Eny one want to do a LV rp... or maybe a crossover????

she Looked at him,she didnt want to explain everything right there in the doorway so she lead him into the room and allowed him to sit down ,then she began "remember that night we had" she eyes him "I was so scared and so confused I thought all I was to you was a one night stand and I didnt think I was in love with you, I denied my feelings for you for so long I started to believe them, but then I got Pregnant all I could think about was you ,How much I loved you I was afraid to tell You how I felt because I was afraid you didnt feel the same way so I ran away, But then Cath called saying she needed me back *she wiped a tear* and I saw you at the diner and all those emotions i'd been trying to hide came back *she eyes him* Shes two and a half" she gave him a minute to take everything she had just said in
(If I watched NY, I would totally play Danny or Flack for you! But I don't... :( Grissom could be ummm... doing paperwork or talking to a CSI.)

When everything sunk in he found himself smiling. He never expected that she left because of him, and he felt horrible for letting her go two years raising the little toddler by herself. Nick looked at Sara and Emily, feeling a warm sensation in his heart that was very similar to the feelings he had when he was with Sara.
"Sara, believe it or not, when you left I thought you saw me as a one night stand. I wanted to talk to you about it but then you left so soon. I was heartbroken." He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued.
"I wanted to be with you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I care so much about you. I love you Sara Sidle. I should've told you that a long time ago."
He turned to look at Emily, smiling proudly "She's really my child? God, she looks so beautiful... just like her mother."
Sara Looked at him putting a hand on his Knee "we waisted so much time denying our feelings for eachoher, this is just as much my fault as it is yours dont blame Yourself Nicky" she gazed lovingly at him "and I really do Love you" she looked down at thier child "she knows all about you , I wanted her to grow up knowing who her dad was and that I loved him very much" she gently handed Emily to Nick so he could hold his Young daughter "and believe me she's yours, I"m reminded of that everytime I look into her big brown eyes" as if On Cue Emily rubbed her eyes and blinked them Open, she looked from her Mother, to the Man she was sitting on ,sighed and Grinned she knew who he was she didnt have to be told "Daddy"
Nick's face practically hurt from all the grinning he was doing, but he couldn't stop if he wanted to. He was a father and he never felt more lucky.
"Come here sweetie," he grabbed the little girl and almost danced around with her, wondering how he could have gone the last two years without holding this precious bundle of joy. He looked over at Sara, wanting her to come share in this moment. She looked so misty eyed but he couldn't blame her. He was was getting choked up himself.
Sara sat next to Him and smiled, she couldnt remember ever being this happy ,besides the time Her and Nick made Emily but even then she was a bit confused, Now for the first time in her Life she knew w hat she wanted ,she smirked as Emily started talking a mile a minute "Mommy said If I'm really good I'd get to go see the white tigers,and Maybe Just Maybe she'd take me to the lab you work at and Hodges will let me play with the machines.. and then I can meet Uncle Warrick,Aunt Catherine and Uncle Greg.... and are You and Mommy going to get Married"
Sara raised an eyebrow and smirked at her Daughter "slow down Emily daddy just met you give him a minute to take it all in"
Nick grinned and took Sara's hand.
"We will definitely talk about all this soon. Actually, you look like you could use some sleep."
He almost forgot that it was the wee hours of the morning and he barely got any sleep. None of them looked like they got much sleep but who could blame them what with all the excitement.
"I hope you don't mind if I stick around for a while. We can spend the rest of the day together and everyone at the lab will be really happy to see you. Both of you"
Sara smiled as she looked at him "I dont mind I was actaully hoping you would" she stares off into space "they'll be in shock I mean I never told anyone why I left I just left, and eventhough Cath was the one that called me asking me come back to work Even She doesnt know about Emily"
Emily laid down on the bed her little eyes staring up at Nick "Daddy will you rub my back?"
Nick turned and smiled at Emily, "Sure, sweet pea,"
He leaned over and slowly rubbed her back, coaxing the little girl to sleep. He caught Sara smiling at him and gave her one of his own sweet smiles. When she finally drifted off he walked over and wrapped an arm around Sara.
"I wonder what the rest of the guys would say..."

(Hopefully when we get to the lab part, where Sara and Nick have to confess, we'll have more people join in. :))
(yeah Hopefully cause I really hate doubling up as more then one character)
Sara Looks at him "I'm sure they'll think she's Grissoms ,they never knew he and I broke up, Only You knew that and I never told you this but I meant it when I said you were the reason why" some of them will be in shock a few Maybe slightly jealous ,she smirked to herself as she remembered the crush young greg had always harbored for her "but they'll get over it, My heart has always belonged to one man" she Leaned into his chest letting him know she Meant him
Nick smiled softly and leaned back, taking Sara into his arms. After all the sleepless nights he had after she left, he finally felt happy and calm.
"Good night, hun. I'm glad you came back. I've missed you so much."
He held her warm body close and felt his eyes droop. He slowly slipping into a blissful sleep.
she looked up at him studying his face,all those nights she spent crying without him didnt matter anymore, she knew leaving was her fault but It had partly stemmed from her terrible childhood she was afraid she'd somehow turn out like her mom and she was afraid of ruining her and Nicks friendship But raising thier young child alone prooved difficult for her,she was glad she was back in his arms
she Layed her head on his chest feeling glad that He never stopped loving her either, her own eyes began to close
(Maybe we should skip to about an hour before work, so that other people can step in and play the other CSIs. :))