Episode 7x04 - 'Raging Cannibal' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Discussion in 'CSI: Miami' started by Finch, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    The only explanation I can think of for Ryan having the mirror is that with him being OCD, he's always prepared for everything. So, he's probably got anything he might need in ANY situation. That's the only explanation that makes any sense to me. :lol:

    But, I cracked up at your comment about Julia. :guffaw:
  2. Hollyyo

    Hollyyo CSI Level Two

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The thing that really pissed me off was when Delko dusted that body for fingerprints....hoo boy....

    Bodies can sometimes have prints on them for about an hour or so, but they're gone really quickly. Even using a fuming chamber wouldn't do the trick after that amount of time. Plus it's extremely rare to find a fingerprint on the body in the first place. But they even said that body was kinda old. (Not talking years old, like hours old...hours dead old....?).

    I was just...mad when I saw that. They could have found some other bit of evidence to tie it to that barking Russian guy. UGH! I know some stuff they do is pretty fake, but that was pretty ridiculous.
  3. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    I just wanted to add that Tara is okay. She may grow on me yet. :lol:
  4. Florry86

    Florry86 CSI Level Three

    Jul 16, 2007
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    So the episode was one of the worst episodes I've ever wathced *cough*welle the worst one*cough*
    Probably that's because of Eric's shirt :guffaw:. Seriously what kind of man can ever wear such an ugly shirt w/ butterflies on it???:rolleyes:

    Calleigh, she was there but nothing important, plus she looked like a vampire w/ her shirt (I didn't understand what she was wearing):lol:

    Thank god we have Natalia in these moments, she's able to make you smile even in an episode like this.

    Ryan, thank god he had more screentime than the usual.

    Love the new trace guy:lol:. Our Arthur Conan Doyle is fantastic as his English accent.

    Tara: the more I see her, the more I like her. This time she asked why Calleigh wasn't there & I liked it. I don't know if this means will have a storyline w/ Calleigh hating Tara and making every kind of effort in order to avoid her (Eric's justification was lame:lol:), but I like it even if I would have waited a while for it.
    Maybe they're gonna try to bring back Alexx, at least for one episode.

    The Cannibalism storyline didn't exist as I thought. Plus they guy whos spat out the piece of skin was way too cannibal:lol:

    The russian mob storyline, I didn't follow it 'cause I was too distracted by the butterfly shirt.
  5. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    What justification do you mean, Florry? I'm already forgetting what was said.

    The one thing I'll never forget though is that damn butterfly shirt. I mean seriously, what were the wardrobe people thinking? First flowery shirts now butterflies. I have wonder what's next. I was joking in another thread that maybe they'll have him in rainbow patterns next or maybe teddy bears or kittens. But, you'd think they'd at least choose something a little less girly. Maybe Dinos or John Deer Tractors. :lol: I can sadly actually see that last one. haha. Spaceships? Rockets? Marvin the Martian? Taz? Anything but butterflies, yeesh! :lol:

    :guffaw:That shirt was pretty distracting. That's pretty much all I noticed in Eric's scenes. Except for his scenes with Ryan cause then I was distracted by Ryan (for very different reasons). :D Although Ryan's tie was a little distracting, but not nearly as bad as that butterfly shirt.
  6. Florry86

    Florry86 CSI Level Three

    Jul 16, 2007
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    Well after they found the body in the dumpster Tara arrived and asked why Calleigh wasn't there. Eric answered she had to tell the news to the widow:lol:. To me it sounded more like "I'm sorry teacher, but I coudln't do my homeworks 'cause my puppy dog ate them":guffaw:. Plus Tara's facial expression said cleary "what a lame justification butterfly boy":p

    Well I wasn't that able to watch the scene properly because of the butterfly shirt ant the tie combined w/ the shirt of Ryan.
    Anyway I agree that was the only scene w/ Eric I was able to "watch", exactly for you reason :D
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  7. SomewhereApart

    SomewhereApart Prime Suspect

    Jun 16, 2008
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    I didn't think the episode was horrible, but it certainly wasn't one of their best. I'm gonna blame my distance from the TV and slight colorblindness on not noticing the butterflies, just their sassy oh-so-manly pastel coloring. Does Delko really need to be in patterns? Can't the wardrobe peeps just get him a decent solid-colored button-down like a normal person would wear? Maybe the bullet frag in his brain is affecting his fashion sense?
  8. HnStetlerfan

    HnStetlerfan Pathologist

    Apr 3, 2008
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    I wish the wardrobe person would dress the cast normally, too. :p But, for whatever reason, I didn't even notice Eric's butterfly shirt. I just noticed that it was another one of those patterned shirts. I did notice Ryan's suit, though. And I have to admit that during the writer's strike, I was secretly hoping that the wardrobe person would get a job elsewhere, so there could be an end to the ridiculous clothing problem.

