Episode #518 'Triple Threat' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Speedslady said:
Out of all of them I think Beth is the only one who regrets what she did, the other two are just cold.

I think this is mostly because out of the 3 she is the one that is losing the baby that she carried and gave birth to. Usually having a child changes you and your frame of mind and outlook of the future - trust me I can atest to this.
IheartTogo said:
could jonathan togo get any hotter

Yeah i agree, and he was only trying to help Delko, i mean he had a nail in his eye :eek:

and Delko's vision was getting all crazy you cant help but feel bad for the guy.
1st of all this ep. was beyond absurd, and secondly and most importantly, there's NO vaccine for dengue fever! and dengue fever is not endemic to Africa only! it's found in any tropical region.

They should really get their facts before hand.
^ Well they haven't been really known to get all of their facts together. I understand they do have people who run around getting the information they need, but someone sure slipped up on that information.

As for Horatio calling Eric 'E', that made me laugh not only because now we seem to have an initial party going down but the fact that the first thing I thought of when Horatio said 'E' was a certain drug so it really jumbled my perspective of that scene. :lol:

Pretty soon he'll be calling Calleigh 'C', Alexx 'A', Ryan 'R' and Frank...Well he'll still call him Francis. Bleh. It was cool when Speedle and Horatio had a nickname but the rest is bleh. :rolleyes: Horatio's in his 50s, he's not a highschooler, no matter how informal his relationship is with his colleagues. Again, don't get me wrong, I love Horatio A LOT but I don't want to have to remember code names. :p
I noticed the 'E' thing too,i was like what the hell?? who's dumb idea was that?!?...i mean it fits Horatio.... we are used to calling him H....but it deffinatly does NOT fit Eric.....and the whole double vision thing with Eric was sad...and it upset me to see him snap at Ryan like that...i mean Eric knows that Ryan went throught the whole vision thing too...so why doesn't Eric let Ryan help him and give him some advice from first hand experience? ....i think at this point Eric my be in denial of his problems...i think he just wants to act like nothing ever happened....but in time i think he will realize he needs a little help and advice..and i think he will go to Ryan for help because Ryan went through a similar ordeal last season......

oh and i like Ryan's hair...it's hott!! and i never thought i'd need to say this, but where was Ryan?? he only had like 5 minutes of total screen time in the whole episode!!!! i think they need to have an episode where Ryan in the primary CSI for a case...that way we get lots of Ryan!!! :D
Well first of all, I have to say, I think I missed the whole 'E' thing. And... I'm not sorry. :lol: Now then, just a few points...

- As many people have pointed out... As cold as ice. Worst. Line. Ever. And there have been some pretty bad ones, so that's saying something.

- What happened to Cynthia? I was looking forward to seeing her. At first I thought maybe her scene had been cut. But was there even anything for her to do on this case? *Is confused*

- Was I the only one who had a major sense of Deja Vu during the first mourge scene with Calleigh and Alexx? I swear I've seen the exact same scene before.

- Speaking of recylcing. Is anyone else getting tired of the opening scene being beautiful people in a party or something similar?

- Not much of Frank in this episode. I could have blinked and missed him.

- See above, substitute Valera for Frank.

- *Hugs Eric* Okay, so that's not really a point, but come on, he deserves it.

- Would have been better if I hadn't *known* that it was tripletes. I kept waiting for the last one to show up, and knowing it was going to happen kinda ruined the effect.

All in all, a so-so episode. Could have been better.
DragonflyDreamer said
- What happened to Cynthia? I was looking forward to seeing her. At first I thought maybe her scene had been cut. But was there even anything for her to do on this case? *Is confused*

I was thinking the same that perhaps her scene had been cut, but there was nothing dealing with questioned documents at all. :confused: Maybe the people who made up the guest list made a wee mistake. *shrugs*

About the Alexx/Calleigh scenes in the morgue, I had some deja vu too. I haven't seen that exact scene before but the camera angles and amount of dialogue seems like a recycled moment. I hate the way the tables are faced and where the lights are placed. It makes the morgue seem very small, even though we know there is much more to see. There is a whole observation deck so I'd like to see some high angles again. Also, I didn't like the fact that only Calleigh seems to visit Alexx in the morgue. What happened to Ryan or Eric? Did they make a bet with Calleigh and decide she gets to observe in on the Posts? Sheesh.

They could at least pull a 'Death Grip' and put everyone in there. It's a huge room.

I'm also getting tired of the opening scenes, Megan. Aren't they supposed to be designed to pull in the audience and showcase something unique? Um...Well the bright and vibrant colours sure pull me in but that's only because I'm blind by the end of it. If I have to see one more party scene I'm going to scream. (So apparently I had more thoughts on this episode than I thought. :lol:)

Whatever happened to fires in The Everglades, bridges breaking, prisoner escapes, race cars, planes hitting the beach, field, Everglades x2, etc. Home invasions, barns exploding, shootout in the streets etc. Miami could do better than a party scene every episode. :rolleyes:

And yeah I was expecting the triplets through the whole episode so it wasn't much of a surprise.
This is definitely my last season of CSIM, now that it's become CSI:BV. I've had all I can take: I actually get NAUSEOUS when she hits the screen - so imagine what I went through last night. I'm sick to death of her. She's been shoved down my throat so badly, I'm afraid of how I'd react should I ever run into her. By the way, NOT BUYING THE DVDs at the end of the season, either.

If this had been any other show, I'd have dropped it at the beginning of this season. No more for me. I'm done.
I agree with you speed_cochrane, the party/beautiful people thing is getting on my nerves. I want to see something blow up. Is a little special effects too much to ask?
Well I didn't know there were going to be triplets in the episode since I didn't read the spoilers nor did I see the episode name. And I think the episode itself wasn't as good as the previous ones BUT the triplet surprise was really cool. The story was very original also etc..

Anyways the "As cold as ice" line was indeed too much. I also spilled my drink when he said that :p
Speedslady said:
I love the Horatio quote "As cold as Ice"! :lol: But now I've got that song in my head!

I swear it was the WORST oneliner before opening credits what he has ever said..

Meh, I found it boring... tho I was bit amazed that there was thrid one... anyways. Eric being in the work really bugs me... seriously, after the shooting, how soon he was back to work? A month? Hello? He was shot to the head - recovery takes much longer. My dad had a surgery and for THREE MONTHS he was on sick leave.

Anyways... did I hear wrong or did Horatio call Eric as "E" ?

Lame :rolleyes:

I'm sorry I don't have anything positive tosay :p Another thing that annoyed me a lot... When Calleigh called Snake Lady she said "hi [pause] it's Calleigh" erm... she doesn't see from her phone who is calling? Or doesnt' recognise the voice? Annnnnnoying :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, and again H had the exactly the same looks and same poses. He has ability to act - why on EARTH IT HAS TO BE SO LIMITED!?
Don't feel bad Hunter. I had my DVD set up to tape & well........somehow I hit a wrong button & it didn't record.*sobs*. I caught the end & that was it. *sobs more*
theres always innertube. i think the episode will shows up today on cbs.com. i'll probably watch it again later...
ilh214 said:
theres always innertube. i think the episode will shows up today on cbs.com. i'll probably watch it again later...

Thanks but, the few times I've tried that it freezes on my puter. :) :(