Tormenting Camp Counselors
I'm finding a theme. I like episodes where the music is fast paced. I loved how they opened this episode. "Domestic Dispute in progress," then cutting to the two sinking their own boat. Got to love divorce.
I loved Calleigh's interaction with the 17 year old. She treated him like an adult, which is nice. She never questioned him like a suspect, although she probably should have, and yeah. It was nice. I also loved her interactions with Eric about his desk duty. Protocol, who needs it?
With Eric getting desk duty I kept watching him thinking, "What is he messing up on? So far he is doing his job, and it looks to me like he is doing it correctly."
Then in comes Carmen. All I know is-blah. Why is she attacking him so much? First with the settlement/lawsuit, then with this? What the hell did the case have anything to do with her? How'd she know who to contact,etc? I loved Calleigh's reply to her though, "Some of us actually work."
I loved how exasperated Ryan seemed to be at the couple. Especially at the bank. He just seemed like he couldn't believe how far the couple was taking the divorce.
We saw quite a bit of Alexx this week! I was pleasantly surprised. I wish we could of seen more of her.
"Divorce of the future." Are the writer's even trying anymore? It just seems so-blah. I like that word tonight.
*happy sigh* And that kiss. Yes, it was a friendly peck on the cheek. I'm more excited about Eric's reaction. The look on his blushing face. I could almost hear his heart go *thump-thump* And he sooo blushed.
I haven't been this thrilled with an episode of CSI:Miami since Curse of the Coffin. I love the lighter side of Miami.
I'm sorry if this post is a little long.
I wanted to put my two cents in.
I loved Calleigh's interaction with the 17 year old. She treated him like an adult, which is nice. She never questioned him like a suspect, although she probably should have, and yeah. It was nice. I also loved her interactions with Eric about his desk duty. Protocol, who needs it?
With Eric getting desk duty I kept watching him thinking, "What is he messing up on? So far he is doing his job, and it looks to me like he is doing it correctly."
Then in comes Carmen. All I know is-blah. Why is she attacking him so much? First with the settlement/lawsuit, then with this? What the hell did the case have anything to do with her? How'd she know who to contact,etc? I loved Calleigh's reply to her though, "Some of us actually work."
I loved how exasperated Ryan seemed to be at the couple. Especially at the bank. He just seemed like he couldn't believe how far the couple was taking the divorce.
We saw quite a bit of Alexx this week! I was pleasantly surprised. I wish we could of seen more of her.
"Divorce of the future." Are the writer's even trying anymore? It just seems so-blah. I like that word tonight.
*happy sigh* And that kiss. Yes, it was a friendly peck on the cheek. I'm more excited about Eric's reaction. The look on his blushing face. I could almost hear his heart go *thump-thump* And he sooo blushed.
I haven't been this thrilled with an episode of CSI:Miami since Curse of the Coffin. I love the lighter side of Miami.
I'm sorry if this post is a little long.