    I thought Raging Cannibal was a stupid title, and I was resigned to the episode being stupid as well. But, I actually thought it was the best one so far. The dialogue was better. I liked when Horatio said, "to get technical." I liked the opening of the episode. It was suspenseful. I thought the guy and his girlfriend were going to be the murder victims and was glad when they weren't. I liked the scene with Eric and Ryan where Ryan was the one who knew how to get the footprints. :lol: I liked the scene at the end with Horatio and the Russian mob guy because H did one of those dangerous smiles, and did the "I'm gonna get you" dialogue that I love. I love sensitive, emotional H, but I love aggressive H too. I like it when he does both. Oh, and I also thought Horatio looked especially cool in his sunglasses in this episode.

    The only things I can think of that I didn't like, besides the bad clothing choices, was when the one killer guy chewed the first victim's carotid artery. Yuck.

    And I wish Rick Stetler could have been in the ep. *sigh*
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  9. Missing

    Missing Pathologist

    Jun 10, 2005
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    Yeah I thought that to. I was kinda hoping that they would find a print on the body by way of some substance on the body that would hold a print--like say the guy had tree sap on him and the other guy's fingerprint was in that. More believable.
  10. bulletgirl

    bulletgirl Rookie

    Oct 5, 2008
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    I totally agree with you, if you ask me it had had nothing to do with cannibalism, i mean we saw what..one scene where that guy bit a chunk of out of the other guys neck and that was it, it had more to do with the russian mob than cannibals. To be honest i didnt notice the butterfly shirt on Delko i just noticed a really gross patern shirt like he always wears only this one was worse!! and i didnt really like what Calleigh was wearing in this one, her clothes are normaly nice. I quite liked what Ryan was wearing and Natalia looked good too and H of course with his one liner "to get technical" that was quite funny:lol: and loved it when he said "im gonna get you" i love seein his tough side. So the eppie was quite dissapointing i just hope the next ones better with better clothes aswell:lol:
  11. Hollyyo

    Hollyyo CSI Level Two

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Sounds like they probably had a more cannibalistic storyline at first, but the story went through changes and they ended up with that. Which is a shame, I miss the random story lines. And now H is up against a new mob guy/boss person. Ugh. I'm hoping later this season we'll have more random (and possibly middle class!) people doing the murders... Like in season 4 when Ryan got the nail in the eye...the woman that did it was totally random! She wasn't Horatio's long lost daughter or something! Why can't we just have that originality back?
  12. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Oh, that's right. I forgot all about that. :lol: Yeah, why couldn't they have sent someone else to tell the wife. Weirdness. :lol: at Butterfly boy. Hehe.
  13. La_Guera

    La_Guera Lab Technician

    Sep 8, 2005
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    I'm glad I could brighten your day.
  14. C.H.E.A.R.

    C.H.E.A.R. Pathologist

    Jul 24, 2008
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    All I can say is that there was alot of Ryan in there= great. Eric's shirt was 'pretty'=good. The rest of the episode=foolishness.

    It made no sense, I wasn't at all interested, plus y mom and brother were talking throughout the whole damn thing, ugh!

    I rate it 2 out of five.
  15. Wyoming

    Wyoming Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I laughed when I realized there were butterflies on Eric's shirt. I didn't really take Eric for the butterfly kinda guy. Who knows, maybe Calleigh likes butterflies....anyway, I liked the episode, it kept me interested, but obviously not that interested because I pretty much forget what happened. I usually can't stand Ryan (I totally admit that it's bias. I miss my poor Speedle and Ryan replaced him. I can't help it.) But I actually kinda liked him in this episode, and I didn't notice the mirror thing either until it was pointed out. I guess that's the kind of thing they expect viewers to totally forget about, but our posters are pretty freaking awesome and we remember ALL. =p

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