Episode #511 'Backstabbers' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I have mixed reviews on this one, no matter what we are living in a post 9/11 world which means terror plots are always going to be part of a crime show like CSI, or any other show.

As for the episode iteself I thought it was pretty good. I was glad to see Calleigh come to the forefront in this episode, I love this character I think she is one of the strongest characters on the show.

It was great to see Horatio in the lab working! What is Ryan doing? I mean I thought he got past the whole I want to be on camera deal.
Is it just me or does it seem like Calleigh is more like how Horatio used to be in season one?

1. She's got that 'thing' with kids now. That special something.

2. She's got that quiet understanding of her colleague's mistakes.

3. She's got that ability to tell of annoying characters off without looking immature.

What else?

I was once again disappointed with Ryan's part. I knew the moment he picked up that bottle that he was going to do something stupid. I just shook my head as he, *spray**spray**spray**spray**spray* sprayed that crap all over it. Drenched it! :eek: :rolleyes:
Then he got mad at the camera guy. It was his own fault. Gotta think before you act buddy.

*sigh* Ryan's my favorite though. I just can't stand seeing him fail. It's like having a kid and seeing him fail again, and again. *sigh*
At first I just thought the camera man doing the documentary was annoying--kinda like Erica Sikes. But now I'm wondering if he isn't trying to set up the lab to look bad. It wouldn't surprise me if the camera man knew that too much luminol would destroy the evidence, and that it wouldn't take much to get Ryan to help him "get a good shot" by spraying more luminol on the blood spatter. Also, how did the camera man find out about the little girl? If that knowledge had gotten out that little girl could have been in some big trouble. I hope Ryan didn't let it slip out :eek: .
I know! I was like "No, you idiot! Put that bottle down! Put it back before you do something...... stupid. Damn."

As for the camera guy? I want to shove that camera (and the video tape of Ryan screwing up, because you know he'll want to give that to the press) up his ass. Urg!

Anyway, I was glad to see more of Calleigh in this episode. And, I agree athlov, she does seem more like H was in S1.

And despite the fact that I'm pissed as hell at Ryan, that little wink he gave the camera? Adorable, along with his outfit. *runs off to Ryan thread*

I'm so sick of seeing Ryan screw up, though. Can't the writers think of something besides "terrorist plot" and "let's make Ryan screw up yet again!" ??
OK...here's that review I promised.
5 stars is NOT enough. 10 stars might be enough but NOT 5.
Wish I had 2 more hands, I'd out do Ebert and Roepert and give this episode 4 thumbs up. Best season 5 episode since next week's re-run 'Going Under' originally aired. I loved seeing Horatio doing lab work...even if it was Calleigh's field of expertise. MORE H IN THE LAB!!! MORE H SHOOTING A GUN AT SOMETHING OTHER THAN BAD GUYS AND TIRES!!! It could be a target at a firing range or a silhouette on a GIANT piece of paper hanging up in the ballistics lab...I don't care. Just more H with a gun.
Poor Ryan. Poor Ryan??? What am I saying??? That camera dude wanted more luminol so it'd glow more on camera and Ryan obliged him. WHAT WAS RYAN THINKING??? He obviously wasn't thinking. At least NOT about the fact that he might comprise the DNA. I'm thinking of starting a Ryan Wolfe Goof thread just so we can keep track of all Ryan's job-related goofs. Like tonight's.
Well, here's a summary of this review.
I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!! In spite of Ryan's goof, no Natalia-that I saw and Eric's limited screen time. I think this is the first episode where I've seen Frank shoot a bad guy or do any shooting for that matter. GO FRANK!!!
Wow, I haven't seen the episode yet (Got about another 20 minutes) but Horatio in the lab? :eek: Do my eyes deceive me? :eek:

*waits patiently with everyone else for Hell to finish freezing over*


Anyway, just came in here to post my thoughts on Horatio in the lab. (Wow, still can't believe it :eek:) I should be back later to post the rest of my thoughts. :)
I'm sure they will, Ryan is growing on me but when I saw what he was doing in front of the camera I began to dislike him all over again. So he'll have to redeam himself at least for me.

As for Calleigh I really like what they are doing with her character. I really would like to see the character come to the forefront as she did tonight.
Speedslady said:
I'm sure they will, Ryan is growing on me but when I saw what he was doing in front of the camera I began to dislike him all over again. So he'll have to redeam himself at least for me.

As for Calleigh I really like what they are doing with her character. I really would like to see the character come to the forefront as she did tonight.

