Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Lucy said:
Hi CalleighFan and welcome to the Miami Forum. :D

Just a request not to double post (or triple post). Instead, please use the 'Edit' function if you want to add something to an existing post. Thanks. :)
oh ok :D
Princess of Cuteness

Yesterday my three-year-old niece came to my house and she found me watching CSI Miami (oh, how weird and unusual!). After a couple of seconds she pointed at the sreen and she said "Princess!"
CDC: What?
Gaia(puts her finger on Calleigh's face): She's a princess.
CDC(laughs): Yes, kind of.
Gaia: She doesn't have a crown, but she has yellow air.
CDC(laughs): It's blond hair, Gaia.
Gaia: How beautiful!
CDC(still laughing): Yes, she is.

Smart little kid! :lol:
Cute story, CalleighDuCaine...kids always tell the truth! :D
Just wanted to thank you all for the gorgeous pictures and Dutchie and you for the funny "conversation" :lol: - are you all right again?? ;)
@CalleighFan: welcome to this lovely Emily/Calleigh-Thread and us other E/C-Addicts ;)!
CDC you're niece is right. Smart kid. :D Cinegirl, yeah, she's alright, I saved her life with that pic. Though the mods weren't so happy with me, I hotlinked. :lol: Sorry again!
To make sure I was alive enough I watched Big Momma's House 2... And all I got was that the room got completely soaked up because of my uncontrollable drooling! :lol: But thanks to Dutchie I was out of danger! *smooches Dutchie* :D

Btw, a little cute (hot) pic...Emily
*smooches back though I have no idea what it is*

Yeah, nice pic! What is she doing, brushing her teeth? Ah well, I'm off to watch CSI:Miami. And Calleigh! :D
...and she's wearing her tiara! Awwww so cute! Love that pic ;)

*throws in a pic as well*:

I want her hair too, you can have her...without the hair...hmm...why do I have the feeling that would look weird? :confused: CDC, you are one of a kind :lol:
No way, Dutchie! How could you just think of that??? Emily is not Emily without TEH hair! Besides, how can I lay with her on the sofa romantically brushing her hair if she's got no hair??? No way, hun, no way. She's mine, and her hair comes with her. :cool:

Edit: You see? Emily's hair is pure hotness!
Not fair! *pouts* :( Okay, she can have her hair. But I wanna borrow some day...BTW: what makes you think you can have her?!@?! :D
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