xanessa said:
To me, this episode was season 4 material.
Well, that really sums it up for me too.
The case did not interest me one bit. I didn't think the teaser was very well done at all. If that fails, then you're pretty much screwed. The whole point of the teaser is to hook you into the story, and that one didn't do it's job. Say sayonara to my attention span, guys.
Now, on to Eric. Oh, dear. They really dropped the ball here. When something as big as a shooting happens, it's the one time I beg for CSI to put the case to one side and focus a little more on the characters and their interaction. Normally, Miami has no problem from straying from it's 'procedural' image and these days is coming closer to being a character drama, yet in the episode where they should focus on that, they don't. There's a *headdesk* moment if there ever was one.
First of all, could no-one muster up a bit of a reaction to Eric's return but Calleigh? C'mon, that was a big deal and they just ignored it. I wasn't asking for much, a freaking "Good to see you back," or something would have sufficed. Even Calleigh's comments weren't made directly to Eric. They should have made a bit of a bigger deal over it.
It looks like Eric and Ryan are going back to their macho bullshit/petty fighting ways. I, for one, am glad. It's much easier to watch than Ryan's ridiculous, over-dramatic "you shot my FRIEND!" antics from the last episode. I really don't get how everyone saw them as friends. They got a little friendlier in 'Nailed' but towards the end of the season with all the triangle crap, they were pretty much back to where they started. I really hope they keep it that way. It's very realistic. You aren't necessarily going to be best friends with everyone you work with in life. All the other CSI shows have these perfect teams, it's nice to see one that isn't so perfect. I'm not saying they need to be at each others throats 24/7, they can get on just well enough to do their jobs, but beyond that I don't see any loyalty there. I don't buy that either one of them would ever go to bat for the other when it came to crunch time. Plus, the only time I think I've ever really enjoyed Ryan is when he and Eric were fighting. Out of the whole cast, Adam seems to be the only one who Jon has any real chemistry with. Anyway, I hope they just decide whether they want them as friends or enemies, and keeps it that way. Evs.
Where the hell was the continuity in Eric's leg injury? It's really not that hard to have him limp about a bit. He seemed to have recovered so well that I have expecting him to jump up and click his heels as he sauntered out of the crime scene.
Horatio is really started to rub me up the wrong way. I think it's reached the poit where DC has gone too over the top with his mannerisms that I can barely stand to watch him any more. I feel sorry for Rex Linn, having to try and act opposite that every week. They pretty much just use him as a pillar for Horatio to shoot his one-liners off. Somebody save Frank! Get the poor guy a scene or two with somebody else, and let him have a go at actually playing off of someone. The last scene I can remember him sharing with somebody else is the scene with Calleigh's ass! Still, you'd probably get more to work with from that than Caruso anyway. At least Horatio not had quite as much screentime this season, he's much more bearable in small doses, which brings me to my next gripe:
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, where do I start? You bug me to no end these days! I've got to say, this has been building since the start of Season 4 and quite frankly I've just had enough of you. When I first saw you in Season 3, I thought you had potential. You started off decent enough, with a nice bit of background and fairly interesting interaction with the rest of the cast. I could even stand the fact that through the whole season they stuck you with pretty much just one other member of the cast (oh, how tedious it got), and the fact that they gave you no development whatsoever. Still, I went into Season 4 with high hopes for you, and I really shouldn't have bothered. Still there was no development, and on top of that, you became a wholly unlikable character. It was all arrogance, and cockiness, and the same old repetitive crap. Season 5 has amplified that even more. How many times has Ryan made mistakes this season? (without consequences, I may add, but that's a whole other rant in itself) Right okay, now how many times has it been because Ryan is over-confident and arrogant? And then how many times has he acted the same damn way after the fact? Why is Ryan still making rookie mistakes that even Natalia would no better than to do?
Okay, back on topic somewhat, this episode just brought that back to the forefray to me because I realised just how much screentime he gets compared to the others. Why should such a boring and uninteresting character get so much screentime? I almost want to laugh for calling him a character, because he barely is one. Three seasons in and in still sitting here thinking "WHO THE F'ING HELL IS RYAN WOLFE?"
Why should he get more than the likes of Calleigh, who is far more intriguing, and supposed to be one of the lead characters. For the love of God, why can't they give Khandi Alexander some of that screetime?! She one of the better actors on the show, and has an interesting character that the writers have yet to capitalize on. Why, in this episode especially, did Adam go AWOL for a good half an hour? Why is the guy not getting screentime in his own storyline? Give some of it to Frank, or Valera or anyone! Just spread it out a bit! They really don't manage screentime well in this show at all, I'd hate to see what would happen if they had a cast as loaded as the original has.
So yeah, Ryan and Horatio, together, are pissing my love for this show down the drain.
God, this is making me too angry, so forget it, and let me try to focus on the positives:
There was
some continuity with Eric and his shooting. I was pretty much expecting them to brush it under the carpet. But they haven't, and I'm very thankful for that. I think this is going to continue into the future, I'm very excited to see where they take it.
It was also great continuity that Calleigh was the only one involved in the whole scenario with his mistake, not only because out of all the characters on the show they share the closest friendship, but after Calleigh's reaction in 'Man Down', it felt right that she was the one involved in this thing. Emily has been so on in the last couple of episode. It was plainly obvious that she was feeling awful about what she had to do to Eric. Emily does a great job conveying emotion through her eyes, and as my old drama lecturer said, that is the mark of a great actor.
Adam did a good job at creating sympathy for Eric. I think he's done a great job with what he's been given with this storyline. Like I said, I hope it continues, and they give him bigger and better stuff to work with from an emotional standpoint.
I actually registered Alexx was there, which is a rarity this season. It seems as though she's off the screen just as soon as she's on it. I'm getting really fed-up with how they neglect Alexx recently. I really hope they've got another 'Addiction' type storyline ready to pull out of their ass soon.
And last but not least, Natalia. I'm actually starting to quite like her. Now that all the drama surrounding her has died down, and she's not the center of a wangtsy love triangle or lame ass mole conspiracy, I'm actually starting to enjoy her character. I already feel like I've got a good grasp of her character, even if I didn't like the way they went about creating it. She adds something to the team, not only because Miami was in dire need of another estrogen injection, but because she fits in perfectly. She actually has some chemistry with every single character on the show, and it's very rare to find somebody who fits in quite that well. So, keep her doing her job and away from any more soap bubbles, and I think my like for her will continue to grow.
This episode, as a whole, was very weak though, from the story to the dialogue, it just didn't work. And there was me thinking we'd seen some drastic improvement over the past few weeks. If they're willing to put this out for sweeps, then I shudder to think what they're going to serve up for us come May and the season finale.
(As for my rant, sorry if I offended anybody, that wasn't my intention at all. I just needed to get that off my chest.