Episode #601: 'Dangerous Son' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I also believe the subpoena was related to H's father's death. He mentioned at one point it was something from 20 years ago, so way before the son would have been an issue.
:) :)
Well, Season five saw my wrath, but I'm holding out judgement until the first ep airs. I just hope that this season will be fresher, and well...better:rolleyes:

Being the consumate fan though, I can't wait until next Monday- I have to admit, the whole Horatio has a son story line has me intrigued. I just want, as everyone else does, the story to be told from a better perspective, and not cliche'd. Now, as to if

if Miami can do realistic...

The jury is still out, although, last season had quite a few eps that proved that point. Despite all it's downfalls *coughcontinuitycough* Miami remains one of my favorite shows. According to the promos , I should expect something different!

A week and counting ;)
I don't know if I care that Horatio has a long-lost son. This is slightly reminesent of the whole Madison storyline... BTW, where have they gone? Are they suddenly going to pop up somewhere and take in H's son so he take care of yet another family member?

Next thing ya know, Horatio is shacking them all up in Miami Mansion somewhere on his Lt.'s salary and comes home everyday... 'Honey, I'm home!'

Megan <3
I find it ironic that season 6 season premiere is Dangerous Son, and the season 3 season premiere was Lost Son...

What's the next title for the season 9 season premiere Crazy Son... Missing Son... hmmmm ;)

I don't know what to think of this episode, its the only episode that I read the full spoilers for. After last season's finale, they really need to redeem themselves. *sigh*
I kinda have a feeling the writers had one thing in mind, and the CBS promotions department sent it back saying they wanted a catchier title to hype the season with, hence you have the new title that blends in with the trailer.
Happilyhappy said:
I find it ironic that season 6 season premiere is Dangerous Son, and the season 3 season premiere was Lost Son...

What's the next title for the season 9 season premiere Crazy Son... Missing Son... hmmmm ;)

I don't know what to think of this episode, its the only episode that I read the full spoilers for. After last season's finale, they really need to redeem themselves. *sigh*

hey! :( Speed is the Lost Son it was a figure of speech for that ep...whereas this one it literal. it makes me sad to think of Speed. but i still get your point.
From seing the trailer it seems that ryan wolfe is going to be the rebel in the group in this season. I hope they don't kick him off, he is an awesome character. and whats up with tripp wearing the police outfit again ? i don't know if anyone saw that
Speed is the Lost Son it was a figure of speech for that ep...whereas this one it literal.
The title 'Lost Son' had a double meaning - referring to both Speed and the little boy who was kidnapped, so in a sense, it was also literal. :)
Tripp is wearing a uniform, because he was promoted. It should be interesting to see how this affects his role. I hope we still see him every episode.
Hmm...always wondered if Horatio actually had a kid out there somewhere. Unfortunately, they're not even half way through Season Five here, so I'll be waiting a while. Unless I read the spoilers. Which kind of spoils it (no pun intended) but I don't like surprises.
Lucy said:
Speed is the Lost Son it was a figure of speech for that ep...whereas this one it literal.
The title 'Lost Son' had a double meaning - referring to both Speed and the little boy who was kidnapped, so in a sense, it was also literal. :)

See I thought 'Lost Son' was a clever title since it had a double meaning but was also literal. This one...*sigh* I don't know, it just doesn't deliver the same 'oomph' that the earlier titles did. (Again, I'm going on about the titles. :lol:)

I just hope the episode is better.
6 days till the season premier . I can't wait. One thing thou that i would love to see more is H be in the lab like in season 1 & 2
i have another post.lol its amazing how all u guys and girl have those pictures under your name of csi. i would like to have a picture like that. can some one point me in the right direction to get a picture like that to identify myself
Hi tranceraver69. Unfortunately, it is required that you have 100 posts under your belt to have an avatar under your name. But believe me, it doesn't take long so don't feel you need to rush. ;) When the time comes and you'd like an avatar, feel free to visit the good folks down in the Fan Art forum and they'll be happy to help you with both finding a picture and placing it in your profile. Or, you can PM myself or Lucy and even the Moderators in Fan Art if you need any assistance. :)

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