"Ending Happy" Discussion *Spoilers*

LadyDisdain said:
I don't really understand how Sara's reciting poetry means she's showing off for Grissom. I mean, he wasn't even there. And she waited until even Nick had left to do it.

Also, Sara is highly educated and well read. She has often identified authors quoted by Grissom. That she would recognize Longfellow--one of the most recited poets by American schoolchildren--is hardly strange. Heck, I knew it was Longfellow when I heard it. I couldn't remember the words, but I remembered the gist. Sara is one up on me there.

Finally, even if her interest in poetry has been sharpened due to her relationship with Grissom, doesn't that make characterological sense? I mean, her boyfriend of two years loves poetry. She'd probably find her interest in poetry reawakened or heightened. There are lots of things I didn't do or didn't do much when I met my husband that I now do a lot, because he loves to do them (and vice versa). Seems pretty standard in a committed relationship.

Anyway, I don't find her reciting poetry out of keeping with her character, nor do I believe it is a sign of her being a teacher's pet. But, YMMV.

Hip-Hip Hooray.. good analyazation
and on that note.. they were like briefly in this ep. together..and Sara has always been a deep person , as he is, that's why their so perfect together.. the Brass lines were hiliarious.. and Doc..soo good.. it was a quirky funny different ep. and the writers just keep us in awe.. well me..& millions of others.. on my rounds today.. many customers LOVED this ep. and the strong GSR scenes :p.. and their not even on a fan-site!! if I didn't like this show, and constantly found so many supposed flaws.. I'd grab my remote.. :rolleyes:
Do you ever think maybe Sara like Poetry? Grissom wasn't there. I guess she don't want nobody to know that she like Poetry. Nick said, it was sweet, he seem to like it in his own way and he didn't said nasty thing to Milton about the poetry. We don't know much about Nick, if he like Poetry. I know Sara does, she just said it last night.

I like the episode, it was great. Poor Brass, he thought he got the murderer, but he didn't get them. Connor said, that man can't died.

I really enjoy this episode. I'm not look forward the end of CSI of season finale. 3 more episode left.
i agree about it being unproffessional and inapprpriate. i know its just television so there is no point in getting all huffy and upset about it, but still. the main thing i liked about this show is it was alot more realistic then alot of shows out there, and in reality, grissom would probably be in a lot of **** right now if the wrong people found out. but overall i think this ep was good....except for what i just pointed out. brass and doc robbins, man, that was great.
I like the character of Sara...a lot.

I like the character of Grissom...a lot.

I want the two to be happy, just maybe not with each other! They seem so painfully awkward around each other!!

But mainly I just want my crime drama show to get back to the science and crime scenes and showing more of the whole team!
i agree with that too. i LOVE grissom and though, as im sure its known, im not a huge sara fan. in fact, i dont like her at all, but she's never really bugged me till the whole GSR thing. cause now they totally changed her for one and its *sigh* i dont konw. i dont think this is the place to discuss ships so this'll be the last thing i say about it for this ep. i wish csi would go back to the basics. now we know about the characters now move back to the science!
You're right - all that preferential treatment he's been giving her in front of the others, the way he shoves everyone else to the side when Sara demands the best case...

Oh, wait.


I mean, come on. Other than the relationship itself, you see no indication of it when they're around the others, and it hardly looks as though she's using some kind of "clout" with him that he needs to smack down.

If anything, Sara did that stuff when they weren't together.

Your right Grissom does need to act like Sara's supervisor. :D Because he's not acting like a supervisor this season. OH yeah the others aren't seeing it because they are doing this BEHIND their backs. THe more this couple is portrayed...the more my vote goes against them. They aren't professional. That's my take on them anyhow. I don't care for the way this couple is displayed. There is a time and a place for a relationship...and sorry it's not at work. Go ahead and say Sara isn't getting preferential treatment...please I bet the other CSIs will feel a bit different. In the previous season Ecklie already thought Sara received this sort of treatment from Grissom.

I'm glad to see that wait...oh it looks like I'm not the only one that feels this way.

