Eny one want to do a LV rp... or maybe a crossover????


Well im still a little new at this but we could do a crossover, but ya'll can choose LV/NY LV/Miami or something like that...
I would love to do a LV/NY one and I HAD started one but it died the people involved I guess werent interested *shrugs* if we could get enough people willing to join I"d be more then happy to play Sara (as long as I get the Snicker fix)
Which one SSS? I'm always intrested in them, but some ppl just drop out without warning, it kinda sucks.....
I was talking about the snicker/D/L crossover I had here
I think it was just because My Nick got busy and the others had also gotten busy its no big deal really I'm Not mad
I just dont want to start another one if no one else joins (I have a few onesided snicker RPs as it is)
ahhh well you know me, I'm always up for a good round of Lindsay if you ever need me lol
do You think Hestia would be on board for playing Nick? she is really good at it and she wrote my Snicker angsty RP as a fanfic so good I want more
RP's rule, I swear. I love em...I should make another one :p (I'm sure Lauren's behind me saying no, for some reason)
so if Hestia would be on board as Nick (and CSI Stokes is okay with this) I thought maybe I'd do something A LITTLE different and have the Snicker part of THIS one stem from where Hestia's Snicker Ficlet she wrote for me ended off (and then they can both be shipped to NY for the case... well all three of them) but I need CSIStokes OKay and I need to ask Hestia if she wants to do it
ShuriyuCSI said:
*pops in* Shuddap, Lynn, you know I have too many RP's right now :lol: You're friggin' killing me.

Told yall Lauren was behind me saying no..Alright, I'll be good, I won't make anymore :D
Ok well lets get this RP started...

Nick: CSIStokes
Grissom: ?
Sara: ?
Greg: ?
Brown: ?
Willows: ?

Linds: ?
Mac: ?
Stella: ?
Flack: ?
Danny: ?
Hawkes: ?
Hammerback: ?