Maybe you dont' "have to" like him,coz writers just want you to dislike him.
I can't imagine any CSI of three CSI shows can screw up so many times and still in the lab(for writers' thoughts).It doensn't make sense. :confused:
I am really sick of seeing Horatio is always a hero,Calleigh always kicks ass,Ryan always screws up,and Eric always.....um...don't know how to say..less impressive(?) :eek:
That's why original CSI characters get more appreciation than Miami.
I didn't catch H in the lab for some reason. But I did catch the "there's a kid in trouble and H isn't around" part. And I agree about Ryan...no way he'd still be in the lab screwing up as much as he apparently does.

I think the documentary thing's repetitive...it was annoying enough on Vegas and now it's here. You just wanna tell them where to put their cameras lol.

I also am not liking the whole "super Horatio king of the world I can handle anything" part...the other CSIs do mix jobs but they don't get into homeland security and military stuff.

Oh...I gotta wonder if they positioned David the way they did in the test-firing of the gun scene to hide his bad eye since one eye was obscured by his hand as he fired and I can see it coming into play there.
I notice that writers may want to give Ryan more screentime
and make his character more complex
(obviously in S4 and S5),but not by this way(screw up again and again...)
I just hope no more love story(esp. about H)in S5.....
MacsGirlMel said:
I didn't catch H in the lab for some reason. But I did catch the "there's a kid in trouble and H isn't around" part. And I agree about Ryan...no way he'd still be in the lab screwing up as much as he apparently does.

Oh...I gotta wonder if they positioned David the way they did in the test-firing of the gun scene to hide his bad eye since one eye was obscured by his hand as he fired and I can see it coming into play there.

You did see him in the lab. It was some part of the lab, probably some part of the ballistics section of the lab, there were 9-12 guns neatly arranged on a little square table. Horatio picked up one and swabbed a spot on it. Then he took it to the part of the ballistics lab where they shoot the guns and fired what seemed like a dozen shots. That was what we were referring to about H being in the lab.
What's this about David's bad eye??? I know in the bonus features on the last disc of, I think, season 3 it showed him reading a script with what I'm guessing were some of the writers and he was wearing glasses. But what makes you think they positioned him to hide one eye??? I've got a bad eye...my left eye. You wouldn't know it was lazy* and near-sighted** if it didn't look like it was always looking left. On an eye chart, I can only read the top 3 lines with my left eye. The BIG E at the top and the 2 lines under it. After that I'm just guessing.

*...lazy-(lack of muscle control)
**...near-sighted-(see stuff that's up close and LARGE better than stuff that's far away and small)
Alright, I'm back. :)

Firstly, I give this episode 8 cows out of 10. I thought it was a good episode. :D

Horatio in the lab: :eek: :eek: I almost passed out. I can't remember whether I was laughing so hard from glee, or crying so hard from missed memories of season two. :lol:

Emily was great in the episode, and I loved the way she spoke to little Emma. She handled the case like an old pro with that camera guy. (Yeesh, he's a persistant little thing ain't he?) The elevator door scene ruled all.

Ryan: Okay, the guy screwed up. Big deal, everyone makes mistakes. (Okay, even I know that the more liquid you spray over the other liquid, the more the first liquid is going to dillute the other one. Common sense.) Everything will either blow over or blow up. Two ways to go, each one still great to watch. Drama drama drama. :p

Eric: ..Um...Okay so he was barely in the episode, and when he was, he didn't do much but that's okay. He's still my second favorite stubbly wubbly CSI. *huggles him*

Anyway, the plot was a little iffy but I liked the amound of forensics they threw in. It was great to see Horatio pitching in, and it was great to see Frank, Alexx, and Valera get some excellent screentime. :)
Ug.. I swear if they make Ryan screw up one more time, I'm going to write the writers a letter of complaint. It makes me very angry and frustrated, especially since I love Ryan.

H test-firing the gun was him in the lab, you didn't miss it. And I agree with you, the documentary thing is repetitive.
It's going to be some time before I get to see this one, but, as I always say, 'If we learn by our mistakes, I'm getting one heck of an education!' ( :) ).Just as long as he doesn't repeat any of them - there are so many wonderful mistakes just waiting to be discovered.
I live in hope that tptb are going to allow Ryan to progress beyond this, I thought I remembered Jon saying something about looking forward to exploring Ryan's 'grey' side, that he was ambitious. Ryan may be many things, but I don't believe stupid to be one of them. If the character is ambitious, he needs the intelligence to exploit it andget somewhere.
If you go back and read my last post in this thread. In it I said "Then he took it to the part of the ballistics lab where they shoot the guns and fired what seemed like a dozen shots." Well I recorded last night's episode. So I watched that scene of Horatio firing that gun in the ballistics lab TWICE. I counted the number of shots both times. Both times I came up with 13 shots. So when I said a dozen, I missed it by one.
Oh well, it was good guess on my part.
I could've missed it by 3 or 4. :lol: