Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Okay, the first thing I have to comment on is Calleigh's boots. Now, as boots, they're great. I love them. But completely impractical. No way should they be worn to a crime scene.

Second, the little boy who died. Yes, the case was very sad. But I had the brother pegged from the beginning. Way too easy. My only question is, why was the gun loaded in the first place? Wouldn't the remove all bullets/amunition before transporting? Even while in storage, they shouldn't be loaded.

Clavo Cruz is someone I never expected to see again (until I read the spoilers). As a bad guy, Clavo is the best. Definetly my favorite, or close to. However, I'm afraid he's going to be over-used. As much as I love him, and still did in this episode, he just wasn't the same, somehow.

And as for Eric... I spent the entire episode waiting for that. When Clavo told H to meet him at the bank, I thought 'don't go! and for goodness sake, don't take Eric with you!' I thought the shootout scene itself was very well done. Poor Eric. He was obviously in unimaginable pain, but he held it together very well. And yay for H running out and getting him... not that I was surprised by that in the least. That's what he does. The first time Eric was hit, I was waiting for the second one. By the time it came, I had almost forgotten about it. Almost.

Overall, I'd have to say this episode didn't dissapoint. It did however, seem to drag on a bit. Perhaps because I knew what was coming. I think my final assesment of the episode will have to wait until next week, when I see how things play out. The way they handle what happens next could impact how I feel about this episode.
I'm soooo mad that they said tobe continued cuz i can't wait that long to find out what happens.

I'm going to explode around thursday just because.

It's no fair that he go shot either.

I mean how many people are still reeling from the lost son debaucle.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. I <3 Alexx. She rocks. I love female characters that are feminine and strong at the same time, and baby, she's tough as nails. Compassionate as anything, but not someone you'd want to mess with...

Jonathan Togo rocked his scenes with the kids, especially the first (where he finds the dead boy) and the one where he's talking to the brother who fired the fatal shot. Understated just enough. When you have the "separation" of television, it takes talent to be able to portray strong emotions buried under layers of discipline, self-control and the need to get the job done. Bravo.

Clavo Cruz is one of the Best. Villains. EVAH. Don't know whether I hate to love him or love to hate him. Probably both. :cool: You understand his rage and his compulsion to get even with Horatio, but he definitely gets the Basty McNastard award for enjoying being evil.

The whole final sequence, from Horatio riding on the outside of the Hummer to his obvious (if understated) devastation when Eric was shot...brilliant stuff.

Some fans are going to like the hyper-drama eps like this and some aren't, but in terms of writing, acting and everything else, I loved it.
Seems like this episode was pretty popular last night. Over 300 people browsing the Miami forum. :eek: Whew. :D

I really enjoyed the episode for some of the same reasons that others did. :) Clavo was the highlight of the episode for me. So bitter toward Horatio, and I could really understand the way he felt. He did lose it all, and he can never go back to the life he had. He has nothing to lose. But, then again, it was all his own doing.

I thought there wasn't nearly enough Clavo though. He's such an interesting character, and I wished there was more of him to go around in that episode. I really liked the connection they made to him, and the flashback they brought forth to remind the audience. That little bit of continuity really helped the episode acheive a high rating in my book. :)

The case was very well thought out, and it resembled (to me) a little like 'Dispo Day' and 'Money for Nothing' at the beginning. Not a bad thing, because both of those episodes were very strong character-wise and they always bring an interesting aspect to the show. (Federal employees, county employees in danger, not just your average joe murder) It was high profile, but close to home.

The way the episode was written, reminded me very much of season two. Always a good thing. :D

The case B was a small addition, but very effective. This was a great contrast to the higher profile case, and showed the more toned down and ordinary aspect of CSI:Miami. It was very refreshing to have a different type of murder to 1) take our minds off of the very strong and possible stand-alone case A and 2) Set in some characterization by Calleigh and Ryan dealing with this sort of case, whilst all the other turmoil is happening.

I thought Emily did so wonderfully with her role as Calleigh in this episode. She was such a strong character, and I really felt her anger and disgust as she spoke to the father. I could also hear and sense her tenderness and warmth toward the children who lost their brother. Her character is so dynamic and so great to watch on-screen.

