CSI Level Two
Ohhhhh myyyyy goooooddddd :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Eric is sooooo.... OMG !!! That muscles kill me :lol: I can't stop watchin' it :drool:
I love the Calleigh's scenes, I mean see her without the work clothes is awesome
'bout the shoes, maybe it's Emily shoes and Nike ones, she went to a Nike marathon so..
It's gonna be soooo freakin' awesome eppy :lol:
Eric is sooooo.... OMG !!! That muscles kill me :lol: I can't stop watchin' it :drool:
I love the Calleigh's scenes, I mean see her without the work clothes is awesome
'bout the shoes, maybe it's Emily shoes and Nike ones, she went to a Nike marathon so..
It's gonna be soooo freakin' awesome eppy :lol: