Episode #521 'Just Murdered' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Oh. I'm so excited I actually posting for the first time in forever.

I saw the preview and I screamed, I woke up my entire house.

Oh, I cannot wait. That's really all I have to add. I saw that and that's all I care about. Miami could fall into the ocean and that would be all I cared about - 'Did they kiss yet?'

Anyway, not much longer.

Megan <3
Just saw it. And i want to say this...

"Welcome to divorce, Miami style."

*punches the wall* Ok, i WANT to kill the writer/s who are responsible for this bullshit. :mad: They're turning the Horatio Caine character inside out. It's just...argh! I DON'T want to see my beloved show be dragged down by the writers! Argh! :mad:

And Horatio is wearing that black shirt with the white stripes. Again.
He didn't say "Divorce, Miami style"...unless you guys are watching a different version of the show than me.....

I feel sooo twisted... When they both put their hands on the knife I said "Aww, sweet" then I remembered they killed someone... -sigh-
TracyLynn said:
He didn't say "Divorce, Miami style"...unless you guys are watching a different version of the show than me.....


Right. The line as I heard it was "Welcome to divorce...of the future." or something similar, which is just as cheesy, lol. ;)
I really like this epi, so many murders, hah. Both of them killing the lawyer at the same time, twisted. I hate that Carmen, I wish she would get killed off, i woud throw a party, i felt so bad for Eric, and then i was happy, after that other lawyer got in "trouble" and Ryan's outfit, why have they been so crappy this last couple weeks, love hi in orange tho. I hope this make sense, i usually don't type this much. Did the promo for next week get cut short for anybody else?
Like HOLY CRAP i saw the promo for next weeks episode....but without the sound. (Don't ask) Like all i remember now is Horatio pointing a gun a a car, then YELINA walks out from behind the open hood of it. Like...like...WHAT? Can someone PLEASE tell me the convo, if there was any?
i like this episoide it was better than i thought it was. i agree with GunsNRoses259 bout the Carmen thing. Ryan just gets hotter and hotter the outfit this week wasn't to bad but i have seen better on him. Next weeks episode looked really good the Ryan shocker made my jaw drop down to the floor, i was like no no no it can't happen.
Guys...discuss next week's promo in the Spoiler Lab thread please. This thread is for discussion of tonight's episode only. :) Thanks.
i liked this episode. the couple cracked me up, especially at the beginning. "i swear to god, i'll kill ya" that made me laugh, idk why. and by the end you could tell they were rekindling or whatever. nothing brings a couple together quite like commiting murder together :lol: and the little montage at the end from their wedding photos to them getting arrested, that was really cool. so besides the fact that they solved 3 murders in one day w/o ever stepping into the morgue...(we saw alexx for all of 2 seconds. not cool.) it was a good episode.

ETA: removed my bit about next week...just missed your message Thumpy, sorry :)