Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Woooow, there happend a lot around here!!!!!! Great pics thank you all for them i m so happy that i check the forum just for one time now, i still have to waith for the web but i was so curious what was going on here, youre all great i made my days better for a while,THANKS so much...
huggie Nathalie :D
A lil. cap of Calleigh. in season1 ep: Evidence of things unseen.
I loved her in that eppi..
Well not just only that one ;)

Nathalie, hows your new house?
U like it there??
sienna 1st: Have to agree! Sometimes I miss this style - but Calleigh looks great in every style, though... :D
2nd: Welcome to the board, sienna! Great to have one more Calleigh-addict here! ;)

Nathalie_Emily : nice from you to have a short stop here! Move on faster and come back for constant soon!
Dutchie said:
And it's not even my birthday.

"Nasal mucus and it isn't even my birthday." Sorry that popped into my head when you said that. lol.

Thanks for posting the article, Leela. I still love her in that blue coat thinger. And thanks for that other pic. She's so adorable.
thats soo right ... it doesn't matter what she wears she always looks great ... might be a reason to get jealous :p ... but I like her too much for beeing jealous :) ... and YES I'M 100% ADDICTED :D :D :D
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