Episode #517 'A Grizzly Murder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Did anyone else notice the recycled footage of the hotel luggage from the ep "One Night Stand" it was the same luggage on the same cart from that ep. And several of the bikini girls at/in the pool scenes were also recycled

I am so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that, delkolover. I thought I was going crazy for a moment :rolleyes:. They do seem to be recycling things more and more lately. What, did they get budget cuts in the editing department or something?

I found this to be one of those "good" episodes; not bad, but not great. I wish Stetler had been there for more of it; it felt like they just added him in as an afterthought at the end. Maybe he was an afterthought, or maybe he was alluding to events to come; whatever the reason, one of them SHOULD have been about Eric. I know, I know, with all the stuff that's been happening the writers should just lay off Eric for a while (I dare the writers to not give Eric any angst for one whole season! :)). But Eric made a mistake last week, and as we've seen, he isn't 100% yet, so should he really be investigating crimes where people’s lives and reputations are on the line? IAB should have been all over this, and I would have accepted that; heck, I would have expected Stetler to be all over him when he got handed the lawsuit. But that didn’t happen; it’s almost as if everyone’s turning a blind eye to Eric’s situation.

I do have to agree with Stetler on what he told Horatio; as much as I love our Super-H, he’s not untouchable. He makes a lot of enemies because of his actions (and I know they’re the right actions), and sooner or later, I can just expect it to come back and bite him in the butt. He needs to learn which battles he’s able to fight, and which ones he isn’t. Well, learn isn’t the right word: recognize, that’s the one I’m aiming for.

So I suppose this would be the end of the sweeps. I’m not sure if I like how they started it with such high energy, and ended it with a more slow-paced episode. Although, with all the camera flashes in that one interrogation scene, it would make it appear fast-paced; it would also give you a headache :rolleyes:.
I thought it was a okay episode. And I am very picky but they used a grizzly bear in this episode. In Florida they have black bears.

Florida Black Bear

We need the old Calleigh back!

The woman that played Anna also played in "Man of the House"

Paula Garces'
I thought it was a pretty good episode, especially H's quote at the end.
Ed Begley Jr. was great as the sleazy supervisor. I hope we see him again.
Painted_Shadow said:
Jiffyjazzy said:
Okay, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, and probably no one else cares, but the bear they showed attacking that guy was a grizzly bear, and in the everglades they have black bears, not grizzly bears. Also black bears rarely ever attack people, they usually run away. That just bothered me, but it's out of my system now :)

THANK YOU! That was the first thing that came to my mind about this ep. Soon as I saw the promo, I started going "there had better be an explanation for why there's a giant grizzly bear loose in the Glades..."

Well thats what I was waiting for but now people probably think there are Grizzly's in the Glades.

speed_cochrane said:
Also, I hope Horatio never makes Captain. I'd rather him stay a Lieutenant, because well, I'd probably start calling him Captain Crunch. :p *hugs LT. H*

My thoughts exactly. Well, maybe not exactly, but along the same lines. Nothing sounds as cool as "Lieutenant."

Yeah I am partial to Lieutenant, Captain just sound so grade school, you know like when your picking teams.

This episode was kinda boring for me and like some of you have said the only thing that was catching my attention was the whole supervisor issue. Knowing H, he cannot let this go.
Somehow, I just don't think H cares if he ever makes Captain. And I agree... I don't want him too.
And now for the rest of my thoughts on the episode.

I mostly had an uncomfortable feeling that they were trying too hard to make Ana a sympathetic character. Look, I get it. I haven't forgotten that Horatio feels bad for the poor young strippers, who don't know where else to get work and so let themselves get trapped in an endless cycle. But he was taking almost too much of an interest in this one particular girl, whose big wide doe eyes at the end were reminding me of Marisol. Like, a LOT of Marisol. Like, I was becoming worried that any second now, she was going to ask if she could make him dinner as a thank-you.

So...are we supposed to know who this Supervisor guy is? What's he supervisor of? The crime lab? Or is this a position in the city somewhere? If we knew who he was, we might be better equipped to understand Horatio's look of shock when he walks in. He looked like he was expecting to bust the usual skeevy politician, and instead came face to face with someone he respected. You know, I think for a moment he was actually speechless.

On that note, I don't see why "you'll never get that promotion" is such a big threat. Threatening to demote him, now, that's a threat. Bring in a new shift supervisor who forces him to process evidence full-time, now you're talking punishment.

I completely forgot Stetler was coming, so I nearly fell off the bed in shock. But...he's lost his edge. While Horatio happily threw up his hackles and glowered at the mere sight of him, Stetler wasn't exactly being openly hostile. (damn it! His hostility is the only reason I like him!) Not only was he not making any excuses for the supervisor, he appeared to be trying to genuinely warn Horatio that his ideals simply were not going to triumph if he insisted going down this no-win path. That nothing good was going to come of it, only problems for both himself and his lab. "If this goes down, I can't help you." "Just like old times."

No, Horatio, not just like old times. Old times involved Stetler deliberately trying to get you and/or your team in trouble. Right here, he's simply saying that his hands will be tied. He hasn't come after you in ages - not for the Mala Noche member you shot in cold blood instead of taking into custody once he was down, or the one you beat up in the Glades; not for your stunt in Brazil and even on how Eric is clearly not ready to be back in the field. This is so far from old times it's like he's gotten a personality transplant.

Also, I really like it when H's idealism doesn't win. I want to see proof, on occasion, that there are CONSEQUENCES for Horatio's devil-may-care attitude when it comes to authority, even when he's right. (Oh, but by the way, Mr. Supervisor, sir? If you're feeling a need to make cutbacks, may I suggest eliminating the superfluous CSI from Horatio's team?)

