Episode #510 'Come As You Are' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***


~Nocturnal Jenn~
Premium Member
Ok guys...The Futon Critic doesn't have anything up on this episode as far as I can see, unless I'm overlooking it, lol. So what I'm going to do is post the episode summary from the TV Guide website. speed_cochrane or I will edit in the Futon Critic info once it becomes available. ;) Sorry it's a little sparse for the time being, but I wanted to get this up so we could start the discussion of the episode.

Information courtesy of Tv Guide.com:

A Marine recruiter is found dead on a civilian shooting range with several bullet holes in him, but there's no blood at the scene. The investigation reveals the victim was dead before he was shot and that his body was dragged onto the range. As the case progresses, Horatio learns the murder may be connected to the death of a marine in Iraq who was killed in combat. Also, Natalia is shocked to learn that Nick asked Valera out and that she accepted.
All I have to say is: Yay! Valera! She doesn't get nearly enough screen time. I'm looking forward to this one :)
I'm happy to see more of Valera, but I can do without another Natalia storyline. We're already on the 10th episode I'm tired of her already.
I'm really excited for this episode; I rather it not involve Natalia imo, but I can't complain either...

It's about time for Valera to have another storyline.
NOT to be picky, but shouldn't this be a NCIS thing?

Now that opens up a really cool NCIS / Miami crossover thing............

But I guess I'll settle for Horatio suddenly magically joining up. :lol:
Without a Trace did have a storyline that involved ex marines if I'm not mistaken.
I guess if it's stays to only one episode it's okay. But could be fun, a crossover episode. I guess.
This one is looking good anyway.
I was just shocked to read "Nick asked Valera out", what the hell, has Miami turned into soap? I'm not convinved by that storyline.
Juma said:
NOT to be picky, but shouldn't this be a NCIS thing?

Now that opens up a really cool NCIS / Miami crossover thing............

But I guess I'll settle for Horatio suddenly magically joining up. :lol:

Oh, I wouldn't mind a NCIS/Miami crossover. I love both men & it would be awesome. Only prob is both would want to be in charge. :lol: Who do ya think would win? :lol: Okay ep looks like it's gonna be a good one. Can't wait.
I find it interesting that this will be the second CSI to do a Marine ep. Heroes was CSI NY's ep. And I still will be thinking "where's Mac, we need Mac!" LOL. or Brass. They're both Marines.
I can't say I am TOTALLY convinced that Nick is as bad as Natalia makes him out to be.

He has said to Eric "...you have no idea who she is." and I think that little line might bring with it a big secret for Natalia.

Sure, he's made some...comments towards Natalia, but I think there is more to this character than the writers are letting on at the moment.

I doubt the writers know EXACTLY what Nick's purpose will be this season so they are throwing these random little tidbits into the mix to keep us (and themselves) entertained.
UnXplainedThing said:
Without a Trace did have a storyline that involved ex marines if I'm not mistaken.
Only going off topic on this to say Yep you are correct they actually did I think two or three eps on the military. When they went over sea's, when one solider came home, and there was another I don't remember right now.

Okay going back on topic, hmm well I have made my opinion known on Maxine dating Nick, I am sorry but you know they brought up the abuse storyline long before nick came on the show, why would Natalia go underground to hide from him, and believe you me they would check you out before accepting you. As to his comments to Eric he was jealous or it was one of those "if you think she is this way you will stay away". So I am rather to believe that Nick is a charmer in front of others, the nice guy who does no wrong attitude, ect. Until the privacy comes around and its just him and the person he is with.

Thing is even if warned by Natalia, Maxine more then likely won't believe her, she is his ex, the reason he was in jail (hmm sensing the bait of emotions) and he isn't going to do anything at first that would be to easy, he is a charmer, do no wrong, was wronged by a revengeful ex-wife, yadda yadda yadda. Naw he would have to get maxine caught in the web then when she is comfortable it will start out the little things that you thing "he didn't mean" and from there esculate. Course that is unless Maxine notices signs that some people miss until its too late.

