This episode wasn't too shabby. Could've had more Ryan but that's just personal preference.

the whole theme of a villain stretching over a season is over used, but I still dig it.
I had a soft spot for that confused hillbilly.
The song they played when Eric went to get the hooker is part of this inside joke between me and some friends.... I nearly died laughing when it came on!!
The hooker Eric befriended was fairly convincing compared to other escorts they've featured on Miami. Reminded me of what's her face twilight chick when she played a stripper in a movie I can't remember the name of lol....
I felt like the episode was missing a little umph but that may have been bc I'm dealing with some stupid crap and I kept losing the remote and texting. Haha
And what the CRAP that dude's lawyer looks JUST like Jesse Cardoza from a distance. I thought it was some crazy twist they were able to keep secret and he faked his death and all that. Then I realized it wasn't him.
Btw, H is so funny when he's trying to talk to two differen people. When they found the girl he barked at Eric, "HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and immediately looked at her and softly said, "good job

" haha.... He did it earlier with Frank too....
David's face when they were talking to that confused hillbilly was soooo funny! He just barelyyyy looked like, "what the crap??" it was just subtle enough to be a perfect Horatio reaction.
Anyway, i think next week will be pretty good.