Episode #606: 'Sunblock' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

midnight_tiptoes said:

Fuck this, I'm going to bed.

Not to mention everyone was like OMG WTF. Do people in Miami not know anything about eclipses? I know it was mentioned that a solar eclipse hadn't happened in Miami since the 1600's (is that even possible?), but seriously. Don't they teach people about eclipses in school? Or does everyone in Miami drop out before basic science? Also, it appears that nobody watches the news. The news always flips out about eclipses.

Bottom line, the whole eclipse scene was overdone, and unrealistic. Everyone knows not to stare into a solar eclipse, and people most certainly SHOULD know what they are, and not panic like OMG WTF!

end rant
what on earth was tripp trying to say ...

it is what it is ..
it ain't what it ain't
don't make it what it _____

he high on something ? :D
globe said:
what on earth was tripp trying to say ...

it is what it is ..
it ain't what it ain't
don't make it what it _____

he high on something ? :D

Love that line! Love Tripp and his one-liners!
I found this episode a bit, well meh, to sum it up in one word.

Nothing about the cases etc. interested me.

I'm seriously considering whether to stop watching Miami.
No, sometimes it takes several hours for the blisters/hives to appear, which is why he was fine for the couple of minutes he was detained, but then later that day, he's severely deformed.
globe said:
what on earth was tripp trying to say ...

it is what it is ..
it ain't what it ain't
don't make it what it _____

he high on something ? :D

:lol: :lol:
The last line of Tripp's is: "Don't make it what it isn't".
ACW1129 said:
Wasn't Pike earlier found to NOT have phototoxicity? :confused:

I think when they brought him in earlier it was to test for the super heavy duty suncreen they had found on the pool chair.. he tested negative for that... which is probably why he showed up "fried" later in the show..
Also. I'm guessing the superduty suncreen is how he was able to kill the guy at the pool.. he latered up good so he could go out for a few minutes..
intthewind said: "Mojo, or VooDoo, are highly evolved beliefs in many cultures. This wasn't contrived at all. Khandi told it exactly as I've heard and read it dozens of times by others who learned the myths as small children.

Khandi was excellent in the retelling; only wish she'd explored it more. It is a fascinating subject. The fact that it's mythical doesn't detract from the interest."

Gosh, I'm really sorry if I offended anyone. I was not questioning the belief...just that fact that Alex attributed it to astrology. She said that her grandmother was into astrology which in my admittedly limited understanding of the universe is more along the lines of when and how you came into the universe, not about when and how you left it. Make sense?
No offense taken. In many of these cultures, Mojo, Voodoo and astrology are all combined in their myths.
It's an interesting subject, and still quite an active belief in many areas. My fascination is objective, not subjective, so I'm not offended by differing opinions.
What was the name of the song in the end of the ep??? cause that was a really sweet song (minus the whole Jake/Calleigh hand holding scene)
8. Horomones don't change your DNA. I don't care if they came from wolf embryos - an organism's DNA is fixed at conception, and no horomone is going to change one species to another. Unless I'm wrong.

Nope, this is correct. I am surprised only one person has mentioned this part...to me it was a huge glaring error. Injecting a different specie's hormones wouldn't change gene expression, or gene products. Not to mention, the DNA sequences they use for DNA fingerprints is NON-CODING DNA, and they are only comparing the size of small sections of short units of DNA (or 'alleles'). So even if it were possible for the hormones to affect human genes, it wouldn't be picked up by a DNA fingerprint.