Head of the Day Shift
LadyDisdain said:
I don't really understand how Sara's reciting poetry means she's showing off for Grissom. I mean, he wasn't even there. And she waited until even Nick had left to do it.
Also, Sara is highly educated and well read. She has often identified authors quoted by Grissom. That she would recognize Longfellow--one of the most recited poets by American schoolchildren--is hardly strange. Heck, I knew it was Longfellow when I heard it. I couldn't remember the words, but I remembered the gist. Sara is one up on me there.
Finally, even if her interest in poetry has been sharpened due to her relationship with Grissom, doesn't that make characterological sense? I mean, her boyfriend of two years loves poetry. She'd probably find her interest in poetry reawakened or heightened. There are lots of things I didn't do or didn't do much when I met my husband that I now do a lot, because he loves to do them (and vice versa). Seems pretty standard in a committed relationship.
Anyway, I don't find her reciting poetry out of keeping with her character, nor do I believe it is a sign of her being a teacher's pet. But, YMMV.
Hip-Hip Hooray.. good analyazation