Eny one want to do a LV rp... or maybe a crossover????

(Okay! Respond when you can.)

Nick was able to take his daughter sightseeing, and grinned at the fact that she seemed fascinated by everything. He sighed, knowing that the glitz and glamor of Vegas wasn't all there was to it.
There was also the seedy under belly, something he and Sara experienced in their line of work.
Nick wanted to bring Emily to the lab and introduce her to their workplace, as well as the rest of the gang.

(Okay, now anyone who wants to step in and take a CSI or lab tech, feel free to do so. :) Catherine, Warrick, Greg, even Ecklie! :D)
(Yes especially ecklie I mean imagine his reaction to Emily I mean HECK he didnt even know sara and Nick were ever together and I'm sure he'd dissaprove)

Sara walked into the familiar lab,things hadnt changed much,a few of the techies were different but for the most part it was the same,she Looked at Nick a bit nervously, people were staring at her she whispers "I dont think they think to highly of me right now" she frowns
Emily is clinging to her daddies hand as if ,if she let go he'd be gone forever, she looked at him "Daddy what does that thing do?" she questioned as she stared at a particular machine
Nick paid no heed to the hushed whispers of the tactless lab techs. "They wouldn't dare say anything bad about you or Emily while I'm here."
Nick turned to Emily, "Sweetie, that machine over there is called the Combined DNA Index System. But we call it CODIS for short."
Sara smiled ,somehow he always knew how to make her feel better ,she watched as Nick interacted with thier daughter "you're really good with her" she said simply
Emily Looked up at Nick with curious eyes "what does it do?"
she quesetioned him
"Well, this machine helps us find the bad guys. We can identify people with this database. It has something called a DNA sample," Nick bent down at Emily's eye-level. "Everyone is unique and special in their own way, and DNA helps us tell people apart."
He looked over at Sara and grinned, "Before we know it, this little girl will be a forensic investigator."
Emily looks up at him "So does that thing have my DNA in it to?" she questions her daddy
Sara smiles as she looks at him "Yes she's very into Science she actually got one of those little toy field kits a friend of hers gave it to her for her last birthday" she smirks "Most little girls her age are into make up,Princesses things like that OURS is into Science although she does still love Princesses and Tinkerbell she LOVES Tinkerbell"
Grissom and Catherine are walking through the lab talking about a case they're working on. Catherine redirects the conversation from the case to Sara and Nick's relationship. " Grissom, you haven't really said anything about Sara and Nick's relationship not to mention the fact that they have a kid. Is it bugging you so much that you don't want to talk about it or do you just not care?" Catherine askes Grissom who is not paying attetion to her.
"Hm, did you say something Catherine?" Grissom says looking up from the case file. "I asked you if you cared about Sara and Nick's relationship?" Catherine asked yet again. "I don't see what the big deal is. I mean they're in love and they have a family now. So, why should I get in the way of their life." Grissom says talking into the case file.