Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Dutchie said:
what makes you think you can have her?!@?! :D

Wait a sec, I'll ask her. *turns to Emily*

CDC: Honey, what makes me think I can have you?
Emily *shrugs*: Dunno... Maybe the fact I'm here and I have a label on my wrist that says "Property of [/b]CDC[/b]".
CDC: Good point. *gently pats Emily's head* (you guys should see how lovely her puppy face is! :lol:)
hahahaha :lol: okay someone call a shrink. CDC has gone completely mad...if she wasn't already. :p Okay post a pic of that face...ha, you can't! :rolleyes: *feels good* If you call a shrink for her, let him/her come see me too...I think I'm nuts too... ;)
hey guys i've been away with my class for three days and just came back ... and i realised that i'm absolutely addicted to csi miami and emily procter ... i missed my pics i missed posting in the forum i missed reading fanfiction and watching csi miami ...

all my friends think i'm crazy ... but i don't mind :D

by the way nice pics at all i love them !!!
IHNC, we're great, I know. :D Hope you pass that exam CDC, don't think about Emily while making it, 'cause then you'll fail :p Thanks for the pics!

Sienna, welcome to my life!

And damn, CDC really found a picture of that face... :eek:
Hiya all, a stupid question is coming:

I'm a big Friends fan, I have each episode on DVD and I was watching one from season 2 when Joey works for a parfume company and he meets a girl in the building.
First I said OMG, it's impossible, but IMO that's Emily! Does anyone know more about it? I can make some screen caps of it.
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