Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

That video was great. Thanks for posting it, Delkolover... I am definitely not going to be able to contain myself until tomorrow night.

I'm betting that shortly after she calls it he gasps for that big gulp of air we saw on the previews last week.

And... on a completely ridiculous and off-topic note (I'm sorry), I have a slow internet connection and my computer stopped the video right when they were showing a full shot of Eric's torso. I found that amusing. :lol:
thank you guys SO MUCH for putting my mind at ease. it's nearly midnight here, and i need to wake up in six hours for school, but i resigned myself to not going to bed until i got to the bottom of that matter. i owe ya one.
Thanks for the video.
During the Grammys right before Shakira I saw a promo and in it Alexx and Tripp (definately them- 100%) lean over someone with bright colored hair (H, maybe?) as he/she's on the ground. They looked worried. I really saw it now, for sure, and I'm pretty sure something else is gonna happen. For real, before I was 10% sure- now I'm like 60%. :D
countdown- 24 hours, 30 minutes *squee* :)
You are all very welcome for the video....judt doing my due dilligance as a fan and fellow spoiler lover!! I can't wait for this ep tonight and I agree that right after the calls it his heart is probably going to start up on its own.

I totally have goosebumps! :D

11 hours 25 minutes :D
OMG!( Sorry ,Hello Every-one)Here In Blighty We haen't got the new season (7) just yet, but I have A very Lovley Aunt in L>A Who sends me new episodes So spent this weekend watching Ep 1-14, Up until episode 13 I thought the series had something missing this season and then bam! Real edge of seat stuff. Have asked Lovely Aunt to send episode 15 in first post Tuesday Morning.
I've got 8 and 1/2 hrs to go here in NY

Dude we better not be disappointed with this ep or all this counting down will have a been a massive waste of time! :lol:
I've got 12 hours and 15 minutes here in Los Angeles

I know, I've spent all week torturing myself and if there's a let down... can you say the 'Great Dissapointment'?
I mean this is the #1 show in the world. Imagine how many people are watching tonight! *gets all ecstatic*
About 7 hours left here! Weeeee! :lol:

I'm thinking ratings are going to be relatively high tonight, if not extremely high. This should prove to be a good evening... I really can't wait!
Yay!! About 6 hrs 45 minutes here in New England
Been looking forward to this all week
Don't think they'll kill off Delco
should be lots of Drama, though
About 9 hrs and 35 minutes! *squee*
God they realy made it look like they kill of Delko- I mean the promo and that yahoo video and all the descriptions say he dies...for people who don't know, wow they must be hurting
Can't frakkin wait. *screams, runs around*
Anyone got any non-"Man Down" spoilers? :)
OMG!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That clip was awesome! :D :D :D

I am so PSYCHED!!! :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the clip!
10 for you, Hunter? Where do you live? I have 13 *cries*
Well, actually 12 hours and 50 minutes! [/qupte]
No i messed up, i actually had 12 hours. But now i have 9 hours and 35 minutes to go!
Now I have 9 hours and 8 minutes. So we're in the same time zone.

ETA: I did this edit so I wouldn't be super chatty. Plus, to lengthen this post.
Canada is so pretty. I so want to visit. The only thing I don't like about Canada- seal clubbing. :(
But you have great maple syrup! Anyways...
Spoilers regarding the fianle are gonna start showing up (already...yes) and if anyone gets any, please do tell! I will love you forever and ever and ever...