Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I was 20 minutes late for science 30 because i drove home and watched 'No Man's Land' again!!

6 hrs and 44 minutes to go!
Hunter check out the icon Geni made in the fanart thread, under "CSIM icons," it has the H holding on to the Hummer scene!
I'm sitting here, been here all day, listening to the three Who CSI songs on repeat, praying time will speed up! *thinks about Speed...*

6 hrs 36 minutes!
^ Oh free advertising. :lol:

I have a feeling 'Man Down' could quite possibly be one of the most exciting episodes this season. Even if it doesn't deliver as much as I hope, the episode has a very intriguing premise case-wise. :eek: I still adore Clavo, and it might be interesting to see what happens to him.

Also, aside from the fact that I'm worried about poor Eric, I'm interested in seeing how involved the team will be in this investigation. :) How about you guys? Any thoughts on the involvement of the team? Any theories regarding anything else about the episode? Is this a good choice for sweeps?
well in the preview for this ep. it has wolfe with his eyes all red and asking if Delko is dead, and i think judging by that, and many other things, the team will be really motivated to find the "Killer" or "person who attempted to kill" ( i can't think of the word!!) and that might lead to some tense situations (with the team wanting revenge!), and i have no clue what natalia might do during the episode...wouldn't it be very strange if one of the team wen t depressed cause he died? anyway...I'M EXCITED!
i would cry if Erk died, i hope he doesnt, the i would cry and cry and cry, somebody hold me i am gunna CRY!!!!!
Hunter check out the icon Geni made in the fanart thread, under "CSIM icons," it has the H holding on to the Hummer scene!
Yeah i already did! It's awesome, i also love the one she did with you icon, with H's name in the water!

^ Oh free advertising. :lol:
Well yeah we're friends, and we do this to each other. Well more like her to me. :lol:

Ryans eyes were red? Oh ho! That means he was crying! Sweet, hope they show that scene!
He better cry, Speed gone, and the Eric 'gone'? Yeah, i would.
I will be at work while the show is airing, and it's going to be so hard not to peek here and see what happened. I managed to make it last week, so cross your fingers that I can avoid the temptation this week.
I can't take! I can't take it! I can't take it!
The anticipation is really starting to get to me....I practically wolfed down dinner but time still seems to be moving slow!!

2 hours 55 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Okay, CSINicole, It's gunna be okay (i hope!) it's gunna be okay.....*GULP*

i think that many people would be heartbroken if he dies, because i think that roughly 100 people watch it jsut for him, and then there are the people that are just gunna be sad because.....WAHHHH!! :'(
Argh! I wish God would switch the feeling around! How when we feel like we're having fun, time flies by, but when we're in agonizing boredem, it's slow! I wish he would just flip the feeling around! Argh!

5 hours and 30 mins! Or 4 hours and 30 mins.. I can't even think right! My anticipation is taking over!
Sadly, Hunter, for you, me, and our time-zone buddies, it's still 5 hrs 24 minutes. I swear when the ep comes on I will squeel. Too bad for my sister, she has school and has to be in bed by 9 *laughs at* so I can't squeel too loud.
People- join in on the copuntdown- wherever you post, add a countdown!

5 hrs 22 minutes!
how old is ure sister to have a bedtime?... i got school and mine is 12 midnight... anywayzzz... its so hard to explain how rediculously excited i am rite now...

countdown here:
2hrs... 20mins... somethin somethin sec.
She's 10. I got school too, just not now, and I don't have a curfew- whenever homework is done and I'm tired.

5 hrs 14 minutes
ys ure countdown 5 hrs? where u live? sry im off topic... im tryin to waste time and keep my mind off csi rite now... the tension is making me loca lol...

countdown here:
2hrs...12mins... somethin somethin sec...