All I can say is I'm ready for the finale. I'm ready for this couple to be outed. I'm ready to see a different image of the GSR relationship...one outside of the work force. Oh wait...that probably won't change anyhow. :rolleyes:
great episode and great gsr scenes,

- lovely gsr scenes.
-brass scene with the girl funny
-44 minuts really cutes

i love rambo :p
i do not understand the wrath of somepeople about the episode or the season because is major gsr ,the season 3 only 4 episodio gsr, and all the remains gc or when is heather is complety and centric heather-glh ....is amazing that some people only judge and hate because is sara the couple of grissom...great actors greats scenes ,no more words for me.
I just thought I would point out, Sara never had to try to get Grissom to like her. He always did, he just never acted on it...till now. So to say that reciting poetry to get Grissom to like her is well, silly. They've been an official couple for about a year...maybe more, but we don't know for sure. Sara doesn't need to try to impress him. She always had.

I do agree, though, that Sara is different. I do like that she's happy. That's cool. I didn't initially like how she brought up the "paid sex" conversation either, but then I got to thinking about Lady Heather. Sara had very good reason to suspect Grissom and Lady H may have had a relationship, pure or superficial in nature. So, begrudgeingly, I'll accept her asking as canon based and not just some left field writer's tactic to get them to talk about sex.

Anyway, about Sara's change? I think what's made her seem different is that we almost always see her interacting with Grissom. At least in this epi, she had some decent screentime with Nick. Suddenly, she was like Sara of old! It was amazing! Again, I shout out to Lewis or Goldfinger.

Back to two cases per episode. Shuffle up the pairings on each case. Get back to the basics. Sara is my favorite character. Bring her back.
I do agree, though, that Sara is different. I do like that she's happy. That's cool. I didn't initially like how she brought up the "paid sex" conversation either, but then I got to thinking about Lady Heather. Sara had very good reason to suspect Grissom and Lady H may have had a relationship, pure or superficial in nature. So, begrudgeingly, I'll accept her asking as canon based and not just some left field writer's tactic to get them to talk about sex.

I thought about that too. Lady Heather popped in my mind. Then again I would have thought she would have known Grissom better than that. Sorry not a jab...just Grissom paying for sex is so unlike him. Though, at least she is comfortable enough to ask. :)
I loved this episode. I thought everyone was wonderful. I'm not a GSR fan at all, but I thought their scene together was very sweet.

All the actors were excellent. There was another sad but funny story from Hodges, Brass was fantastic (his little face fell everytime Dr Robbins broke the bad news to him), Nicky looked like he was having lots of fun and Peter Stormare (Binky) was hilarious.

I also liked the flashbacks and I thought the ones on this episode were really amusing and I just loved those southern accents.
I LOVED last nights eppy

Hodges cracked me up.

The GSR actually seemed natural.

And it had that dude from Grind! LoL, giant lizzard, lol.

I think the storyline was kinda corny, but it was funny, so it's all good.

Oh! And Nicky's hair is growing back!! All hail the not-baldness of Nicky!!
I enjoyed last nights ep especially after the news we received yesterday. It had its funny moments. I liked the little flirtation between G/S. It came natural to them. Hodges was well........Hodges as usual. LOL he was funny.
My problem with the ep...and I loved the episode minus the paying for sex scene...Anyway, my problem was that Nick seemed to cut the old man (Whoohoo for getting James Whitmore) off with the poem. He even seemed a bit condescending. That's so out of character for Nick. Remember he tears up talking to the widow of the serviceman in Toe Tags, not to mention his empathy during the whole series. That was just off. Then Sarah, who has had issues working with victims, is all of a sudden Miss Empathy, USA. What?

As far as the whole paying for sex conversation, remember in the episode about large women, Greg asks Grissom what gets him going, and he replies, "Someone who doesn't judge me." What happened to that Grissom?

On the whole I laughed during most of the episode, but a few minutes made me stop and question the writer's craft.
One thing I liked about "Hodges'" discussion with Greg was, he began out saying that "SOMEONE who.. blah blah" then by the end he was saying "I was shy of my 18th birthday" :lol: