Episode 7x04 - 'Raging Cannibal' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Am I the only person who thought this was one of the better episodes? I actually really liked it! The mob thing wasn't as stupid as I thought, and it wasn't played out too much. I thought everyone had pretty good screentime too, even Natalia was in there more than once.
Oh yeah, haha...Somehow I forgot about the butterflies....When I first saw it, I flew to the TV screen to make sure. And I was right. So I laughed. And cried.

Not really, but I felt like it.
I didn't think it was a really bad episode, but I wasn't terribly entertained either. TPTB did a better job with the mob thing than I thought, but like I said before, it just wasn't all that amusing.

There were some good things, though. Lots of Ryan, and more Natalia. That's always good. Horatio had a kind of funny line in the beginning when he said "to get techinical." He didn't say it in a funny way...but it was still humorous for me.

But the promo for next week--I'm a little worried. They're trying to make it look like Kyle killed someone. I guess that should actually be comforting. It's never what it looks like in the promo. But I really don't want Kyle to turn out as some killer and go to jail. Give Horatio a break.

3 and 1/2 stars for me.
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I don't know...it wasn't bad - but I was disappointed. I wish they would have done something with the cannibalism rather then a fight club and the russian mob. So much potential for a good storyline wasted. I actually didn't finish watching it last night but finished it this morning.
I still don't know why Natalia does more DNA then Valera - that continues to annoy me. Eric's shirt was hideous. Ryan looked hot :drool: except why the ties? :rolleyes:
The other thing that bugs me was the arrest that was made. There was no evidence on that boxer to arrest him. :wtf: They got a confession but nothing to back it with - but it is Miami so why would I question it. :rolleyes: :lol:
All in all, the ep was kind of dull IMO. :lol: But, here are my thoughts as I wrote them down while watching the episode:

The couple at the beginning look familiar for some reason.

You mean they can get reception on a cell phone in the middle of nowhere like that? Wow! They must have excellent service!

"I brought her here to..."
"To get technical." :lol:

Ryan looks hot as usual. His shirt is okay, but that pattern on the tie is a little wild. :lol: At least it almost matches his shirt.

Tara looked like she was gonna throw up when she realized the guy took a chunk out of someone. :lol:

:wtf: Eric's shirt... Butterflies? :wtf: Guys should so not wear butterflies. :lol: That's the weirdest looking shirt. I think the wardrobe people are confused and think the characters are in Hawaii instead of Miami. :lol:

That paisley shirt on dead guy number two is awful too!

Tara and Natalia were wearing the same color shirts. Haha!

IThe pattern on Michael Travers' tie is awful too, but it's a pretty color. :lol:

Frank's tie is a nice color, but the pattern isn't great. :lol:

I thought that guy was calling Ryan "Lieutenant" at first cause I didn't see H there right away.:lol:

Loved Ryan grabbing that guy's arm. Brave!

Blood pool/missing dude's green striped shirt is similiar to Ryan's shirt.

Natalia got at least 4 or 5 scenes in this ep. I'm shocked. Ryan got at least 6. Nice change after last week's ep.

"Gee officer, I just don't know. All those big men at the gym... they all look the same." :guffaw:

Oh Lord... first H takes on the Mala Noche gang and now the Russian mob. :rolleyes:

so is Ivan gonna turn out to be Eric's real father?

Overall comment on clothing: Butterflies, paisleys and stripes, oh my! :lol:
I know I'm in the minority, but I really liked it. They could have blown the mob thing way out of proportion, but they didn't and I commend the writers for that. It could of been a bit more exciting, but I didn't really care because we got six whole scenes of Ryan!!! :drool:

Though it did have me thinking about the possible upcoming storyline involving him. I wish they would tell us already and stop torchuring us!!!


Anyways, good episode...had its boring spots but it kept my interest though out. And I loved Horatio's line at the end.
Having thought about this episode, I can say that while I was disappointed that they named it 'Raging Cannibal' and it had almost zero to do with cannibalism, the Russian mob storyline wasn't as ridiculous as it could have been. I wasn't exactly entertained the whole time but there was a lot of reality to it. :)wtf: Did I just say that?)

Loved Horatio's line "To get technical" :lol: and his one-liner wasn't even that bad. There was lots of Ryan and Natalia too, although I'm kind of getting tired of Tripp only being there to tell Horatio the victim's name and who has a record for what. Detectives on the other CSI shows get a tad more than that to work with. This guy needs another storyline I says!

I was almost irritated with the amount of scientific work they weren't doing in the field but I was surprised with Ryan's mirror trick and Eric's determination to get a print off the body even though he knew it was slim to none in that department. And new!Trace!Guy is cool. :p

So yeah, again not the worst episode and not the best.
Having thought about this episode, I can say that while I was disappointed that they named it 'Raging Cannibal' and it had almost zero to do with cannibalism, the Russian mob storyline wasn't as ridiculous as it could have been. I wasn't exactly entertained the whole time but there was a lot of reality to it. :)wtf: Did I just say that?)

Loved Horatio's line "To get technical" :lol: and his one-liner wasn't even that bad. There was lots of Ryan and Natalia too, although I'm kind of getting tired of Tripp only being there to tell Horatio the victim's name and who has a record for what. Detectives on the other CSI shows get a tad more than that to work with. This guy needs another storyline I says!

I was almost irritated with the amount of scientific work they weren't doing in the field but I was surprised with Ryan's mirror trick and Eric's determination to get a print off the body even though he knew it was slim to none in that department. And new!Trace!Guy is cool. :p

So yeah, again not the worst episode and not the best.

I just completely agree with everything you wrote. Maybe I would've liked the episode more if I hadn't been expecting it to have something to do with cannabilism. Maybe if that hadn't been mentioned then it would've been an ok episode because the russian storyline was done pretty well. But since it was even on the title then I would've liked it to be more about that and I believe it would've been a whole lot more interesting.

I also adore the new trace guy! :cool:
Yeah, it was like it was more about the animalistic act of ripping someone's throat out (like a rabid dog, other animal) than it was about cannibalism. In the flashback, it looked to me like the guy spit out on the ground after he bit that guy, so I don't think he did it because he wanted to eat him. :lol:
And of course the ONLY part that showed up in the dude's stomach was a perfect layer of skin that showed the full image of his tattoo :rolleyes:
I wasn't expecting much of the cannibal stuff, I knew the fancy glamorous Miami couldn't pull it off.

I can totally get used to the new guy though - "the glawse" (the glass) hehe... Iiii like him:cool:

GNRfan, Im going to take my answer to your spoiler box over to the Adam/Eric thread.
I dont think it was really bad but they could have done a better job with it! i mean i was actually falling asleep in the middle of it and that just isnt like me normaly when it comes to CSI Miami i cant take my eyes off but tonights eppie was kinda disapointing :( and Erics shirt was gross!! it was worse than the last one!!:lol: i just hope the next eppie is better and that they give poor Eric a new wardrobe:lol:
Oh, Miami, you suck, yet I can't stop watching. I suspect it's because you provide wonderful Tuesday post fodder, and because ranting about your endless shortcomings and insults to the intellect provides a relief and welcome distraction from the world beyond my pathetically limited sphere of influence.

Where, oh, where did Ryan Wolfe get his hands on a ten by twelve square of mirror glass? He was on a boat in the middle of a marsh. I'm fairly certain that huge chunks of mirror glass aren't standard issue with the Miami-Dade crime kit. They're too big for one thing, and for another, they'd shatter en route to crime scenes even if they were, what with the way the Hummers for Justice(not like that; but if it were like that, I would so totally name my Vegas hooker troupe Hummers for Justice and offer expert TLC to stressed-out cops) tear down miraculously uncrowded Miami freeways at the speed of Horatio's amazing balls pressing the accelerator.

It was on the boat, you say? Why? Who the hell putts around in his boat with huge slabs of unframed mirror glass lying around to focus the sunlight on his boating shorts and inadvertently set his ass on fire? Archimedes? Lame.

Who wants to bet that the Russian mob is the new big bad, and that by season's end, the Ruskies will have kidnapped the spawn of H for May sweeps? If they had any mercy, they'd weight the Seed of Chucky with an anchor and dump him into the Atlantic, along with dear old Mum, who looks like the Crypt Keeper in Versace.

I'd enjoy Miami a lot more if they'd dispense with the editing tricks. Watching TV is like watching someone else's life from behind a two-way mirror. You're supposed to believe that somewhere, this is really happening or has happened or will happen.

You can't do that when some jackass keeps toggling the Photoshop button and reminding you that it's all make-believe. In fact, it's rather annoying and frustrating, the modern equivalent of a drunken gaffer run onto the stage to whip out his hairy-nutted wang during a particularly delicate act of the Bolshoi ballet. Or in the case of Miami, during the final act of Oklahoma as staged by the Gomer Pyle Community College Players. It's intrusive, distracting, and makes me want to pee on my television like a distressed silver-backed gorilla warning off an enemy. The flow of a story, even the weak, tepid stories offered by this show, shouldn't be interrupted by a toggle-switch and mouse-click solo from the editors.

Oh, Miami, you suck, yet I can't stop watching. I suspect it's because you provide wonderful Tuesday post fodder, and because ranting about your endless shortcomings and insults to the intellect provides a relief and welcome distraction from the world beyond my pathetically limited sphere of influence.

Where, oh, where did Ryan Wolfe get his hands on a ten by twelve square of mirror glass? He was on a boat in the middle of a marsh. I'm fairly certain that huge chunks of mirror glass aren't standard issue with the Miami-Dade crime kit. They're too big for one thing, and for another, they'd shatter en route to crime scenes even if they were, what with the way the Hummers for Justice(not like that; but if it were like that, I would so totally name my Vegas hooker troupe Hummers for Justice and offer expert TLC to stressed-out cops) tear down miraculously uncrowded Miami freeways at the speed of Horatio's amazing balls pressing the accelerator.

It was on the boat, you say? Why? Who the hell putts around in his boat with huge slabs of unframed mirror glass lying around to focus the sunlight on his boating shorts and inadvertently set his ass on fire? Archimedes? Lame.

Who wants to bet that the Russian mob is the new big bad, and that by season's end, the Ruskies will have kidnapped the spawn of H for May sweeps? If they had any mercy, they'd weight the Seed of Chucky with an anchor and dump him into the Atlantic, along with dear old Mum, who looks like the Crypt Keeper in Versace.

I'd enjoy Miami a lot more if they'd dispense with the editing tricks. Watching TV is like watching someone else's life from behind a two-way mirror. You're supposed to believe that somewhere, this is really happening or has happened or will happen.

You can't do that when some jackass keeps toggling the Photoshop button and reminding you that it's all make-believe. In fact, it's rather annoying and frustrating, the modern equivalent of a drunken gaffer run onto the stage to whip out his hairy-nutted wang during a particularly delicate act of the Bolshoi ballet. Or in the case of Miami, during the final act of Oklahoma as staged by the Gomer Pyle Community College Players. It's intrusive, distracting, and makes me want to pee on my television like a distressed silver-backed gorilla warning off an enemy. The flow of a story, even the weak, tepid stories offered by this show, shouldn't be interrupted by a toggle-switch and mouse-click solo from the editors.


You don't know how much I laughed at that, La_Guera. Seriously. I didn't even think about the mirror until you pointed it out, and now I'm like "Well they... uh... no, that's 100% true". :lol: