Episode #521 'Just Murdered' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I'm finding a theme. I like episodes where the music is fast paced. I loved how they opened this episode. "Domestic Dispute in progress," then cutting to the two sinking their own boat. Got to love divorce.

I loved Calleigh's interaction with the 17 year old. She treated him like an adult, which is nice. She never questioned him like a suspect, although she probably should have, and yeah. It was nice. I also loved her interactions with Eric about his desk duty. Protocol, who needs it?

With Eric getting desk duty I kept watching him thinking, "What is he messing up on? So far he is doing his job, and it looks to me like he is doing it correctly."

Then in comes Carmen. All I know is-blah. Why is she attacking him so much? First with the settlement/lawsuit, then with this? What the hell did the case have anything to do with her? How'd she know who to contact,etc? I loved Calleigh's reply to her though, "Some of us actually work."

I loved how exasperated Ryan seemed to be at the couple. Especially at the bank. He just seemed like he couldn't believe how far the couple was taking the divorce.

We saw quite a bit of Alexx this week! I was pleasantly surprised. I wish we could of seen more of her.

"Divorce of the future." Are the writer's even trying anymore? It just seems so-blah. I like that word tonight.

*happy sigh* And that kiss. Yes, it was a friendly peck on the cheek. I'm more excited about Eric's reaction. The look on his blushing face. I could almost hear his heart go *thump-thump* And he sooo blushed.

I haven't been this thrilled with an episode of CSI:Miami since Curse of the Coffin. I love the lighter side of Miami.

I'm sorry if this post is a little long. :) I wanted to put my two cents in.
Horatio is officially the worst boss ever.

So Eric gets shot, returns to work too soon, does not receive counseling, does not receive therapy, does not receive compensation, no one watches over him, and then he gets sued and they don't appoint a lawyer to defend him? Jesus Christ. And then Horatio just stands there, doing nothing, as Eric's professional life falls to pieces. Way to be a supportive pal and boss, Ho.

Calleigh should be the boss.
Despite a bit of over-acting on the parts of Carmen, Nathan the son, and Stacey the lawyer, I was pleased with this episode. It kept my attention the entire time (unlike the last few episodes).
I don't know what to say about H's one-liner tonight. I did, however, catch a hint of a New York accent when he said 'future' though. Needless to say it brought a grin to my face.
Above all, good episode. My hopes are slowly returning for this season. Hopefully the last few episodes will redeem the horrible ones.
Hmmmm....I thought Horatio got the lawyer disbarred that was bugging Eric.....maybe I was watching a different show.....first the one-liner and now this. LOL !!! :p

I was kinda surprised that they hadn't given him some kind of re-certification when he came back, and I thought they were watching over him, I thought that was his big gripe on the first episode when he got back from the injury. :confused:

Maybe I have been reading too much fan fiction. :devil:

Admittedly, I was super stoked for this episode, but as always, ...well, let's just get to the review, shall we...

Alright, first off... The warring divorcee' s... That was a WTF moment if I ever saw one. The sight of Horaito training his gun at them, while they persisted to yell at each other with patrol cops all over them, was just too funny for me. From Horatio's first meeting with Hank and Lori, I could tell that this was going to be one of those shows.

Horatio quickly caught the air of annoyance with them, and I can't blame him. Their adventures into seperate but living with each other...(another wtf moment; seriously, there were alot of those tonight), was getting to be quite a hassle. In the first Act alone there was so much debauchery, that it made my head spin and I was like, why don't they just walk away? I guess money makes you do that. By the time they were carted off for like the sixth time in freakin handcuffs , I was ready to applaud the mighty fine police officers of Miami Dade. I had enough of them for one night. That was the most ridiculous plot line ever. Sadly though , it's not one that is far from the truth. What really hit hard for me was when Nathan said, " In all their years of fighting, they fought for the material things, but never once, did they fight for me." (paraphrasing of course). I felt so bad for him in that moment. And the fact that he was driven to show them the way to the murder weapon... Poor Nathan...but poor Nathan who drove off in a merceedez benz... :p

More things that annoyed the crap out of me,believe me , there were alot this episode:

1) Ryan just doesn't listen. Alexx told him specifically that it wasn't such a good idea to try and cross the lines in the house, but the boy just wanted to see what happens. Kinda puts me in the mind of my six year old child...wait, did I just make a corrleation?Hmmm...

