Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I missed the opening of the new thread? *hides in shame* I love the pics though. I like her hair curled. Then again, I always like her hair, 'cause it always sits perfectly.
Congratulations on the new fantastic thread!!Thanks for the pictures!!She looks really cute with waby hair..And some of them ,that I haven't seen before,are really nice..! :D :D
whoa i'm very late i know but : congratulations on the new thread everyone !!
wow all the pics are so awesome thanks to everyone for posting them *faints because of emily hotness overload*
OMG look what I (or actually a friend of mine) found:


So cute! I love it! He also found the uncensored version of that pic you posted Mia :p He was rather surprised. :lol:
You can just say my name Nikki. And that was my pic :eek: I wanted to post that one :mad: But, alright, I have this one.
Isn't that cute?

Really, when I would play a scene with her (I don't think that will ever happen :lol:) then I WOULD jump her, and not wait till that stupid camera finally turns away :devil:

EDIT: Yeah, Nikki, what did you think? I was just browsing for cute Emily pics (yeah, just discovered her today :lol:) and suddenly I have those boobs on my screen :eek: Nothing against them though :lol: But it's still surprising.
Aww, cute! And the uncensored versionis lovely, isn't it? I would have posted it but I didn*t want trouble with the mods ;)
I'm sure the mods would like the pic too :devil: They just have to say it's not allowed, just because they're mods. But secretly they're drooling on their desks :lol:
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