Episode #601: 'Dangerous Son' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I am wondering if Horatio will have Yelena find Kyle's mother for the boy's sake. It has to be killing Horatio that the woman abandoned the kid when he was little. Maybe we will have a confrontation scene. :cool: I could also see Yelena deciding to find the woman and give her what for for abandoning her son.
This episode was... well, it just was. Not spectacular, but it not horrible.

I was thrilled to see Valera right at the start. Excellent way to start an episode.

I love Ryan's new look :D but the scene between him and Natalia seemed a bit out of place. Though I do have to admit the 'don't tell anyone how bad I am'/'don't tell anyone I work here' was kind of cute.

The Jake/Calleigh/Eric triangle thing has got to stop. Calleigh and Jake flirting is awkward, and the whole thing, to me, seems out of character for Calleigh. It's also painful (and kinda pitiful) to see Eric so obviously pining for Calleigh. It's just not right.

And now, of course for the H-man. Superhuman as always. God forbid he show some emotion when discovering he has a son :rolleyes: The whole long-lost son routine seems... I don't know... overdone or something. That being said, I think they did an excellent job casting the kid. He's a very believable character.
I missed the first couple minutes of the episode, so I have a question.

For context--here's what I caught.

Horatio sees Kyle at the station. Looks up his birthdate. Calls up Yelena, who looks up the kid's background. Has the lab run DNA. They all figure out it's Horatio's kid, who's mother is someone Horatio had dated while undercover. Horatio had never known that Kyle's mother was pregnant, per his conversations with Yelena.

So here's the question--Horatio had never suspected that he was a father in any way, shape, or form from what I saw. Yet, when he sees Kyle, he stops dead in his tracks and immediately investigates whether he's Kyle's father. What made Horatio even think that he might be Kyle's father?

I mean, I'm sure that Horatio's dealt with juveniles before, and didn't look into any of their parental backgrounds. Why did he see Kyle and immediately look up his birthdate, figure out that he was in a relationship about 9 months before Kyle was born, and then guess he was Kyle's father? This rings especially false because Horatio never thought he was a father of a kid about Kyle's age.

Did I miss something in the episode that explains this, or did Horatio just have a magical hunch that he was a father?
Okay... they kind of let me down with the small information of H's son and the whole relationship with the kid's mom. I wanted more of that.

I was expecting more with Calleigh and Jake storyline. And the Calleigh/Eric interaction was so blah.

I liked the scene with Natalia and Ryan. It has some humor with her being a bad shot. It also gave a way to explain Ryan's finger print too.

Velera's hair looked wrong for some reason. Also her acting was kind of lame when it came to saying that the kid was H's. I could have done better than that.

I really didn't like Frank in the uniform. He needs to go back to the suit.

Overall it was a good episode and I am very glad the new season has started.
My mama always said, "If you can't say something nice about something, don't say anything at all." So I shouldn't even comment.
Many of you have already listed the negative things I felt about this episode: How did H figure out the kid was a son he never knew he had? How does the lab afford that futuristic equipment? Why doesn't the wardrobe department have any women's tops that would comply with most office dress codes?
Really, I can barely watch anymore. The show jumped the shark for me in The Season of Marisol.
I have to keep watching in anticipation of a certain plot development discussed in the season 6 spoiler board. But I'm honestly ready for this show to be put out of its misery.
Did anyone else totally miss Frank this episode? I mean the ep itself explained somethings that were left open at the end of last year but over all I found it a little boring and disjointed.

Some of the camera angles were off and the lines in general were bleh. I am excited that the season has started but they have had better season premieres....I guess part of it is I just got my hopes up so high that really disappointment became the only thing possible. But on the other hand, they deceived us yet again with the promo commericals and hyped it up soooo much and in the end didn't deliver.

I don't feel it has jumped the shark just yet, but they really need to work on their continuity and story telling. Cuz the story lines sound promising they just aren't getting to portray well onscreen.
Okay. I am confused. I thought that a Detective outranked a seargent. Having Frank in the Uni and in a patrol car looks like a Demotion to me. The fully shaved look is cool for Frank too.

Overall, great ep--Erik doesn't seem too happy about Calleigh and Jake though.

Ryan seemed to indicate that until they finish reviewing what he and Natalia worked on, he couldn't be back on the payroll, so he's working that firing range to pay the bills until he can be reinstated.