2)What was up with the murderers this evening? First, it was the husband who thought he was working on his marriage with slutty personal trainer wife, but then follows her to her client's house, and proceeds to bash in her skull in... all in the name of preserving a marriage??? My question is, why??? And secondly, the weasely pool guy, who killed for the lamberguni(sp) that Lori sold for... 200 DOLLARS!! I died laughing at that...but I digress... his arrogance in thinking that the car was intended for him was his stupidity. I mean, really, pool boy...she didn't think that much of you , you were her play thing. Both murderers were stupid, as were murders. Stupid the whole lot.

3) The greedy ass lawyers. And the fact that she devil lawyer Whittaker just blatantly dissed the client atty privledge all in sake for more money? Sucked big time. What sucked even worse was the surprise 'hearing' into Eric's competency. That was hitting below the belt, but kudos for again showing us that there is a thing called continuity and you do in fact know what it consists of , Miami writers!!! And then the husband's lawyer, stoops so low as to steal from clients? Believable in any state , but still , stupid.

4) Stupid divorcing couple: So many things point as to why this couple is just so stupid... But the biggest one of all was wearing the stolen items from the saftey deposit box ...TO THE FREAKIN POLICE DEPARTMENT!!! Really.... STUPID. And then, to top it off, they get all wistful at the end... she gave me this watch for our first anniversary, these earrings were the first thing he ever brought me, that house was the first thing we ever brought with each other... yadda yadda yadda...PLEASE! If you were so lovey dovey with this stuff, then why the heck were you trying to kill each other over it? Again, they were stupid. That's all I can say about them. Nice touch at the end though, jumping from wedding photo to shots of them getting put in the squad car..together...ah, cruel irony at it's finest...

5)Oh, and photoshop 7 visual effects... Please,just quit it for crying out loud!!! *sigh*

And what would this review be with out the mentioning of the KISS??? At first, I truly did forget that this was the episode, the episode that would change everything... .... That kiss , was so platonic, I thought I was going to gasp in sheer horror. This was what I was waiting for? A chaste kiss on the cheek? Yes, true they can build on that, but still... I appreicate that you appreciate me...that was about as bad as telling Hagen, whom you had a relationship with, 'let's just be friends'. Way to go Miami writers! That will teach me to believe my eyes and promo shots..lol.

All in all, this wasn't the horrific episode that last week was ( that sadly still holds the crown) but it could've been better. The childish antics of the divorced to be was silly and better done on War of the Roses. The entire plotline was convoluted to me, and I really got bored with it, of course after laughing at it, in no time. This really has me jonesing for s1-2. But, there are four episodes left for Miami to redeem itself. Hope springs eternal!

That's the way the cookie crumbled for me...

This episode was #1. That couple was LMAO hysterical.
Lasers dividing the inside of the house in half. WOW. What will CSI: Miami think up next??? I loved towards the beginning when Frank said "I'll get a radio car." and Horatio said "Frank, get 2 cars." :lol:
I loved this episode. Kept me glued to my seat and shaking my head in disbelief till the very end. This will be the first episode I'll watch when season 5 comes out on DVD. :devil:
This ep was hilarious in that sick sort of "War of the Roses" kind of way. I didn't know who to get madder at, the couple or their lawyers...course they got theirs...That first scene on the boat, though, was a laugh riot...

The "smooch"? Awwwwwwwww...I thought it was adorable... :cool:

I found myself hoping the kid would survive his own DNA... :lol:
Fun, twisted little episode. Cassidy and Carlson (especially the latter) seemed to have a lot of fun in their roles.

I hope they bring Carmen back and that she doesn't get away with the scam.

