Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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I love the pic. BTW, I don't know if there's a;ready been one but if not can we call the next thread 'Emily, don't lick the evidence!'

Oh and can someone tell me how i can post pictures please (I'm new) Many thanks and major Em/Cal love
Hi Ali, welcome to the Emily thread :)

To answer your questions:
You can't post pictures on this board until you've reached 100 posts - before that you can post them just as links.
Our lovely mods created a thread with rules and guidelines here. Check it out, it's really helpful :)

As to thread names: we usually think of new titles when the old thread comes to an end - and most of the time we have a small poll. So feel free to tell us your desired title again at the end of this thread. :)
Hey, everybody! This thread needs more action! (look at Ryans thread :eek: ) so c'mon, let's pimp it up :D !
Here's a screenshot from the "Ellen DeGeneres Show" - enjoy:

(yeah: about 4weeks ago I didn't even know how to get pictures uploaded and now...*proud of myself again* ;) )
*jumps heroically into thread*

...enough action? :p

Oh Ellen.... always have to laugh at Em's "sweet tea making kit" :lol:
Teeheeeeee so funny!

*jumps back out*
Right, Leela!
But we need some more heroes who hold up this "Emily-Thread" ;)
So, what do you guys think will be there for Calleigh next season, hm?
Definately s.th. with her (or is it "hers" ? please improve!) father - and perhaps a new boyfriend?? :)
I think I'll come back tomorrow, my computer is bracking together, I guess... :eek:
haha, I loved that. I love how she just like pulled it out of her purse. She's so funny.

I don't know what there will be for calleigh next season. If there is anything, I mean Horatio might get 6 new storylines next season *rolls eyes* But i'll try to remain positive.
At this point I'll take anything involving Calleigh. As long as this season doesn't only cover H/Eric getting revenge on the mal noche I'll be happy.
Thats totally my point, too, Megan.
I am satisfied as long as Horatio isn't always the hero who solves everything and always turns out to be the "action man"...that sucks (nothing against Horatio, but a bit less Horatio next season might be good for the show...) :p
Ok, this is my plan for S5: we kidnap Donahue and replace her with a robot (at least it will be able to think). Robo-Dunahue will do exactly what we want her to do, so we'll have our perfect season without crappy soapy storylines, horrible revenges and massive character deaths, and of course, plenty of (sunny, happy, funny) Calleigh!

Edit: cinegirl, I love your sig! :D
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