The H as dad storyline seemed a bit... forced, but still kinda cool. I half expected him to say after Kyle said "I'm not your son" to reply, in a Darth Vader voice "Kyle.... I am... your.... FATHER! MU-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!!!"
Hankster said:
Okay. I am confused. I thought that a Detective outranked a seargent. Having Frank in the Uni and in a patrol car looks like a Demotion to me.

I'm not expert in law enforcement but I think Frank took the seargent's exams etc. and there weren't any Det. Sgt. spots open so he opted to go back into uniform.

Hopefully he'll get to take some suspect down after a mega car-chase.
i just realized that they deleted a few scenes:

the kissing scene
H slamming someone on the table
calleigh telling ryan that he's the primary suspect
eric chasing in white
calleigh wielding her gun
burning car

either its deleted or other episodes [since the clothes are different] but makes no sense since the promo is for the season premiere
what i want to know is in one of the previous posts someone said that speed was going to be back either as a hallucination or live in the flesh. I really wanted to see that i guess nothing came out. and what happened with the whole ryan has alot of money. Thats what the promo commercial had.

*edited to add spoiler code*
Hankster said:
The H as dad storyline seemed a bit... forced, but still kinda cool. I half expected him to say after Kyle said "I'm not your son" to reply, in a Darth Vader voice "Kyle.... I am... your.... FATHER! MU-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!!!"

GMTA, Hankster... :lol:

Don't know what my fave scene was, though the shooting range one was great. Ryan needed to send Natalia over to the Broad Side Of A Barn Last Chance range...

All said though, I thoroughly approve of them using "Pretender" for the boat chase scene. There needs to be more Foo on the "CSI" soundtracks...
tranceraver69 said:
what i want to know is in one of the previous posts someone said that speed was going to be back either as a hallucination or live in the flesh. I really wanted to see that i guess nothing came out. and what happened with the whole ryan has alot of money. Thats what the promo commercial had.
Please discuss future episodes/storylines in the Spoiler Lab thread. This thread is for discussion of the episode 'Dangerous Son'. We don't want fans possibly reading info that they don't wish to find out yet. ;) Thanks.
I was disappointed that a lot of the scenes from the promo weren't in the ep. It was nice to see Eric and Calleigh friendly with each other, hopefully she will be done with Jake soon because I'm over the two of them.
I thought it was pretty good, actually, although the triangle seems a bit juvenile! I don't normally mind 'triangles' but considering Calleigh just walks in & throws it in his face just tells me that obviously theres nothing more than friendship for her. I liked her w/ Jake but I felt like they dove into it too much. 5 days together on vacation & youve just made up after what? 10 years? I loved to see Nat shooting, I hope the writers put more into her inability to shoot rather than just her appearing to suck at it. Ryan & Eric both looked hot of course! Im a little concerned about Frank. Im wondering if his health in real life is the purpose of his baldness, it seemed like even his eyebrows were gone. Hope he is alright!

:)Im not trying to be rude or play MOD, but on behalf of Eva fans, David Caruso fans & Sophia fans & not to mention the actors themselves...I think we should all respect them & not make comments about their bad acting, botox jobs, or boob jobs 'cos im pretty positive those are Eva's & not just Natalia's ;)! I thought the whole cast looked awesome!!
Hankster said:
Okay. I am confused. I thought that a Detective outranked a seargent. Having Frank in the Uni and in a patrol car looks like a Demotion to me. The fully shaved look is cool for Frank too.

Overall, great ep--Erik doesn't seem too happy about Calleigh and Jake though.

Ryan seemed to indicate that until they finish reviewing what he and Natalia worked on, he couldn't be back on the payroll, so he's working that firing range to pay the bills until he can be reinstated.

The H as dad storyline seemed a bit... forced, but still kinda cool. I half expected him to say after Kyle said "I'm not your son" to reply, in a Darth Vader voice "Kyle.... I am... your.... FATHER! MU-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!!!"

Ok, first of all...I was really, really, really hoping that there would have been some kind of glimpse of Speed. *Sigh*
Next, I had to do a double-take when I saw Frank. Just didn't seem right in a uni.
3rd, Eric's jealousy is starting to come out!
4th, I was shocked to see where Ryan was working. And with a little face fur too. Kinda cute.
Overall, I was actually a little disappointed with the episode. Not sure why. Maybe the thought of Speed being back on for an episode or two (or how many they are deciding) has really gotten me anxious to see him. (I kept thinking, come on show Speed).

On to the next episode.