Jon did fantastically with what he was given for Ryan. I could really see that Ryan had a tough time digesting the fact that a small boy was murdered. --Evidently, this would have been his first young child murder that we've seen. I thought how he handled the scene where Calleigh gets on the scene was really well done, and there was so much subtlety in the way Jon portrayed Ryan, it was really all was needed. :)

Adam Rodriguez did so well in this episode. He's very talented, but he pushed it beyond my expectations. There was so much to see from him, and I wasn't disappointed. I was genuinely worried about his fate, and it was heart-wrenching to see him go down. The last part of the episode reminded me about 'Lost Son' for various reasons. Undoubtely, the parallel was expected, as this was the second member of the team to fall. Seeing Horatio's face when Eric was lying on the concrete was such an important part of the episode. In some ways, the audience may have worn the same expression.

Really great episode. :)
Believe my expression was way different than Horatio's :lol: But I understand where you are coming from...the sequence was done so beautifully that you, the viewer, couldn't help but identify with Horatio when he looked down on the concrete. And I think that is what TV in general today is lacking...a sense of wow or the viewer actually being shocked and sent into a sense of awe over fictional characters. Viewers have become so desensatized to things on tv that I think it hard for shows to have that WOW factor but the writers caught and caputred it last night. The whole ep was masterfully shot and acted out by the actors.

Hopefully it will carry over to next weeks ep!
The episode was off the hook...can't wait for Part 2.

Does anyone know the name of the song played at the beginning of the episode? It was pretty tight, but I couldn't find its name online (I tried Googling part of the lyrics, but no luck).

I am just writing to "thank" those who posted spoilers about the second half for ruining it.

I think the mods should have a zero-tolerance stance on spoilers regarding future episodes being posted in a specific episode thread.

Spoilers about the episode in question should be in spoiler tags for those who have seen it but posts containing spoilers for future episodes should be removed or moved to a relevant spoiler thread and repeat offenders warned.

I'm afraid I shall have to refrain from reading these threads in future just in case.

Think before you post.
I think he/she means spoilers regarding "Man Down." Yes, if I did anything like that here, I'm really sorry about ruining the episode for you all. *offers apology cake* :)
ClarkF1 said
I am just writing to "thank" those who posted spoilers about the second half for ruining it.

I think the mods should have a zero-tolerance stance on spoilers regarding future episodes being posted in a specific episode thread.

Spoilers about the episode in question should be in spoiler tags for those who have seen it but posts containing spoilers for future episodes should be removed or moved to a relevant spoiler thread and repeat offenders warned.

I'm afraid I shall have to refrain from reading these threads in future just in case.

Think before you post.

ClarkF1, I truly apologize on behalf of everyone here that you were spoiled for the upcoming episodes. However, this thread is clearly marked with a spoiler warning. That means any discussion about No Man's Land - in this thread - does not require a Spoiler Code or Spoiler Space. In this case, those who have seen 'No Man's Land' are able to discuss the episode openly after it airs in the United States. (And are able to discuss the information present at the beginning of the thread, in here, before it airs)

Spoilers about upcoming episodes should be posted in the appropriate spoiler thread. Ie: The Spoiler Lab. ThumpyG42 and myself will decide the appropriate consequence if these guidelines are not followed. ;) If you have any questions about it, please feel free to drop one or both of us a PM. :)

Alright, let's get back on topic. :)
Oh oh! Guys, i SO forget to say this!
Near the end, when Eric and Horatio were searching for a Mercedes, did any one else LOVE how Horatio jumped onto the side of the Hummer and hung on! With his hair blowing in the wind?? Oh wow, i thought that was the hottest part of the show. ;)
lmao yup i loved that part too... he seemed younger lol and the part when he saves eric... he pulled him across from the shooting
OMG I completely forgot about that! He's usually not very active so I love whenever he runs or does something like that...that was so amazingly hot and I should head over to the DC/H thread to rave about it. But yes, Hunter, I'm with you on that!