Glad to see they dealt with Delko coming back just like that; don't like how it was resolved, because while the lawyer should've been disbarred it means they probably won't come back to the issue, because Delko DEFINITELY should have had some recertification or something.

Overall, fun episode.
ACW1129 said:

I hope they bring Carmen back and that she doesn't get away with the scam.

Why did she have to dress up like an expensive call girl at the governor's ball just to go down to the lab. Does anyone on this show ever wear jeans?
OMG!!! are you freaking kidding me!?! "wlecome to the divorce of the future" ?!? WTF!?!? that is so corny it should be in it's own category of corniness. it's just so lame. i almsot died laughing!!!!!
Last night's episode had some sad, funny and poignant moments! I'm glad that the writers FINALLY didn't make the kid the murderer-for once!

Truth to tell, I got the feeling that both lawyers were trying to rob the Atherton's blind and were doing like the producers on Jerry Springer do: provoke the couple to fight like all Hell so they can take more money and assets away from them. Truthfully, I don't know too many people that haven't been screwed by lawyers at some point in their lives, and I don't know if a jury would be as likely to convict that couple given what those sleazebag lawyers were up to!

I really felt sorry for Erik and the Atherton's son. In Erik's case, he was exploited wrongfully and in Matt Atherton's case, his parents were so caught up in their material possessions and in punishing eachother that he didn't really mean jack squat to them. UGH!

I felt bad for the personal trainer though. It looks like she had a bad marriage, and was having some illicit fun with a client and she gets whacked by her husband for that. As much as it would pain me if my wife ever cheated on me, I wouldn't want her dead if that happened, I'd just file for a divorce and be done with it rather than set myself up to go to jail like that man did. What a moron!

As for the pool guy, here's another moron as well. He's banging the hot wife in the middle of a divorce and he gets PO'd over her selling a ferrari for $200.00 to some unknown dude, so he whacks the lucky buyer (probably saw a Craig's list ad) all over a car. Pool boy will get passed around by a lot of the Big Boys over in lockup with his boy-band looks and it serves him right for being so greedy, selfish and what not.

I just hope something happens to that biatch that sued Erik Delko. She's a sleaze too--she and that biatch lawyer that managed to not die in the fray of the divorce both have some bad karma coming their way and I hope the writers show us this before the end of the season.
omg are you serious!! Horatio didnt put his sunglasses on !!!!
uggh that totally wsnt cool!
its was good and i really didnt like both of those women that got Eric in trouble!!
I threw a serious tantrum at my tv and wanted to shoot both of those cockaroaches!
i also liked how horatio told the poolboy's lawyer that he actually has a case i just thought to myself "Ha he told YOU!!" :lol:
midnight_tiptoes said:
Horatio is officially the worst boss ever.

So Eric gets shot, returns to work too soon, does not receive counseling, does not receive therapy, does not receive compensation, no one watches over him, and then he gets sued and they don't appoint a lawyer to defend him? Jesus Christ. And then Horatio just stands there, doing nothing, as Eric's professional life falls to pieces. Way to be a supportive pal and boss, Ho.

Calleigh should be the boss.
Midnight, I couldn't agree with you more!

Now then. I actually liked this episode, which is a pleasent surprise. This whole divorce thing... while over the top, it was funny, and almost realistic. Divorce can be nasty. Did any one else feel sorry for that poor kid? Watching your parents split up is hard enough without all that... lazers and murder going on as well :lol:

And Eric! Oh, I want to hug him and never let him go. Talk about a bad day. Poor guy. I hope things get better for him, and soon!

As for the kiss, I don't (and never did!) understand why everyone is/was making a big deal out of it. Even before the episode aired. It was just a friendly peck on the cheek. "Thanks for appreciating me, things will get better" kind of thing. Weather you're a E/C shipper or not, I can't see it as being anything more than that. I mean, sure, it was really sweet, and it gives hope that they'll grow closer, but I just don't see the big deal. But that's just me. If you want to make a big deal, I don't want to rain on your parade.

Overall, I'm satisfied :) I give this one a thumbs up.