Episode #601: 'Dangerous Son' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

tranceraver69, is true, it doesn't take too much time to get your 100 posts, I'm in the 97, well... 98 with this post, so get going and start commentting things, this guys are true true friends! TWO MORE, YIPPY!!!
Ok, I got my 100 post, and they are asking me for an url for my avatar, can someone explain, I have of an idea of what to do but I think I got it wrong.
I'll tell you how I do it, but i'm sure there are other methods. If you have a photobucket, and you've uploaded an image that could be you're avater, you just copy and paste the URL address from your Photobucket to that box you saw in your Basic settings.

Can't wait to see this episode. Horatio has a son?? He's been cheating on me that man has. ;) But i wonder who he did sleep with...? Well, i hope that DNA match is wrong, or the computer made a mistake because i really don't want him to have a son... :( That's not my own at least. :lol: :devil:

Oh Need4Speed i love you but every time i read posts of yours i see you sig and i tear up. :( :( I refuse the fact that Speed has died. He'll come back! I'll show all of you!!

When is this airing again? The 24th? Yeah, but at 8 or 10? I think there's a time change.
RedHot, just to let you know as well, your icon may not show up until you have 101 posts. It's a quirk of this board. ;) Like Hunter stated, an image hosting site is where you'd upload the photo in order to have a URL.

Any more assistance regarding avatars and other Fan Art related questions can be further discussed either through PM (In which everyone here is glad to be of help :) ) or via the Fan Art forum. Thanks!

And like was stated above earlier, please use the 'Edit' button if y'all wish to add more to your post as opposed to double posting. Thanks again. :)

^^ Lora, I sincerely hope TPTB haven't brought in the 'Horatio has an ex-wife from NY' storyline back in to explain the fact that he has a child. It's a possibility but something they should have dealt with when it was initially presented to us last year. Hopefully it isn't the case and they have found something new and fresh for us to feast on. (Or at least plausible!)

Also, I believe it's still airing at 10pm EST. I haven't heard of a time change. :confused:
The show is still airing at 10 in my market (NY/NJ Metro Area) so I don't it's changed anywhere else.

Since, the whole Horatio storyline has been dicussed... Anything about Calleigh in this episode?

Megan <3
well...it sounds she has been on vacation with Jake at Antigua ;)....as far as I understood from the promo :D
Oh. If she doesn't have a nice tan the realism will be shot.

I find I don't like Jake so the less I see of him the better. No offense to anyone that likes him... Errrhhh.

Anyway... Moving on...

Megan <3
She will only have a nice tan if she was outside. Maybe they never made it outside. :devil: I am curious about the importance of Antigua, since it mentioned in the preseason commercial.
Hunter said:
Oh Need4Speed i love you but every time i read posts of yours i see you sig and i tear up. :( :( I refuse the fact that Speed has died. He'll come back! I'll show all of you!!

i know it makes me cry too :( i made it right after i watched Lost Son on my DVD set recently and you've herad the story i'm sure about what happens everytime i watch Lost Son....:( but i've just made a very sexy one that i'm about to use :devil:
I think it would be interesting to have a dead Speedle talking to Eric. Just because we can't see the dead person's spirit doesn't mean they don't try to communicate with us. It would be great to hear Speed's take on what has happened to the team since his death. Maybe they will have Speed show up more if it is well received.
^ Just a reminder that this thread is for the episode 'Dangerous Son' (#601). Discussion of other future storylines not relating to this episode should take place in the Spoiler Lab. Thanks. :)
i think someone has already answered this question for me but I'm going to ask it anyway. In the trailer of season 6 why does tripp have a cop uniform on again.Did he get demoted from detective to patrol ? I have no idea thats why i am asking lol .. i'd figure i have like 2000 more posts to be level 1 lol gotta start somewhere right lol ..
^^^I KNOW! He looks like he was demoted, doesn't he? Not the case, though, he has actually been promoted to Sgt. Frank Tripp now!! Go Frank!! But lose the uniform!
Agreed/ He should loose the suit . I can't wait 4 more days till season 6 . Get ready folks have your popcorn soda and pickle. I'm going to dvr it just so i can have it