don't mind--as long as we see a team dynamic consisting of more than 2 people.
But yeah, I feel the ending would have been 10x more perfect if the entire team had been there but I'll take what we had. It was cool.