I loved the last line of the episode, though. "You really do believe all that protect-and-serve stuff, don't you?" "It's the only thing that I know how to do." It's one of the more honest statements I can remember hearing in a while, and in one sentence, it completely sums up his character.
Painted_Shadow said:
So...are we supposed to know who this Supervisor guy is? What's he supervisor of? The crime lab? Or is this a position in the city somewhere? If we knew who he was, we might be better equipped to understand Horatio's look of shock when he walks in. He looked like he was expecting to bust the usual skeevy politician, and instead came face to face with someone he respected. You know, I think for a moment he was actually speechless.

Yeah that was my same thought because he did seem surprised.

I loved the last line of the episode, though. "You really do believe all that protect-and-serve stuff, don't you?" "It's the only thing that I know how to do." It's one of the more honest statements I can remember hearing in a while, and in one sentence, it completely sums up his character.

Well said and when he said it it did kind of sound sorrowfull and lonely.
I loved the last line of the episode, though. "You really do believe all that protect-and-serve stuff, don't you?" "It's the only thing that I know how to do." It's one of the more honest statements I can remember hearing in a while, and in one sentence, it completely sums up his character.

It made me cry. *silence* Ok ok Lora gets emotional when it comes to Horatio....
Hunter said:
I loved the last line of the episode, though. "You really do believe all that protect-and-serve stuff, don't you?" "It's the only thing that I know how to do." It's one of the more honest statements I can remember hearing in a while, and in one sentence, it completely sums up his character.

It made me cry. *silence* Ok ok Lora gets emotional when it comes to Horatio....

That was my favorite line to, just how he said, how he looked when he said just everything made it such a good moment.

I'd really wish everyone would be less foot mouth disease with Eric, the only one who is treating him like he's okay is Natalia. It's almost as if they forgot that he's got to re-learn all this stuff, and like someone said Ryan could have said something other than what he did.

As for Calleigh I'd really,really like to see her character come to the forefront for a few episodes, she's by far one of my favorite characters. And for some reason she's been mostly (pardon the expression) window dressing.

As for Horatio and the Supervisor he asked the man a good question. Where did he get ten thousand dollars?? :confused:

And since we apparently can't have Horatio and Yelina together I'd rather see him get involved with someone like say Calleigh. At least it would make sense.
Speedslady said:
Hunter said:
I loved the last line of the episode, though. "You really do believe all that protect-and-serve stuff, don't you?" "It's the only thing that I know how to do." It's one of the more honest statements I can remember hearing in a while, and in one sentence, it completely sums up his character.

It made me cry. *silence* Ok ok Lora gets emotional when it comes to Horatio....

sorry guys, but to me that does sound very melodramatic. i mean, i'm sure that there are plenty of other things H can do! all this last scene was very over the top and for me the girl say this quote with a lot sarcastic (i stay with impression that she whole epi was try to make joke from H protector complex). or maybe i can be wrong, coz just can`t accept/stand H character (S 4-5) any more ....

And since we apparently can't have Horatio and Yelina together I'd rather see him get involved with someone like say Calleigh. At least it would make sense.

uhhh maybe this will make sense in fanon fic land. as i remeber Y was introduction in this tv show S1 like err...love interesting for H....also what about this guy Jake...from some spoilers for S5 future epi we know :
Jake is in the episode and it looks like he and Calleigh were supposed to go on a lunch date but the case interrupted it....Also, it looks likely that Yelina could return for at least one episode before end of season (sources are Sofia Milos and Corey Miller).

all of this make sense for a lot different conclusion for me ;)
My thoughts exactly. Well, maybe not exactly, but along the same lines. Nothing sounds as cool as "Lieutenant."

True. :) I can see people calling him captain, and Horatio getting uncomfortable, and he asks people to call him H, Horatio, Lieutenant, etc...

As for Horatio and the Supervisor he asked the man a good question. Where did he get ten thousand dollars??

That's simple. He's the supervisor! Probably took a couple things out of the budget, or went to the racetrack, etc. There are other ways.

Oh yes, and the Calleigh quote.

"Whoa wait. You said we had a killer bear, now we have a killer duck?"

She said it with a fake dumb blond look on her face. That made me laugh. :lol: Because Calleigh is the blondest, but shes the complete opposite from dumb. :)

But as for this new episode, i hope somone posts a thread for it, because Calleigh gets hit from behind, in the Hummer. I bet Horatio's already making it personal... :lol: RT, sorry if you don't get it. :lol:
^ The episode next week is listed (from the Futon Critic) as 'Going Under', so I don't believe that's a new episode. ;) There is a thread for it, if you'd like me to bump it.
So it's a re-run? Hmm. Never seen it. (But thank God for re-runs) Well i look forward to watching it.
No you don't have to bump it, i can just post my review in Lilly's thread, the 'Review an Episode' thread. :)
Hey people, back from DC, where I saw the play "Shear Madness", a muder mystery, and there was a cop who was a Lieutenant, and I wanted to shout 'you're not half as good as my Horatio!'
I was disappointed- I passed up a class swim to watch this at the hotel with my CSIM obsesser friends, and I found myself actually talking to them instead of telling them to shut up. I got lost- I liked the whole backstory better. It just wasn't the ep for me, although H was great at the end...I keep paralelling H to Superman, or Clark, from Smalville- the whole 'weight of the world on your shoulders' thing, Geni knows what I mean. Sorry, OT.
Hope next week's better. CSIM, stop your recycling, recycle paper and bottles instead. :)
Did you flip out too Lilly, when he risked his career?

THAT'S what ticked me off. Out of Anna's and Horatio little conversation at the end, Anna didn't bring up the topic of Horatio risking his whole career just to save her. It really pissed me off.