Episode #521 'Just Murdered' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

This episode was interesting. Reminded me a little of the old Michael Douglas movie "War of the Roses" Glad too that the kid didn't have anything to do with the murders. Hope he got the house! Have to share my husband's all-time best one liner, delivered in perfect H-style: When H and Calleigh go back to the house to find the knife and realize that the laser beams are off and discover the knife in the floor, hubby pops his glasses off and says: "May De Vorce be with you!" Almost missed what happened next from laughing. Also, watched the promo at CBS.com today and there is no hint of Y in it. Did see Ricky asking for Ryan's gun and badge though. Hoping it will be a good show all the way around.
Carolyn318: Thank you for putting the UTube link up for us. I am an old geezer and have to confess that I have never visitied U Tube before today. But I got to look at several of the H/Y videos and to see the Carrey/Letterman and the Caruso/Rodriguez intereviews, which I had missed. This is a great day. It is rainy and cold here but I am feeling the sun shine "Miami" style, thanks to you.
Re: Episode #521 'Just Murdered' - screencaps

Does anyone have any screencaps from the "just murdered" episode. I'm looking for screencaps with the pool boy.

I enjoyed seeing Patrick Cassidy again. Had been awhile. Loved the moment between Calleigh/Eric. Glad to see he hadn't recuperated as well as some thought. He still has moments where he doesn't remember anything. It was an okay ep. LOL
i am glad to see that they havent dropped the story line of Delco and that (i am not allowed to really use the words that come to mind here)...girl who sued him...

also...seems like there might be something between Calleigh and Delco....

overall....beside the cheesy...welcome to divorce of the future..line...i really enjoyed the epi
I can't believe it!! the writers are really going downhill in some areas. and i'm sick of them dealing with all the rich people's problems lately. they need to have some average people conflicts. Oh and , Maryse, Eric's last name is spelt D-E-L-K-O not D-E-L-C-O .....just so you know :D
^ I know right. :rolleyes: Now I always sarcastically say things like "Everyone in Miami is rich," or "Everyone in Miami owns a Mercedes." It's as if there are know poor or even middle class people or that the less fortunate aren't as important. If they don't want it to seem that way, then it isn't working whatever their doing.

I find the storylines interesting though. This episode was pretty good, but I thought they could do something else than the rich all the time.
i know it's a k....was just too lazy to edit my post....hards days will do that to you... :lol:

there are a lot of rich people theme..i agree...but there a a lot of rich people in miami...people tend to focus on them rather than regular people...that's just life...seems people dont want to hear about middle class or lower class and poor people....but there are more of us than rich folks...maybe they will smarten up...who knows...

i still very much enjoyed the epi