To me the Nick character gives off the air of someone who thinks that when you get serious with someone you own them, and they owe you. Now that makes me sick. But its just my opinion.
Earlier this hour I saw an ad for this episode. I gotta say it's looks alot more exciting and interesting than any of the ads for last week's episode did. So maybe it'll be a good episode. Tuesday night-(November 21, 2006) at 1:05 am (technically Wednesday morning) our local CBS station re-aired Monday night's episode. The cable went out 3 times so I'm still not 100% sure how I felt about this past Monday's episode. But from what I saw when the cable was on...this episode can't be any worse. Well, maybe it can, but I'm holding out hope it won't be worse.

Carolyn318 said
Now for some of my venting:
I'm so FREAKING mad at our local CBS station. They've had that story on all day long about that school bus flipping off that overpass. It's not that I'm not sympathetic. I feel bad for the families of those that were killed and the families of those that were injured. But running the story in the ground is NOT gonna change anything. It won't undo what happened. But because our local CBS, ABC and NBC stations don't know when to let a story go, I MISSED 30 MINUTES of tonight's episode. I missed from 9:07-9:37 pm central time. Don't tell me what happened. I'll just get angrier cause I couldn't see it firsthand.
Without that part of the show, I can't decide whether or not I thought this was a good episode.
Okay going back on topic, hmm well I have made my opinion known on Maxine dating Nick, I am sorry but you know they brought up the abuse storyline long before nick came on the show, why would Natalia go underground to hide from him, and believe you me they would check you out before accepting you. As to his comments to Eric he was jealous or it was one of those "if you think she is this way you will stay away". So I am rather to believe that Nick is a charmer in front of others, the nice guy who does no wrong attitude, ect. Until the privacy comes around and its just him and the person he is with.

Thing is even if warned by Natalia, Maxine more then likely won't believe her, she is his ex, the reason he was in jail (hmm sensing the bait of emotions) and he isn't going to do anything at first that would be to easy, he is a charmer, do no wrong, was wronged by a revengeful ex-wife, yadda yadda yadda. Naw he would have to get maxine caught in the web then when she is comfortable it will start out the little things that you thing "he didn't mean" and from there esculate. Course that is unless Maxine notices signs that some people miss until its too late.

To me the Nick character gives off the air of someone who thinks that when you get serious with someone you own them, and they owe you. Now that makes me sick. But its just my opinion.

I totally agree with you Destiny. Horatio knew about Natalias ex or why else in the one ep(can't remember)would he ask her for help with the connections she had. I know from things I've seen & read that abusive men can be charmers when they wanna be. So, I 'm hoping Maxine stays away from Nick before it's too late. He wouldn't wanna face H's fury. :D
I agree with Destiny and Katpin. Nick won't turn out to be as charming as he appears. Maxine better watch out! That being said, I'm still thrilled that she's getting somewhat of a storyline :)
Carolyn318 said:
Earlier this hour I saw an ad for this episode. I gotta say it's looks alot more exciting and interesting than any of the ads for last week's episode did. quote]

Generally, though, I'm finding out that when the episode sucks, the previews look good.

The whole Valera/Nick thing looks awesome, but, dude, seriously, we'll get maybe 10 minutes through out the entire episode and the rest will all be about Horatio. It'll be forty of Horation, 10 of Nick/Valera and another maybe 7 of everyone else all slammed into the same screen time.

I'm getting bored with this crap. It's almost becoming the same episode every night. All three shows are starting to recycle one another. The Marine episode in New York, now in Miami. The documentry crew in Vegas, now in Miami. What's next, Horatio dating Calleigh like Grissom is dating Sidle?

Anyway... I'll just have to wait and see if things get are going to get better as the season progesses. It's sad, but I'm already thinking about the season finale.
